Somehow I know she'll kill me

Larissa held tight to her wand so it didn't fly from her hand.
"What are you then?!" She said annoyed, her brain began scanning for anything, she almost thought she knew.
His head turned towards her and he jumped back off, striding fast towards her. "I.." he said, freezing. Bringing his hand to cup her cheek for a moment and he looked into her eyes. "am dangerous to you. To everyone." he concluded before his hand slipped away back into his pockets and he sighed, strolling down the corridor, his long legs moving him quickly.
Larissa stood there for a moment before she burst out laughing.
"You," She said loudly, "Dangerous?!" She couldn't stop the laughter, it felt so good after being so sad.
"You're not part-giant or something, are you?" Concern breathed into her voice for a moment.
Robert shook his head. "Worse". He watched her laugh and he shrugged, "so much for someone who "doesn't care" about me" he quoted still hurt.
Larissa ignored this.
"Oh, you're not a werewolf, are you?" She half laughed but silenced herself, waiting for his answer.

((Btw, you can't be a vampire, If you've read HNZ forum rules thing, it says there are no vampires.. If it's anything else, I hope you got it approved.))
Robert stopped and turned round. "It's not funny." he said. Maybe his seriousness would tell her.

(i know i have, and yes its being approved as we speak)
"You're.." Larissa mouthed silently for a moment. "You're a werewolf?"
Hr ignored her expression and become emotionless once again. "Yes. I may have only just found out im a wizard but ive known for some time about my werewolf heritage." he said before speaking rather loudly. "So don't you dare, call me, a mudblood" he shouted, and left the corridor.

(libbys coming...shut up i know what your thinking)
((Hmm.. and no you don't))

"That's why you broke up with me?!" Larissa shouted after him, "You think I'd want to break up over that? You think I don't like a.. a bit of danger in my life? You think I just waltz around in safety nets?!" Larissa throat was sore but her heart hurt the most.
She loved Robert and she didn't care what he was, she just wanted to be with him.
She flopped back against the stone wall, knees tucked up to her chest, she began to sob.
Libby was about to change corridors went Robert almost crashed into her, fuming. In a void of warm air he past her quickly and she continued walking. She was in a particularly good mood today after meeting a new friend, and was pleased she'd talked to him.

She heard shouts of a girl and turned the corrdior to find Larissa crying. This was not normal. She approached her carfully, "Laris? It's me, Libby. What is it?" she asked. If Robert was in the opposite direction had they fought?

(and yes..yes i do) :p
((No, you don't :p I'll PM my thoughts))

Larissa looked up at Libby. Her face was soaking wet and several of her eyelashes had fallen out.
Larissa had cried properly before but she didn't know how awful she'd look.
"Oh.. It's just.. Some homework." Larissa lied quickly. Maybe it was obvious that she was lying as she noticed the expression on Libby's face.
(lol eyelashes :p)

Libby had never seen her cry properly before, and she was worried. "Laris please tell me" she pleaded, so what if they themselves had had arguments, it was obvious she needed someone to talk to.
"It's.." Larissa had to make a decision there and then. Who knew about Robert's 'problem'? Was it all a secret? Would he ever love her again?
"It's Erik Dover," Larissa said confidently, "He was here a minute ago and.. he.. er.. he pulled my hair and teased me for being a veela." Larissa finished with an accidental smile which she quickly tried to hide.
So what if Erik got in trouble? Larissa didn't love him..
Libby sighed and sat next to her. She knew instantly she was lying as she had just pasted Erik outside on the way in, besides why would Robert be heading away if his girlfriend was being teased. "Laris, tell me!" she repeted, this time with a little force.
Larissa stared at Liberty. She was dying to say but she couldn't say everything.
"Me and Robert broke up. That's all, happy now?" Larissa said the last bit sarcastically as she wiped her face.
She hadnt been expecting that. However she had an idea. "Why? Who said what to who too?" she inforced.

(oo its rhymns :p )

Larissa thought for a moment. Say you got angry and that's why he left..
Larissa took a deep breath, "Ok, here's what happened;
I spotted Robert in the corridor and I was really pleased to see him but he looked nervous as though I might bite his head off, or something.." A look from Libby made Larissa add "Hey, I wouldn't bite him!" She smiled slightly and continued her story.
"Then he said it wasn't working and I got upset and wingardium leviosa'd a chair over his head.. Alright, that was a lie - wish I had," She grinned, "Well, I was upset so I made him fly back into the wall and he got angry and we argued and I.. I called him mud-blood.." Larissa turned pink, "It's habit.. YOU try living with my gran!" She looked ferocious for a moment.
She'd force herself to stop saying mud-blood if she could have Robert back.
"Anyway, I made him angry and he stormed off and I was shouting at him to.. come back and fight."
Larissa took a deep breath and smiled at Libby.
"Well now that's off my chest-" She stood up and made to leave.
Libby listened carfully to her story, and shot up when she started to leave. "Where do you think you're going? This isn't over. Speak to Robert." she said confidently. Then her voice was softer, "We both know you want to. Besides if you'd been fighting the least you can is apologize. I got angry at Darren once, but it was all back on track again after a few minutes. You love Robert don't you, i can tell" she said, she may be small but she knew a few things. Talking of Darren made her heart drop again so quickly moved on. "You have to speak to him or it could be long-term damage. I'm not saying by the way it's your fault but just..communicate!" she said emphysising the last word and grinning.
Larissa sighed and turned briefly to say "If you see him can you please ask him to meet me at five in the Great Hall." Larissa turned back and walked off to prepare her 'statement'.

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