Sixth Years: Lesson One

Professor Kalif Styx was aware that Transfiguration was a difficult subject. It most certainly weeded out the weak from the strong. Those that did not pass the OWL would not be allowed to enter under his watch. His onyx eyes loomed over the classroom, before waving his hand to close the shutters to the windows to darken the classroom. He might not teach Defence Against the Dark Arts anymore, but that didn't mean that he would have a bright classroom. He could not tolerate such brightness for too long. He leaned against the desk with his arms folded across his chest as the students entered. His gloved finger tapped his arm as he stared at each teenager for a moment, knowing who they are by just a glance - if only their name. He wouldn't waste his energy to use Legilimency on all of them. Even students had a right to privacy.

Once all the sixth years were settled in, he snapped and the door closed to signal that the lesson was starting. "Welcome to your first NEWT lesson of Transfiguration. As you know, the subject is not to be taken lightly, and you all have done well enough on the OWLs to continue forward. This is the topic for this year." Styx glanced toward the chalkboard and the piece of chalk started to write one single word on the board before dropping, lifeless once again.


"Assuming you are reading the board, you will be learning how to conjure items. Conjuring, by definition, means to summon by or as if by invocation or incantation. You can conjure items that you have vanished, as you should recall from the previous year, or items that you simply want to have at the moment. I will provide an example by conjuring a chair for each of you to vanish." Styx leaned off of his desk to pull his wand from his robes. He non-verbally made enough simple chairs to appear next to the students, so each had one. "For today, you will vanish the chair next to you. If you do not vanish the entire chair, I would think again on whether or not to continue with this course."

Styx had no tolerance to hold hands to assist students. "Next lesson, you will begin your first conjuring spell. Once the chairs are gone, you are free to leave." Styx put his wand away and watched as the students went to work. He made a small gesture with his hand to open the door as soon as the first student was done, so that the rest would follow suit. After this, he would see what the students were really made of.
Assignment: RP the lesson. Familiarize yourself with the Class Policy before posting.

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