Closed Someone To Help

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
The blonde was not sitting still on the first days on Hogwarts. She started to find her way to the stuff she had to go and the library was one of them. It was an important place to be, perhaps study and find books she needed other than the ones she had bought for lessons. But half of them for the first semester June had already went through to be prepared well. And every day until the lessons began she would read and make notes of important things. As June found her way to the library and set foot she actually was impressed. This was an room they couldn't have at home. Her parents has a lot of books, and she knew books more than toys but this was more books than she ever had seen. June smiled and walked further looking at the people around her, not scary to look at them and just giving an confident smile. When finding an empty place at an large table putting her bag beside her chair and went sitting. Taking one book of History of Magic on the table. And went further with putting stuff on the table to study.
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Fraser wasn't sure what had happened. One minute he had been looking for the Hufflepuff common room to try to find Zerrin and the next he was stumbling his way through a library. He wasn't the type for the library. Reading was something he did occasionally, mostly sports books, books to do with quidditch, but that was it. He wasn't interested in learning from books, and books often bored him to tears. Or he'd struggle to focus long enough on a paragraph. But he had found himself in a library, and trying to find his way out was proving to be as difficult.

Largely because every so often a book would look cool, and he'd go look at it. Before venturing in a different direction, or doing a bit of a loop. He had found his dad's old yearbook and was intending to show it to Zerrin for a laugh…he just needed to figure his way out. He walked past a girl, sitting at one of the tables. In his year, but not his house. ”Hey,” he greeted her as he passed, and then a couple of minutes went by of him walking, and he knew he'd looped around because he passed her again.
June put down her parchment and quill and noticed some people taking some books or finding an place to study themselves. Mostly where older or at least taller it seemed. The blonde would want to know her classmates ofcourse and that was the most important thing, but older students could be usefull ofcourse too and she could learn some of them since they already knew more about professors and how this place worked. Who to ignore, who not that kind of stuff. As she looked up when someone seemed to be greeting her she watched an boy who seemed to be around her age and she had saw him before at the sorting. June was good with faces, less with names mostly. Nicknames were more easy to remember in her head. '' Hi.'' She said and put on an smile. Since it would be good to befriend her classmates. He only greeted and than walked further so she opened her book and started reading. The blonde put down some notes as she thought that seemed important or good to remember. And as she put down her quill she than noticed the same boy again. Coming from the same way again and walked towards her again. June frowned, what was he doing? Did he just want her attention or something? Or was he trying to be funny? June than straightend her face again and looked at him turning an bit around since he walked past her again. '' What are you doing?'' June than asked him with an questionable face.
Fraser stopped as the girl who he'd greet on his first occasion he'd come this way. He had no idea how he'd managed to circle back. "I was trying to leave, but...all the aisles look the same," he explained to her with a little smile. "Do you know the way out?" he said to her with a little shrug. He knew he'd get out eventually but hopefully this girl would help him find the exit.
June had to hold in an eyeroll as she heard the boy explaining what he did. But that was not gonna do her any good right now. Instead she smiled and figured she could play the friendly girl who was helpfull and all. In her mind that was too disgusting and like an Hufflepuff but this was an classmate and she needed people at her side, not against her. '' Were you lost of ending here in the first place? Or did you actually needed to be in the library?'' The blonde asked him. The castle was so big and June had tried to study and find the way to things, but even she got lost sometimes. Although she didn't mind, she wanted to see it all. '' I'm sure I know the way out of here.'' June said confidently with an smile. '' But perhaps now you are here. You can help me with something? '' June than figured this was an good test to see if she could let people do what she wanted, and watched him with her big eyes like she always did to her father when she wanted something. And put on her sweetest smile. If someone would fall for it she knew they were sensitive for it if not it wasn't so easy and she had to build up an connection.
Fraser nodded lightly at the question. ”I was looking for Hufflepuff, and then must've taken a wrong turn, then I got distracted by old yearbooks,” he held up the old yearbook he was carrying and then shrugged. ”I went too deep,” he joked and glanced back at the girl, especially glad when she said she knew the way out of here. But she needed something first. Fraser placed down the yearbook he had grabbed and gave her a wide smile. ”What do you need?” he knew that if she needed something, and then she'd help him out of the library, he would do it. ”I'm Fraser, by the way,” he said with a wide smile, holding his hand out to the girl. ”Fraser Fergusson at your service,” he added jokingly.
As June listened him explaining she wondered why he wanted to go to Hufflepuff. Who would? Lauren had and that was stupid. '' Why where you looking for Hufflepuff? Your in Gryffindor right?'' She than asked, letting him know she had noticed him, trying to make him feel special. And smiled as he said yearbooks. '' Did you tried to find your family?'' June said while leaving her own History of Magic book for an moment and figured that wasn't even an bad idea. She was curious at her sisters, and what there was to be said about Lauren. She figured a lot of disapointment. The boy seemed to not turn down her request and that made June smile again. It was just an thing she liked to try out, but now she could find something he could help with. '' Well could you help me find some books I need?'' June asked him looking at him with her big eyes. He seemed like an person that was nice and all and it would be good that he knew her. '' I could use an strong person to carry them to me.'' June said at her sweetest smiling at him. As he introduced himself she tried to remember the name to the face. The last thing he added was just what she needed. To have him at her service. '' Well Fraser to June's service. Could you please get me ''A Beginners guide to Transfiguration, Magical Drafts and Potions and The Standard Book Of Spells?'' The blonde than said as she tried to go along with the joke and all and smiled at him. The funny part for her was that she didn't even need the books, but it was fun to play people. And see how they behaved. Although it wasn't bad to study some more now.
Fraser smiled at the girl, and nodded excitedly. ”I'm in Gryffindor, but my brother's in Hufflepuff,” he said. ”I'm gonna show him our dad,” he motioned to the yearbook that he had in his hand. ”He looked stupid,” Fraser told her with a little laugh. He was a little sad to not have been in Hufflepuff where his dad had been, but Fraser was also pretty excited to now be a Gryffindor. ”You're a Slytherin, right?” Fraser said. ”My aunt and my uncle were both Slytherin's,” he realized as he listed family, that maybe he shouldn't actually do that.

