Sixth Years, Lesson Three

James wasn't a huge fan of the sixth year curriculum, they had so far just been learning about the various types of shielding charm and there seemed to be little end in sight. They would be learning yet another variation of the protego charm and he wondered if his students were as bored of it as he was. Once everyone had entered the class he raised his wand to have the classroom door close firmly behind them. He sighed as he got to his feet so he could announce how they would be spending the next hour of their lives. "Welcome back, in our last lesson we discussed Protego Horribilis and today you'll all be delighted to know we'll be learning about Protego Totalum, would anyone like to tell me what Protego Totalum is so we can get on with our day?" He paused to allow a student to answer the question. "Excellent, now pair up to practice duelling with Stupefy and Protego Totalum, you know the drill," The rest of the lesson went by pretty quickly, or slowly for the ones who weren't duelling fans. James patrolled the classroom stepping in to help when needed. When the lesson was over he flew open the classroom door and dismissed them.

RP the lesson. First poster answer the question for extra credit.
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Emmanuel was trying his best, but he realised there was something about himself he needed to figure out, because he’d come to realise his feelings of jealousy were not in a friend sense, but that he liked Kyon. Kyon had always been his closest friend, but he hadn’t realised that part of that had been that he’d been maybe a little attracted to him, though too blind to really see it. The teen was getting himself together with this lingering on his mind, just at the back of it as he got himself together for the day ahead. He was trying to not focus on it too much, but it was on his mind. The teen was getting the last few things and then headed out of the dorm room.

Emmanuel walked into the defence against the dark arts classroom and took his usual spot in the room, though he wasn’t seat for very long, the professor had them doing another spell and he nodded as he listened, making sure that he was taking in what the professor was saying about it. Making sure that he understood the spell, though it wasn’t too difficult to understand or do, it was a spell similar to one they’d covered just the week before. He paired up with someone else in the class and then set about practicing the spells back and forth. Making sure that he was getting the spell right, though he didn’t really struggle with it. It wasn’t the easiest spell, but it also wasn’t the most difficult spell to do. He practiced the spell until the professor wrapped up the lesson at which point he packed up and left the room.

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The last lesson had certainly helped Lennox work through some things, at least get some aggression out at how out of control she felt with her life. She was trying her best but taking bad grades last semester had definitely hurt her ego. She refused to allow that to happen again but some of her classes she was definitely struggling with, not the material, but focusing on it.

She was focused today at least, noticing that the classroom was once again set up for duels. This could be fun. Although they were still on nonverbal magic. Still shield charms, which were useful of course if not a bit boring. Lennox could at least stun her partner hopefully. She paired up with a girl who looked rather nervous. It would be perfect.

Lennox practiced the new charm over and over again, finding it coming rather naturally after awhile. She managed to stay standing most of the class, which could not be said for her partner thankfully. Even better. When the lesson was over, Lennox happily packed up her things and left the classroom.

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