Old School Week Snitch Swarm

Flynn North-McGowan

amputee + duelling champ + ollivanders assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Ivy)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 1/2 Inch Flexible Fir Wand With Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2040 (20)
Flynn had decided to get in some extra practice, releasing a couple snitches on the pitch for him to catch. At least now he wouldn't have to worry about sitting around waiting more than he could actually practice chasing the snitch down. Kicking off he wasted no time in starting and flew after the first snitch he saw.
Lucas headed to the pitch to practice a bit, but noticed Flynn was already there. He was feeling pretty down about losing the Hufflepuff match, but he knew he had to practice to at least win the next one. He yelled up. "Hey, can I join?"
"Whatever," he just shouted back when he saw Lucas. He supposed this could be some kind of competition or something.
Lucas decided to take Flynn's comment as an invitation, even though it really wasn't. He took to the air and looked around. "How many snitches did you release?" He asked curiously.
"Four," that had all he had been able to get ahold of in the end, otherwise he might have ended up releasing every single one of them.
Lucas grinned as Flynn told him he had released four snitches. "Cool, race to see who can get one first?"
"Won't be much of a competition," he offered with a coky grin as his own way of accepting the challenge. There was no doubt in his mind that he would win.
Lucas laughed at Flynn's words, enjoying the challenge. He grinned to show he wasn't insulted, then zoomed off to search for the snitches.
With more than one snitch on the pitch, he hoped it would just be easy to catch one of them. However, they had seemed to disappear for now. But he was going to find one before Lucas, he wasn't worried about that at all.
Lucas glanced over at Flynn but then tried to focus on finding the snitch again, feeling some pressure to do better, especially after Hufflepuff had lost.
Even if there were multiple snitches on the loose, he was still struggling to spot one of them.
Lucas kept an eye on Flynn but also tried looking around for the snitch. He gasped as he spoted a glint of gold and chased it, but it disappeared before he could grab it.

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