The girl needed help with books, and he nodded eagerly, ”I'm definitely strong,” Fraser told her proudly, though he didn't actually know if he was strong, but he could carry a couple of books for her. She listed off a couple of books, and he repeated the first one back to her, and then stumbled over the second. ”Can you write them down, so I can remember better,” He didn't want to have to keep coming back, he would go and get them all and come back. Provided he didn't get lost.
The blonde listened as the boy explained. He had an Hufflepuff brother, well at least they had one thing in common. But it was her sister, although he seemed to be bit more excited about it. June wondred from an minute if she would tell to make an connection. But figured she wanted to keep that to herself, and Lauren didn't even felt like her sister. June only smiled at his reaction about showing their dad. But she was kind of curious if her parents were in the yearbooks. '' Good idea. I'm gonna find mine too.'' The blonde said smiling. She nodded at his question, ofcourse proudly of being an Slytherin. '' Did you had an specific house you liked to be in?'' June asked him in return, wondering if Gryffindor was really what he wanted. It was something that she had asked Eloise too, because she figured it said a lot about people.

As the boy seemed to exactly react how she wanted it made her grin. Giving compliments or trying to be positive was so effective. It would be even more fun to see how many books he could carry, make it an challenge. Although she figured the libririan didn't felt that was an good idea. As she watched him and he was going to find them she grinned as he wanted to let her write it down. '' Sure.'' So she did what he asked and writed the three books down. '' You can do it.'' She added to it with an smile, and played with an pluck hair after handing it over to the boy.
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Fraser shook his head, ”No, I just want to play quidditch, that's all.” the boy said with a little smile. ”But according to my brother, I'm the first Gryffindor in like many generations." He glanced as she wrote down the books he needed to find and then read it back over. ”Do you want me to find a year book for you, so you can find your family too?” he asked, since she had mentioned wanting that but hadn't put it down. ”I'll get these first, and then I'll be back,” Fraser set off before she could drag him back.

