Sixth Years, Lesson Five

“Good Morning guys!” He greeted them, with the same jovial tone as always. He might be tired, and this lesson may be short, but he couldn't be tired in front of students. Misha was young, that may seem unprofessional. “Hopefully, you have done the reading, the end of the term is soon, as are your exams!” He paced slightly in front of the students, “If you have, you'll know that today we are looking at the Flame Freezing Charm. You'll also know that we need a tiny little history lesson.” A few people in the class look annoyed at this, “It'll only take a few seconds, I promise. Anyway, back about three hundred years and more, muggles preferred to burn those individuals suspected of having magic at the stake. Many of these people did not suffer a painful death, but instead had only to suffer through theatrics. How did they do this? They learned how to change the properties of fire.”

Misha smiled in the room, removed the wand from his pocket and gave it a small flick. All the things of his desk, flew off and settled themselves on the ground, not too far away. The professor walked round, so he was at the back of his table, looking out at the class. Once again, with a small flick of his wand, a tiny part of the table was set alight. The flames began to rise, and dance, as fire always did. He cast the flame Freezing charm and then placed his hand in the middle of the fire. “The Flame Freezing Charm changes the properties of fire so that its heat feels like a warm breeze. Which is why my hand is not burning. It feels like a tickling sensation against my fingers.” He removed his hand from the fire and got rid of the fire. “Now, it's your turn” Professor Misha demonstrated the spell, and reminded them that it was dangerous to play with fire, so they should be careful. “Don't worry, I will help you keep things under control, and no one can put their hand into the fire, until I have tried it myself. Outside this classroom, practice at your own risk, but please avoid burning down the school. There will no reading for next week, just revise, folks.”

-RP the lesson, attendance is fine. You don't need to practice in class, your character can just leave. Feel free to RP Misha helping you out.
Elio leaned back in his chair, smirking a little as Professor Haden launched into the mini history lesson. The Flame Freezing Charm sounded cool, and he appreciated the bit about not burning people at the stake—classic wizarding mischief. Watching Misha set his desk on fire and casually stick his hand into the flames was definitely impressive, but Elio wasn’t feeling like putting his own hand in fire just yet. As a few of his classmates nervously tried the charm, Elio decided he’d had enough theory for one day. He packed up his stuff, gave the professor a quick thumbs-up, and slipped out of the room. He figured he’d practice the charm later when he had some privacy—no need to accidentally set anything on fire in front of everyone else.
Anisha entered the Charms classroom and sat down in her usual seat near the front, She grabbed her parchment and a quill to take notes. As Professor Haden launched into his lesson with enthusiasm, she took careful notes on the the history of the Flame Freezing Charm.

When the professor set fire to a portion of his desk and placed his hand in the fire, Anisha watched with keen interest, noting the way the flames seemed to dance and shimmer without harming him. The charm intrigued her, though she wasn't entirely sure what kind of use she would have for it besides freaking out her younger cousins by putting her hand in a fire in front of them. After the professor told the class to try the charm themselves, Anisha got started. She was fairly sure she managed the spell, but she let Professor Haden check before putting her hand in the fire herself. She left the classroom when the lesson was over.
Cassius Styx strolled into the classroom, his bag slung casually over one shoulder. He was used to Professor Haden's enthusiastic greeting by now, and he didn't mind it. As Professor Haden began to speak, Cassius dropped into his seat, a small smirk playing on his lips. Cass raised an eyebrow at the mention of exams but didn’t seem overly concerned. He’d been through enough exams to know how to handle them. He had read the material, of course, but he wasn’t opposed to getting a little hands-on practice. Cass leaned back in his chair, folding his arms as Professor Haden began a brief history lesson. The story about witches being burned at the stake and using the Flame Freezing Charm to turn the fire into nothing more than a warm breeze was old news to him, but he could see why the professor thought it was important.

Professor Haden’s demonstration was simple but effective. And now it was their turn. Cass turned to the small setup in front of him. With a casual flick of his wand, he lit the candle. He cast the spell. Cassius tentatively reached out a hand, holding it just above the flame. He felt only a slight warmth, like standing near a fire on a cool evening. Since he was done, he did not need to practice for long. He blew the candle out, and left the classroom.

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