So, is it you she needs? Come in and see :)

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Anika Saffron

OOC First Name
Hey there people,

Anika here is, soon to be, a Durmstrang student. She is jokey, flirty, and needs friends. The lovely brunette is really a neutral person in the fight between good and evil but she is leaning more to the evil side as it has less rules. She likes to have fun and coasts her way through school and life. Her parents are fairly rich so she really does whatever and has no plans for her future apart from having fun and living every dream.

Right then, enough about her, more about you. Are you sounding like a good friend or even a love interest? She's not interested in a real relationship at the moment, too restricting for her liking, but she is definitely happy with a couple of flings and what not.

So come on down and reply. Pretty please?
I have five unsorted students

Ryleigh Morris

She is a responsible young woman who takes pretty good care of her blind twin sister, Rainbow. She is good at making friends and it's easy for her to adapt to new surroundings. She is being adopted by a woman witch.

R esponsible
Y outhful
L ogical
E ncouraging
I nteresting (Trust Me)
G irly
H elpful

Rainbow Morris
Rainbow Morris is often rude and ungrateful for everything her sister does for her. She loves people who are like her and won't be friends with anyone else. Even though she is blind, Rainbow has EXCELLENT senses other than sight. She is being adopted like Ryleigh Morris.

Steven Forest
Steven is shy boy. He loves his family very much and will do the best for his family no matter what. He likes to do everything by himself and he knows that wherever he was, he prefer to do all by himself.

Dylan Forest
Dylan is a young girl who likes sports. She believes that a healthy body will bring longevity. She also set the pattern of food and not eating meat. So, she only ate fruits and vegetables. She comes from different parents. Her father is muggle and her mother is wizard.

Eva Forest
Eva Forest comes from a very wealthy family. She knows exactly everything about cooking, sewing, flower arranging, and home care. She is very mature and able to take care of all sorts of things. She is independent and brave. But, she got mad easily if someone interupted her statement.

Friend, best friend maybe .... ? Let me know

I have Meyke Liechandra too

Meyke is kindheartedness but she has a very large juvinile criminal record; ranging from petty theft to car theft. She's sadistic and loves to get revenge. Meyke is Slytherin first year right now and muggleborn. Bla ... bla blaaa .... Meyke has many personality. :p

The last ....
I have Alexandria Black
Introverted, haughty, self-reliant, kleptomaniac. You can describe her with all of its.
She ran away from home when she was little (She can't remember exactly when), and doesn't remember much, except that her dad used to hit her. Her blood status is unknown.
She is Slytherin first year too.

How ? Let me know if you want them as .... ? :lol:
Anika is actually 15.

Also, I need people for her family.

Francine Saffron-McDonald - Sister

Francine is twenty five years old. She is nice and smart and the good child in the family. She has one child, a son called Kaleb, Kaleb is six years old. It is up to you if she is still with the father or not and who the father is. Francine is interested in teaching or being a healer. She is close to Anika but is often dissaproving of her behaviour and definitely didn't approve of her previous boyfriend, Ryker Henrick. She lives in New Zealand in the family's main home for meeting up with her son. She isn't really that close to her parents, they were very dissapointed in her when she got pregnant young as they had thought she would go into something successful straight away.

Piper Saffron - Sister

Piper is nineteen years old. I don't really have a plan for her yet. You can decide what she is like. She really doesn't get along with Anika since she changed. Piper is now the parents favourite as they are dissapointed in Francine and ashamed of Anika's behaviour. That's really all I have on her.

If you wish you can change their names. The play by's are up to you. I'd like someone I haven't RP'd with before to take them and I would prefer someone who's posts are generally three or four lines at least. Also, if you think you could be other family there is a spot open for the family on her fathers side.
Okay ...

I got Lexi Rodriguez, for more information click her bio or character dev. below the siggy. I was suggesting for them to be friends.
Hey I got Zac Kuang, he's 16 (I think lol) and is very kind. he's not a violent type of person.

And Kyouhei Watanuki, he's violent and crazy haha. I kinda need a friend who could hang out with him. But he's not good around other people especially girls since he beat them one by one if they try to get on his way. If he lose his temper, he'll beat up people, even his siblings.
Lexi: I'm not sure if they would be friends to be honest. I think Lexi takes things to seriously and it would either bore Anika or she would spend half the time telling her to either loosen up or chill out.

Zac: He sounds nice. Is he daring or doesn't he do that sort of thing? I think they could be friends but the type of friends depends on how daring he is.

Kyouhei: I think that could be quite interesting. Her first instinct when hit is to smack them right back again which I guess wouldn't go down well. She isn't that strong but she knows her strong points. They could either and up as good friends or huge annoyances.
coz Zac doesnt want to hurt anyone that's why he's not violent but Kyouhei's diff. sure2... d'you wanna rp?
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