It was a bit of a struggle, but he asked a few people where the books were and was eventually able to spot them and made his way back to where he had left June. In all of his searching for the books. Fraser had actually spotted the exit, but he was now helping a new friend and could find his brother later. It was important to make friends. [/B]
As June was still sitting at the same spot. And direct from that place what was needed she watched Fraser. He was such an quidditch boy, she had to hold in an eyeroll. June didn't understood the hype about the sport, she didn't hated it, but she didn't loved it either. And it would be an waste of time. But she did knew it was popular with people, so she had to decide if it was gonna be something for her to help her further in her career here on Hogwarts, but was not her first choice. Although if she would decide to play, she would be an beater for sure it would be amazing to hit people with an bludger. '' That is interesting.'' She than replied at him being the first Gryffindor in many generations. And as he offered something next to getting the books she asked she smiled brightly. He was offering stuff to her and she already enjoyed this. '' Oh. Yeah sure. That's very nice of you.'' June than said and gave him an big smile. She could use this boy. He was an good pet. The thought of it made her grin. '' Your the best!'' She than said an bit louder as he went on to search for her. It took some time and so June was focussing on the book in front of her again and wrote some stuff down. But as Fraser came back with the books she watched him again and smiled as he got the books. '' Did you find all?'' She asked him to make sure.
Fraser had gathered the books that she needed and eagerly nodded as she asked if he'd found it all. ”I did,” he told her excitedly. Since he had managed it. He held them out for her and then just placed them down in front of her. ”I had a bit of trouble finding one of them, but I asked about and someone else helped me.” he told her, not needing to tell her what he had done, but just talking. ”I also did manage to find the exit in looking for them, but obviously I had a job to do,” Fraser added with a smile. ”Do you need anything else June?” he asked her. He was looking to get on, but if she required something else he would absolutely help out some more.
As the boy made sure he found it all she put on her big smile. It was very amusing. He even seemed to like it. June would never do the same for another. '' That's good.'' June said as he seemed to have asked others. It did take some while, but she could work on with the rest. As he mentioned he found the exit she looked suprised. He had found what he wanted and he still wanted to help her. June figured this was the ultimate test and he passed. '' Thanks for helping me.'' June added since she needed to keep it positive and award him for his work for her. And as he asked if she needed more June grinned again. '' Well you are here now..'' June started. It was good to get to know this boy and made sure he liked her. '' I would like to find my parents in the yearbook as you suggested.'' And the blonde figured it was smart to shown interest in him too. '' Perhaps you can show your parents too Fraser?'' June said as she put one book away to make an gesture to sit next to her. ''If that photo is so funny, I'm curious.'' She than added. Just an tiny bit so she could get to know him and all and than he had to leave so she could study.
Fraser gave her a warm smile and shrugged lightly. ”No problem,” he assured her. Since it really hadn’t been a bother for him to do. He gave her a little nod, ”Sure, do you know what years your parents were at the school?” he said. He had found his dad but hadn’t spotted his biological mother, though he didn’t really mind, he didn’t need to find her. Fraser took the seat next to her and then found the picture from his dad’s final year - his sixth - and the quidditch picture. It was funny to Fraser and he was sure Zerrin would find it funny too. Fraser was the near spitting image of his dad. But he pointed his out and turned the book towards her. ”This is him,” he said. ”He’s a professional quidditch player now. He looks ridiculous in this, but maybe you won’t find it funny because you don’t know him.”
June watched him and closed her History of Magic book. She thought as he asked about the year. She shook her head. '' I can't really tell.'' June than had sort of an idea but it was a while ago. '' How old is your father? Perhaps they are in this one as well?'' June than suggested, since that would made sure they were close. '' So is your mother also in it?'' June than asked. He just heard him saying his dad. Perhaps his mother went to another school? The boy came sitting next to her and June than smiled. As he pointed out his dad she looked. She could see that they were family. But she figured there was to be said the same thing with her an her dad. Her mother an bit. June had her fathers eyes for sure. She tried to hold back in an eye roll as he said professional quidditch player. Another fan of this sport than it seemed. June did grinned as she noticed the photo. Although it wasn't so funny, but he didn't had to know.
Fraser shrugged a little. ”Old?” he replied. He didn't know how old the man was. He knew that in this yearbook he had his dad was in sixth year, but he didn't know how old that made him. ”he was in sixth year,” he said as an answer, she seemed smarter than him, probably able to figure it all out from that. At the question he frowned a little, he was sure his biological mother would probably be in here. From what his dad had said about her, which wasn't much, she'd been at Hogwarts too. ”My biological mother is in here, but my mum isn't,” he said with a little shrug. He turned the page, and he recognized the name of a fifth year. ”This is my biological mother,” he said. Fraser didn't feel anything about seeing her, she wasn't his mother, Abby was the closest thing he had, and he loved her almost as much as he loved his dad.
June really had to hold her mouth shut for it not to fall open. Was this boy so dumb? For real? Were they really the same age? She knew how old her father was, because she cared. And because she was smart ofcourse. June knew that herself.
'' Hmm. I have to look.'' June than said not really have anything about his help. But didn't let him know that. June watched his face expression change as she asked him about his mother, and June now knew she touched something and his explanation made sense than. '' I'm sorry. If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine.'' June than said as she knew that was the right thing to say. She watched as he pointed out his biological mom. '' I have another father too.'' June than said, trying to get sympathy now. June could use this, but it was harder to say these words than she thought it would. But her father would be proud of her, he thought her everything. And tried to search for her real and only father she would ever have in this yearbook.
Fraser nodded, he passed the yearbook across to her so that she could check and look for her family within it. ”It's okay, I don't know her, didn't know her,” he replied, and he did seem unbothered by it. ”Plus I have my mum, Abby, she's amazing. I'm not officially adopted by her, but she looks after me,” he told June with a warm tone. He was very fond of Abby. She was the best mother he could've hoped for. ”You do?” he asked with a smile. ”What's he like?” Fraser asked.
June took the yearbook from Fraser smiling shortly. She than put on her kind face to try and care for him. It was interesting thought this information about Fraser. June would collect all info she could, you never knew when it would come in handy. '' Would you like to meet her one day? Or have any idea where she is?'' June than asked, it could be that the woman was death ofcourse but she didn't know. He spoke of his mom and the word adopted was disgusting to June. Landon Carter that Hufflepuff professor adopted Lauren and her sister Camille. But she kept an straight face. '' That's nice. What's Abby like?'' June tried to get closer and the talk they suddenly had seemed deep. And than he returned the question. June would play an very good part now. '' I do.'' June said with an smile and than looked at some students walking past and than back at Fraser.
'' He's nice. And very good with spells.'' June than said, grinning of the thoughts she ment an future charms teacher ofcourse.
Fraser shrugged a little. ”I don't know…she abandoned me and I don't think even my dad knows what happened… I don't think I'd want to see her,” he didn't remember much from before he was with his dad, and he didn't think his dad knew much or if he did, he didn't say. He didn't think his dad was lying to him, it felt like too silly a thing to lie about. ”Abby's great, she listens to me, tucks me in, takes me on walks, cooks the best found, and she gives the best hugs, and she makes my dad really happy. I got a brother from it too,” he was very fond of his adoptive family, of being Zerrin's brother, on Abby being his mum, on having a little sister soon two little sisters.

