Open Sneaky Insulting Club

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June Davenport

The best student and prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
June dressed in a light pink dress was not actually looking forward to see kissing people, that was so gross. She did liked this feast more than Halloween, but it was just entertaining to see people making fun of themselves. So June had spoken to Tempest to meet her in the Great Hall for their usual gossip evening, and watch people, how they looked and what they did. June wondered if Horror and Astraea would ever kiss, that picture inside her mind was something she didn't want to see when she thought about it. Taking an drink which had an pink colour, she waited for her roommate to join. Wondering what she would put on for tonight.
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Tempest wasn’t really feeling up to the dance, but she put on a long fuchsia dress and headed down to the hall to find June. It was decorated nicely, as usual. She saw her roommate at a table slid into a seat, sulking. “Your dress is cute.”
June saw Tempest arriving and observed what she wore as June did with most people who walked by. And gave an smile as Tempest complimented her. '' Thanks. Yours too.'' June than took an sip of her drink again. '' I don't get why anyone would want to kiss. It seems so.. wet.'' June than said as she noticed two older students making out. And she frowned for a second.
Tempest straightened herself up as June complimented her. She had definitely been struggling this year with following all the manners and behaviors her mother had instilled in her. Maybe it was because she was still angry with her mother, but she knew that it would start looking bad on the family if she was constantly putting a bad foot forward. So, as much as she wanted to, Tempest looked at June, giving her a slight smile, while her eyes still gave off an unpleasant air. "Thank you," she replied, drawing her attention to what June referred to next. It was odd to be forced to watch their classmates kiss like that, and Tempest was confused as to why her mother kept telling her that eventually, she wouldn't be so turned off by the idea. "I think anyone who does that should get detention or something. It seems like a hazard. We should make a sign to stick on the floor next to everyone we catch kissing that says "Slippery when wet,"" she added, snickering at the idea. She'd seen the signs in some of the restaurants and shops when she'd gone shopping with her mother, and they would definitely stand out at a dance.
June watched Tempest, she always seemed to like it when June gave an compliment. She better would, since June was not one to give someone a lot of compliments. Not real ones at least. But Tempest was not showing her true self, June and Tempest were both closed. And that was fine, and perhaps the not too much questions about eachothers life worked so well. She smirked at Tempest her reply, she liked the way the girl reacted to stuff. It made her smirk, the way she hated stuff.
'' Never gonna happen. Since I've heard there are some professors and staff also in a relationship. They are bad at hiding it.''
June watched around trying to see Misha with the nurse, but if they knew better they would not be so public. June was not used to love around her in touching ways, like kissing or hugging. She didn't actually saw her parents kiss a lot, so she wasn't used to it. Perhaps she even hated someone touching her.
Tempest had hoped that June would be very receptive to her idea, but she was quickly alarmed by the idea that professors were dating. That just seemed gross and like it would cause way too much drama. But Tempest wanted to be fully aware of the drama. "Wait, who is together? Like our professors?" While the Slytherin was nosey, she could be out of the loop on the goings on around her, which was something she desparately wanted to change. It almost made her want to join the paper with her brother so she could start a gossip column as a ruse to be in everyone's business. "That's just gross. Teachers are teachers. They don't date... right?"
June knew Tempest was always sensitive to gossip. It was perhaps something usefull later on, but there for it was too soon. And she wouldn't trust someone that quickly. June would never trust anyone else but her parents. She couldn't even trust her sisters, so why would anyone else to be trusted. It was more safer to keep things for yourself. '' For sure. I know one, but he is dating one of the nurses. But I'm sure there are more.'' June than replied with an grin. She grinned at Tempest her response. It seemed strange, but it was not unknown to June that older people dated. All did she want to puke by the idea of herself in that position. June was distracted for an moment by someones dress and than smiled. '' I don't want to think of dating. That's gross.'' June than replied, and sighted.
Tempest processed the news June provided her. She guessed it was okay, but it just seemed very odd. The professors were there to teach and take care of them, or so she assumed. "Hmm... I don't like that," she responded flatly. She saw a some classmates from their year slow dancing across the room. Tempest also didn't want to think of dating. There were much more important things, and she wasn't bothered if she never got married or dated anyone. That just meant less people could hurt her. "I think dating is for weak people. So, gross and weak... geak. Oh my gosh, geeks," she laughed, leaning back in her chair a little. She was pretty clever for that and hoped June thought so too.
June didn't knew how she felt if Tempest would ask who. It was no secret that Misha was her dad kinda. June hadn't told her anything of her situation. She didn't even told people her father was in Azkaban. Because it didn't even matter anymore since he was gonna be free quickly. June followed Tempest her look to the dancefloor. And quickly removed her eyes again. '' I couldn't agree more.'' June said while nodding approvingly. '' I don't even want to make time for that, there are more important things.'' And June than thought of the boys in their year. '' And boys are stupid. Especially in our year. They are all seem to be obsessed with Quidditch, so dumb.'' June continued. Wondering how Tempest felt about that and of the boys in their year.
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