so like anyone

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Ok so Robert and his daughter faith have just moved into town and Robert divorced and his daughter not taking it very well but when she at school she hides it. So anyone want to rp that have a son or daughter faith age which is 13. or have a single person out there for robert just let me know and i'll set up the rp.
Well i have Alexia Smith who is 14 or 13, cant remember which anyway and she needs some friends so i could offer her to rp with Faith. Alexia is a bubbly girl who loves being with others. She is a very sociable girl and likes to make friends. Just an idea so we could rp and see how it goes
I have Rhianne Delle Clivey,5th year Gryffie..I noticed you got friends and stuff now so this proposal would be the first..

I could offer Rhi as Faith's mentor..A guardian of sorts..
awesome to both of you that would work so RObert is still alone and Faith doesn't know the truth bout her mother.
I have Elise Meredith..Although bit of young at 19 but mature in many ways..
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