Fraser thought it was cool that her other dad was nice and good with spells. ”That's cool,” he knew others might ask why she had ended up in the care of someone else, but he knew why someone might, he didn't need to ask it at all. ”Do you miss him? Since you're at school now?” Fraser asking, knowing how badly he missed his mum.
As June watched Fraser she learned something about him. The story sounded really strange to her but it was information about him after all. '' I'm sorry. That must be hard. Perhaps better that way than?'' June figured he had made up his mind and tried to be nice. It was so easy to fool people. She was getting good at it. The best role she had to play was when she would see Professor Carter. ''She sounds nice. Is your brother going to Hogwarts as well?'' The blonde asked him. Camille would join also when she would turn eleven she knew, or she had to make another choice but she figured since her new dad was her also she would come to this school. June didnt know how she felt about that, she was not gonna welcome Camille with open arms. As June moved some pages she didn't noticed her dad yet, if she would notice. She grinned as he said it was cool. And his next question sounded hilarious since he was here. But it made her think of her one true father, who she did miss. But she had to stay to this subject. '' He's actually really close.'' She than said mysterious and grinned.
Fraser shrugged a little. He thought it was much better this way. He had Abby and Zerrin, and now a little sister too, with another on the way. Fraser had much more of a family than he had had before. "Zerrin's already at school. He's a second year Hufflepuff," he replied with a grin. excited to tell her about his brother. He was surprised that she didn't miss her dad, and that he was really close and he leaned in. "Does he teach here? Or is he a librarian?" he asked curiously, that could be one of the few explanations as to why she would say he was really close and to not say that she missed him.
It seemed that Fraser had an sibling around and an hufflepuff of all. That's why he wanted to go there perhaps. She could tell him that Gryffindor was way better, but that was not nice and smart. '' Oh that's nice. How is he like?'' June asked him. Wondering if every Hufflepuff was the same. It was fun to see him guess and June figured it pleased her knowing more than others, leaving them in the dark. She grinned as he asked if he was an librarian. That was very close right now, but not that close. '' He teaches here.'' June than replied. Not wanting to spill all the details yet. Not that Fraser would know him, since he only teached the oldest ones. Her father would be proud of her using this advantage, she had to remember that. She would never betray her real dad.
Fraser smiled at the girl, thinking of his brother fondly. "He's the best!" Fraser said excitedly. "He's such a good brother," Fraser told her excitedly. He loved having Zerrin in his life a lot. Having a brother in his life was good, he preferred having a brother than not. "Oh! He's a professor," fraser said excitedly. "Which one is he?" he asked. He didn't know the professors all that well, so he had no idea who June's father might be.​
It seemed like Fraser was completly fan of his brother as he seemed so excited. June didn't had the same. And could not agree on it. Her sisters had all betrayed her and her parents and were stupid. June put on an smile back to the boy. It wasn't much info that he gave, it was useless. But whatever. She was glad he didn't asked if she had siblings. If people were not asking June was not telling unless she could use it for something. She nodded and smiled. '' He teaches the older students. So I guess you don't know him.'' June than replied. And than figured the game was over. '' He's Professor Haden and he teaches Charms.'' The blonde than replied. She knew people could call him Misha and she did, but it was suiting.

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