so sorry everyone

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Corinne Kolpeck

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12 1/4" Bloodwood/ Cocobolo wood mix with hair of unicorn core
Hey all
this is just another flying visit, there's been a few of those over the past few days
story is we've had a big freeze and country has not been prepared for it

I have now no running water and heating has packed up as well for some damn reason <_<
The roads are much too treacherous to travel on my scooter (because I have not been able to find new 'second hand' car in my price range yet)
But after we (parishioners) discovered that one of our elderly parishioners was practically blue with the cold and hadn't eaten in nearly three days (now in hospital) we've been doing checks on all the elderly. Most have no running water either and have only been getting heat from an open fire. Some running out of wood and other sources they were burning. Others pretty low on food as well. It has just been a real emotional time knowing the century we live in and finding people abandoned and stranded as they have been.
I won't be on much if at all really today as have alot to do but will hopefully be back tomorrow
so sorry to everyone who has rp's with me


Oh goodness, Linda! Don't you worry about your RPs, you worry about taking care of yourself, you hear? I hope you and your community are okay and keeping as well as possible, given the situation. And I hope it starts to warm up soon! :)
Aww Lindaaa. :cry:

Give my best to everyone, and make sure they are all warm and toastie. ^_^

Also, it is likely your heating has stopped because you have no running water. :r

Also, don't you dare slip over and get injured! I won't be happy! :( .. Although, if you where to drop a certain bundle of papers . . . :shifty: =))

Be safe wifey! :hug:
Linda, how awful! :( I wish I could be there to help you guys. :hug:

My parents experienced really harsh winters and the pipes would freeze every year, no matter wrapping them, etc. When I moved out, they wouldn't tell anyone if they were low on food or needed anything. It was very aggravating knowing how much they'd done all their lives for others, only to be overlooked in their times of need.

Much love and warm wishes!!! :wub:
Oh my goodness Linda! :console:

I so wish I was closer to help out, but instead, you have my prayers that things will improve quickly! Stay safe yourself while you are out and about helping others. We know how you are when it comes to accidents. :shifty:

Love ya girlie!
Wow Linda! :hug: You are such an awesome person to be out doing that. DO NOT worry about being online. We'll miss you, but it's most important that you stay safe and do what you have to do. :hug: Seeya later sometime :D

Oh wow...that is so sad :( You are such a kind loving person to be out helping like that. Don't worry about being on here of course we'll miss you dearly, but what you're doing is far more important. Stay safe and my thoughts and prayers are with you and those you are serving.

you're all sweet guys but it really is a case here of if we didn't help them, they wouldn't have survived the next week.
Apparently it won't get any better till Thursday onwards.
schools have been closed, there's water shortage all round really and people are getting in supplies as if it's the end of the world.
We are just so not used to this type of cold in Ireland :glare:

might still be a bit slow on the postings but will try :hug:

Aww...keep yourself under the blankets and with hot chocolate, Lin ^_^ .
I hope everyone in your community is alright!!!


Hope things are showing signs of getting better down South Linda! We don't have it as bad up North but its still bad. It's funny how we all complain about not getting snow and when we do we want it gone again. But hope all gets better for you soon.

:hug: Pat

P.S. Have you run out of salt too? :erm: Because we haven't had any in weeks :tut: xD
Detrick Klein said:
P.S. Have you run out of salt too? :erm: Because we haven't had any in weeks :tut: xD
01: I sooooo had to think the wrong thing. Twice. xD

02: *shakes his salt shaker all over Ireland*

0:cry: Those road-side salt tubs are never any good. The st00f just gets all wet and icky through the year, and always need replacing when winter arrives.
Rukevra Vanderzuk said:
Detrick Klein said:
P.S. Have you run out of salt too? :erm: Because we haven't had any in weeks :tut: xD
01: I sooooo had to think the wrong thing. Twice. xD

02: *shakes his salt shaker all over Ireland*

0:cry: Those road-side salt tubs are never any good. The st00f just gets all wet and icky through the year, and always need replacing when winter arrives.
01: :tut: Trust you xD

02: It's snowing again :frantics: :p

0:cry: Yeah, I meant domestic salt :p But those would need refilling too :correct:
lol :hug: thanks again everyone
well crisis has been averted mainly as over night there was a massive thaw thanks to gale force winds and rain.
Already I've had two power cuts since 2:40am :(
and we've been issued flood warnings as well.

I really am expecting to be able to wear my shorts tomorrow lol
snow, rain, surely the heat wave is next ;)

anyhow thank you all for being patient with me

and yeah we seemed to have been running low on salt as well here but a huge shipment came in to the harbor yesterday but I think that was more salt for gritting than anything. I get a huge stock of rock salt in at the start of every second month lol don't know why will send you up some ;)
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