Sixth Years: Lesson 6

The last lesson before the end of the semester. Professor Killian Borisyuk was standing next to his oversized desk, looking over some of the assignments from before. He looked up as the students filed in, probably as glad as he was that it was the last lesson of the year. There was no surprise material for them since that was the end of the war. Once they were all seated, he didn't bother shutting the door. "You all are probably as relieved as I am after this easy course. So, for the final lesson, you will be free to study here or in the library. Study any subject you wish. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Just not over the electives like magical creatures, muggle studies, or divination. I don't know anything about either of those courses." The others, he had decent knowledge in, but he really had no idea about the ones he listed.
Assignment: Attendance post. If you have any questions, just tag me. He will likely give wrong information or be smart-alecky for the courses that he doesn't know anything about, so you can use this as a joke.
Elio settled into his seat with a sigh of relief, glad that the last lesson of the semester was finally here. He listened as Professor Borisyuk explained that they had free time to study any subject they wanted for the remainder of the class, except for electives like magical creatures or muggle studies. Elio smirked at the professor’s blunt admission of ignorance about those subjects. He decided to use the time to review his notes on Dark Arts defense, a subject that always fascinated him more than anything else. With his textbook open and quill in hand, he began to quietly study, occasionally glancing up to see if anyone would take up the professor on his offer for questions, secretly hoping someone would ask something outrageous just to hear what the professor might say.
Cassius Styx entered the classroom with his usual composed demeanor, his face betraying nothing of the relief he felt at the end of the term. Taking his usual seat near the back of the room, Cass watched as the rest of the students filtered in. Cass set his bag down beside his desk and pulled out his History of Magic textbook and a notebook. He knew Professor Borisyuk had said they could study whatever they wanted, but Cass figured he might as well keep up appearances. Besides, there were still a few points about the Second Wizarding War he wanted to go over, just to make sure he had all his facts straight for the exam. He flipped open his History of Magic textbook, skimming through the last few chapters on the Second Wizarding War. He finished studying and left.
Terror Zhefarovich strolled into the classroom with his usual air of indifference, one hand tucked casually in his pocket, the other holding his wand. He wasn’t surprised to see Professor Borisyuk leaning against his oversized desk, looking more relaxed than he had all semester. Terror dropped into his usual seat at the back of the classroom, lazily stretching his legs out under the desk. He didn’t bother taking out any books or parchment. Instead of reaching for his books, Terror let his gaze wander around the classroom, taking in his classmates. A few were already pulling out textbooks, quills scratching on parchment. Yeah, no he was going to leave. He got up and headed to his dorm to get some rest.

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