Closed So I Bought The Toy You Like

Emery grinned when Savannah joked back instead of getting mad at his boasting. She really was a good friend. Rāwhiti's words came back to him again and it frustrated him, his smile dropping. He tried to focus on the game again. "It isn't difficult, but I have a strategy." He said, though he knew he sounded a little distracted. His next play went wide, and he frowned.
Savannah watched him completely miss his shot after assuring her that he had a plan. Savannah looked at him. "You might want to enact that strategy if you want to actually win," she said as she lined up for her shot, if he was distracted by something that was absolutely no matter to her. She was trying figure out what the best shot would be and slightly over thought it and sent it much further than she intended.
Emery's distracting thoughts, his annoyance with Rāwhiti and his irritation Savannah's comment all cumulated into one thing. Emery blurted out what he had been thinking this entire time, and he didn't bother making it sound less rude than it was. "You don't have a crush on me, do you?" He asked her, aware that for her, this was totally out of left field. He didn't look at her, crouching down to take his next shot as he waited for her reaction.
Savannah glanced at him with a frown, and couldn't stop herself before she said. "Ew," she then blushed a little, realising what she had just said. "That's not about's, you're my friend. dating seems gross," she assured him, she hadn't even thought about him that way, just glad that she had a friend. She hadn't had a friend before and did not think of boys or girls in that way at all.
Emery couldn't help the sigh of relief that escaped him as Savannah reacted with disgust to his comment. He smiled. "Oh thank Merlin." He said, shoulders sagging in relief. "Sorry, my friend put this idea in my head-" He shrugged. "I don't have a crush on you either. We're friends." He wasn't sure if he thought dating seemed gross, but he knew he didn't want to date Savannah. He took his shot, glad they could focus on the game again. It knocked another of his gobstones into the circle.
Savannah was somewhat relieved too that he didn't think of her that way too. "Why'd he do that?" she asked with an incredulous expression, was it impossible for two people to hang out without it just being friends to this person. Why anyone their age was thinking about dating was wild. It was gross. She nodded in agreement and was able to focus on the game. She watched as he got another gobstone in and then took her turn, aiming far better this time, though lacking any power in her tossing to get any of Emery's stone out of the circle.
Emery shrugged at Savannah's question, not sure if he was making Rāwhiti look worse than he was and not really caring at that moment. "He just... thought so." He muttered with a shrug. "Like, he thought you liked me. I guess. Because you hang out with me." He glanced at her. He watched her throw. "That was a good one." He said, before his next throw knocked that exact gobstone out of the circle. He smiled sheepishly.
Savannah wasn't sure why someone would just think so. She rolled her eyes a little as after his compliment on her playing he managed to knock it out of the circle. "I think your friend sucks a little," she said with a shrug. "Boys and girls can be friends, people can hang out without wanting together," she made a face as she spoke as if she found the thought of being with someone lame and gross. But just focused her attention and attempted to knock his gobstone out of the circle, but missed.
Even though Emery completely agreed with Savannah's stance, he still felt the urge to defend Rāwhiti a little. He shrugged. "He doesn't suck, he's just kind of dumb." He said. "I told him it wasn't like that." He added with another slight shrug. Something about it did bother him, like maybe the implication that Rāwhiti only thought anyone besides him could put up with Emery if they had some other motive. "He knows that, I mean... he hangs out with me." He twisted a gobstone in his hand for a moment. "But I guess that's different." Savannah had said boys and girls, after all. "Anyway, he's just an idiot." He added quickly. This time, his own shot went wide too. It frustrated him.
Savannah definitely though Emery's friend was dumb, but it was clear that Emery liked him. She wasn't going to harper on about it any more. She didn't really have any other friends, or people who she could talk about. Savannah didn't have another friend, and she knew it wouldn't do good to annoy Emery enough that he stopped wanting to be her friend. she watched him take his shot, going too wide, "You've got to get your head in this game," she said, as she attempted another shot, though it went a little off centre. "Or you might just hand me the win,"
Emery was relieved with the change in conversation. He nodded, focusing himself on the game a bit more. "Yeah, let's stop talking about stupid things." He said, watching her attempt. "Though I don't think you'll beat me even if I play at my worst." He said with a teasing smile. Then he took his own shot, managing to knock one of her marbles out.

OOC: I'd be happy to wrap it up here

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