Sixth Years, Lesson Six

Professor Haden was currently busy grading papers and students and preparing for exams. He was working hard on them as the students began to appear, he greeted them warmly, waiting until they'd all arrived before standing up, "Morning all," the professor said brightly. "No lesson for today. So you might as well use this for self-study. Here or the library is fine, but here's a piece of parchment for you to sign on, so I will know who was present and who was absent. I'll be here for the entire lesson, so come to me with questions or if you need any extra help. When the hour is over, you may leave," he told them and with a wave of his wand a parchment landed on the nearest student's desk.

Attendance post.
Elio strolled into the classroom, a bit surprised to see Professor Haden already deep into grading. The usual bustle of a lesson wasn't there, and as the professor greeted everyone with the announcement that there would be no formal lesson, Elio couldn't help but grin. No lesson meant no new spells to learn, and it gave him a bit of a break, which was always welcome with exams looming. Grabbing the piece of parchment that had landed on his desk, Elio signed his name quickly before glancing around. A few students were already settling in to study, but Elio wasn't really in the mood to cram just yet. He tossed his bag over his shoulder, figuring he might head to the library—at least there, he could study in peace and maybe catch a nap without anyone noticing. He gave a casual wave to the professor as he left, planning to make the most of this unexpected free period.

Elio Boneheart
Cassius Styx entered the classroom alongside the rest of the students. Professor Haden greeted the class warmly from his desk, and Cass acknowledged him with a small nod. Cass watched with mild interest as a piece of parchment floated through the air, landing gracefully on the desk of a student at the front of the class. He leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed loosely over his chest, and waited his turn to sign. He wasn’t too concerned about the attendance sheet, he rarely skipped class unless he had a good reason, and today wasn’t one of those days. He signed the sheet, and got up to go study in the library. The less he was confined in a classroom, the better.

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