Open So It Is A Sports Field!

Callie Cardoso

confused | keeper
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2" Swishy Chestnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
05/2048 (14)
Callie had been interested when she'd noticed the flyer on the bulletin board. She didn't know what quidditch was, but she was in a house with a winning team, so she had wandered down to the pitch, which she now knew to be the quidditch pitch to look at what these try-outs were. She sat in the stands and noted that the people on the pitch seemed a) tiny from here, but also b) they were on brooms. Quidditch was a sport played in the air. She looked up at the hoops again, and they suddenly made sense. They were hoops in the air. Callie was curious watching, trying to pick out all of the things that were happening.
Conan had decided he was going to show up to watch some of the quidditch try-outs. He was just a little curious, even if he had no intentions of trying out for the team himself. Especially after the chat with his so-called father over the holidays. It seemed a few other people had shown up to watch as well, Conan not saying anything as he quietly sat down, looking to the sky. Though, he did pause, glancing over at a younger girl who happened to be watching as well. "Are you here to watch anyone in particular?" Might as well make small talk.
Callie was watching keenly. She definitely didn't understand all of it, but it was interesting. She liked the look of those chasers and the keeper. Those were the positions she could figure out the best. Callie wasn't alone for long, she was joined by a boy and gave him a wide smile while shaking her head. "No, I just wanted to know what this...quidditch...thing was," she answered, pausing and stumbling a little over the word quidditch. She'd never said it out loud and was hoping she hadn't managed to miss pronounce it. "Are you?"
Damsel wanted to try out for the qudditch team and was devastated she had to wait until next year. Watching the tryouts was an alright compromise for the moment. She saw a couple of other students also doing the same thing and couldn't help but overhear that the girl didn't even know what quidditch was. "Greatest sport ever invented," Damsel piped up, scooting closer to the other two. As far as Damsel was concerned, it was the only sport. "Quadpot purists can go jump in a ditch," she muttered, mostly to herself.
He opened his mouth, but it appeared another girl managed to get in her own opinion before Conan could even respond. "I'm not, no," he responded to the last question the first girl had asked, shaking his head. And while he narrowed his eyes somewhat at the girl claiming it was the best sport ever, Conan didn't want to get into an argument about it. "It's really not that great," he did have to mutter though, turning his eyes to the students flying around above their heads.
Callie was a little surprised when a second person approached, claiming it to be the best sport ever invented which felt like a very grand and bold statement. Callie was sure it was interesting and maybe good, but the best ever. The hufflepuff was sure the girl said something else but didn't hear it, instead to boy spoke, in replying to the girl's statement. "What is it like?" she asked them both, given that she had no idea about any of it. That her knowledge of the sport boiled down to its name and the fact it was on brooms.
Damsel didn't exactly have an all-consuming passion for quidditch, but muggle sports were not something she'd ever been exposed to and therefore didn't have much to compare it to. She frowned at the boy who didn't appear all that fond of the sport, wondering what he was doing out here. She exhaled dramatically as the girl asked what quidditch was like. Damsel would not have considered herself an expert on the topic, but she was damned if she didn't try. "Okay, so. You have four balls. Quaffles go through the hoops and score points. Bludgers try to knock people off their brooms to stop you getting points - that's why some of the players have bats. And then the golden snitch, that's the tiny one, is really hard to catch but gets you a bunch of points." Damsel tried explaining as succinctly as possible, not wanting to barge in and overwhelm what she assumed was a muggleborn but also being too excited to keep her mouth shut.
Conan was quiet, letting the younger looking girl explain how the game worked, just nodding his head along as everything sounded about right to him. "Catching the snitch ends the game. It's worth 150 points, so catching it basically means you usually win." It did seem a little silly if you asked him, one position getting all the glory. It was supposed to be a team sport, after all. "It's pretty simple to understand, 3 chasers who try and score goals, 1 keeper to protect the hoops, 2 beaters to hit bludgers at other players, and one seeker to try and catch the snitch." It wasn't all too complicated to get your head around, so hoped the shared explanation between to the two of them was enough for the other girl to get.
Callie did her best to pay attention as the two people explained to her what the sport was like. She was leaning towards them, nodding along lightly, and was generally able to remember it. It wasn't too complicated a sport really, or didn't appear to be. She was sure she'd forget some of it before she tried to play it because Callie was determined to now have a go at playing it. "It sounds fun.." she said after the boy had finished. "What's the best position to play?" she asked them both, sure that they would likely have differing opinions on it.
The next question did get him to pause for just a moment, brow furrowed as he thought about the best way to answer. "Well, I guess it depends on what you like doing? I don't think there is a best position, just what you enjoy. Like, I like playing beater, but I've gotten some practice with chaser as well." Though that was only because he had agreed to help Fraser practice. But he supposed it had been fun, even if he had sucked just as hard as he thought he would at it.

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