So Sorry

Margo Liddell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather
Hello all. I know I have been MIA for quite awhile, and not too long after joining the site, which I know looks pretty bad :( First of all, I want to say I am sincerely and deeply sorry to all the people I was RP-ing with and seemingly abandoned. Especially Payal, Kate, and the Gryffindor Quidditch team. I wish I had made it on here sooner to let you all know that I would be absent for awhile and why but I just didn't know what to say, and for that, I am again sorry. Below is an explanation, I put it in that drop box because I didn't know if it broke with any site rules or anything....
About two months ago my family and I were going through a bit of a rough time with family members getting sick and jobs being lost and a few other normal problems. I took a small break from RP-ing to try and sort things out. It was during that time that we found out my four year old little sister had been molested by a teenage boy my family has been very close to since before he was even born. I myself viewed this boy as practically family, and the boys parents and mine have been the best of friends for over 30 years. It came as a total shock to everyone. It would never have been an easy situation, but the closeness of our families has made everything worse. My family, my sister and I have all been struggling to come to terms with what happened. Especially my poor sister. I have been gone not only because I have been helping take my sister to doctors appointments and therapy, but because what happened upset me greatly and I just did not feel I could write in that time. I was too angry and upset. Things are slowly returning to normal.
I finally feel a bit like my old self, and would love to return to writing and to this site. I have missed it dearly during my time away even though I had only just begun to really become a part of the HNZ family. Every one of you add something special and I have missed you though I don't know you well yet. I sincerely hope that I can come back and pick up where I left off. Again I am sorry that this explanation comes so late.

Amy! :hug:
So glad to see you back - I must admit, I was a little worried. Had I scared you off? It's happened before. I couldn't be sure. :tut:

I'm terribly sorry to hear about everything that's been happening with your family, I can't even begin to imagine how difficult and horrible a situation that would be. :( I hope you're all able to heal as time moves on.
Welcome back Amy! :hug:

It's understandable, Real life things should always come first so I'm sure everyone won't mind. Terribly sorry to hear about the things happening in your family. That's just.....words can't even describe. I'm happy to hear that things are returning to normal, even if it's at a slow pace! If you'd ever like to talk or anything, my inbox is always open to you! Anyways, once again...awesome to see you around the board once more! ♥
I am sorry for the hard time you have been going through. :hug:

Welcome back!
I'm so glad that you made your way back to the site. You were missed! I was worried that Nick had scared you off. :p

I am incredibly sorry to hear about what you and your family have gone through and continue to go through. I hope that things continue to improve for everyone.

Welcome back. :hug:
Welcome back!

Hope everything you got through made you a stronger person. See you around. :)

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