Sixth Years, Lesson Four

James was glad to be moving from shielding charms onto something truly challenging for his sixth years, nonverbal magic. It was something a lot of student looked forward to learning, not realising how difficult it would be. He watched as his students made their way into the classroom and closed the door once they had all entered. "Today we will be learning about nonverbal magic, we'll start with a bit of a lecture as you will need to understand the principal behind how you do this before you begin, please take out your parchment, quill and ink and follow along with me," It wouldn't be a particularly long lecture but what he had to say was important and they would need to remember the details when it came to practicing.

"Concentration, determination and clarity of your punctuation will be essential for the successful completion of a nonverbal spell," James mentally recoiled, he'd never sounded more like a professor. "You must be focused and single minded when it comes to casting your spell, doubt and distraction will have no place in your mind or your spell simply won't work and trust me, not working is the best outcome in terms of failure," It would do them no favours to jumble their words or get distracted and cause something to blow up. "Next week you'll start practicing to cast Stupefy without speaking the incantation aloud, but for now that's the end of the lesson, no homework per se, but I'd like you have a go at casting Lumos nonverbally before our next lesson, you shouldn't be able to mess that one up too much," James beamed at them as the door swung open, nonverbal and wandless, occasionally James did like to show off.

Rp the lesson. If you have your character practicing nonverbal spells please link the topic here for extra credit.
Emmanuel had a lot of work to be getting on with, in all of his humming and thinking about his own love life, he had fallen behind a little with the school things he needed to be getting on with. The teen was getting himself together, finishing off the little pieces of homework that he had and getting those into his bag. He sorted through his books, and grabbed the important ones he would need for the week ahead. Making sure that he had some revision materials to get on with after. Once he had everything he headed to class.

Emmanuel walked into the defence against the dark arts classroom and took his usual spot in the room. His gaze moved to the professor at the front of the room. He was very eager to learn about non-verbal magic. The teen looked eagerly as the professor started his lecture and had his quill in hand to take notes as the professor went over it. They didn’t get much of an opportunity to actually practice it within the lesson itself. He packed up his things and then headed out of the room, intending to get a little ahead and practice just a bit.

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The classroom was set up as normal this week. Lennox seemed a little disappointed by this. That meant they were probably taking notes. That was lame. Lennox needed more excitement if she was going to pay attention. At least, she would look fashionable taking notes with her fluffy pink quill. It was distracting and she loved it. The Slytherin girl took her seat in the front row as the lesson began.

Lennox took out her quill as the professor spoke. They were learning about nonverbal magic today. That was a step in the right direction at least. Lennox took notes about the needed components. She even jotted down what they were learning next week as well as the spell Lumos to practice over the week. The professor seemed confident that they could accomplish this. Lennox knew she could. She could do anything.

When the lecture was over, Lennox packed up her things and left the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. She would practice the spell over the week just to prove how above she was compared to everyone else around her, as if it wasn't obvious enough.

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