Slytherin Pride


New Member
OOC First Name
The Elder Wand
I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things... I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind.
Hey there ^_^
My name is Donna- don't worry, I'm the same as you. I love to play in leaves, though for some reason, I didn't notice much of an autumn here this year!
A good place to get started is to have a read of our Site Documentation , it explains a lot there. Otherwise feel free to ask any questions if you have any! So welcome to HNZ and enjoy your time here! ^_^
Donna x :donna:
Hi Angela!

I also like playing with leaves when I'm bored. It takes my mind of things when I do these kind of stuff. It seems relaxing isn't it? So I think you would like to belong in the Slytherin house? I hope you could get sorted into Slytherin. I'm Slytherin myself.

~Arty xx
Hi there, Angela! :)
Welcome to HNZ. I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I hope you enjoy your stay on the board.
If you have any questions or concerns during your time here - feel free to send me a PM or post in our FAQ forum and somebody will be sure to help you. ^_^
Welcome to HNZ! :hug:
I'm Jessye, I know you will have an awesome time around here! I also hope you get your character sorted into Slytherin, of that's what you're hoping for! ♥

- Jessye

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