
Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
Elvera entered the forrest and saw that there was no one there. she walked a little deeper, and sat against the tree still looking towards the forest. she took out a book and started reading. although it seemed like a strange place to study Elvera found that the forrest was an extremely calming place to be.
Today seemed to be a lonesome sort of day for Artemis. Finally she was beginning to make some good friends, after two and a half years of studying and playing alone at Hogwarts, and now she was used to at least one person being around her at one moment or another. Now it was back to solitude, and it was strangely nostalgic for her to be standing outside of the Forbidden Forest where she usually came before the friends rolled in. Everything from the mist that crept at her ankles to the sharp scent of pine was drawing her ever closer, in to the depths of the cold and haunting trees.

She expected to be alone the entire trip on, but not five minutes after her decent did she happen upon another student. Art recognised the girl almost immediately; it was another Ravenclaw girl, a third year like whose name escaped her at that moment. Instinctively she ducked behind a tree like a squirrel, equally frightened and hoping not to frighten Elvera at the same time. “H...hullo,” she introduced her presence as she peeked carefully around the trunk.
Elvera turned around as she heard someone come through the forest. she had suspected that it was one of the centaurs, instead it was one of the students. as the girl came closer she saw that it was artemis, one of the girls in her house. "Hey artemis. how aye you? she asked slipping the book back into her bag so no one could see what it was.
she stood up and walked over to where Artemis was, glad for some company.
“Elvera,” Art said finally, knowing her face from class when she turned around. She offered her a small, pleased smile at her current company. Artemis didn’t talk a lot to her fellow peers, choosing to make random friends in different houses and throughout all years. Perhaps it would be nice to have someone to chat politely with, perhaps even becoming friends with. Elvera was an interesting sort of creature to Art, although they had never spoken half a word to each other in their lives. Most of the time, especially in classes like History of Magic, Art zoned out and watched her peers rather than listening and studying.

"I'm fine, thanks. I've not seen 'ye out here yet," Artemis told her with a curious look in her eye. She had been on the path to the Mouse's Nook, a small crevice beneath a great birch tree, whose roots made a little cave-like entrance to an underground hollow. Art was halfway there, but now that she stopped, she wondered whether Elvera came here often as well. She'd not seen her by the path as she came by that way before. "Do 'ye come 'ere often?" Art inquired as she took a seat on a rotten tree stump.
Elvera smiled back at Art. "I have always come out here often however this year i have come here more often than normal, It has been more of my home than my normal spot in the north tower this year." she told Artemis, not wanting to reveal the reason for her change in routine. she quite liked art, she seemed more likely to understand why she did what she did, however she didn't want to risk it. "how about you, I havn't seen you round much, not here or in the castle"
"Aye, I know how that is," agreed Artemis as Elvera described her woodland home as being more comfortable than Ravenclaw Tower. Personally, to Artemis, she hated the throngs of people in the common room and the general chatter of girls in her dorm. The forest was wide, silent and generally deserted except for the occasional centaur whom she liked to chat with. "Frankly, I haven't been visiting here half as much as I would have it this year. Finding a few more friends, that sort of thing," she said to Elvera merrily. "I suppose it started with getting a boy friend, because after that things got hectic. I missed the smell of the earth, so I came here."

"But how are yer classes going? I've been running out of the classroom too fast to ask 'ye," she inquired politely. Artemis was genuinely interested as to what Elvera had to say about this. Often she found that Ravenclaws weren't half as studious as the stereotype made them out to be. Sure, they were clever, but most of the time they had all sorts of things going on in their heads, far to much to spend every waking moment studying and suchlike. It was the same with Artemis.
"Its such a shame that you dont come here often, but i'm glad toy came here today" She said Smiling at art. "but i know what you mean about the smell of the earth. it home always smelt like that when i was a child".
Elvera watched the dappled patten of the sun move across a fallen tree until Art asked her next question. after a moment of thinking Elvera answered as truthfully as she could "I love my Electives this year but i find the core subjects a bit of a drag especially transfiguration, i still can't turn a match into a needle, and charms is also hard. when i try to do the spells they just dont work or they work in the wrong way like i am trying to clean some ink of my desk and it seems permanently fixed but then i walk out and a notice that my shoes are spotlessly clean. how about you?" she said hoping that she hadn't talked to much.
Home smell. That was exactly how Artemis would put it. It was strange, but the most at home she ever felt anywhere was in the Mouse' Nook. Maybe it was ancient goblin instinct to feel more comfortable underground, but she still enjoyed the soft earth beneath her feet and every sweet breath of air that flowed through the opening of the cave, bringing the scent of Summer and pine whispering through. Artemis had the strangest urge to frolic, something that she still did even though teens her age never did such things anymore. She felt that if she could have rolled in the leaves with anyone else, Elvera might understand that too.

"Me? Oh, I struggle with anything remotely spell-related. Maybe it's the goblin blood, but I work my magic better with plants and animals. Things I can actually touch, instead of things that I only see." Art blushed a little at this. Usually this was where most people lost their understanding with her. How could a witch not like magic? But Art's reality wasn't sparks in the air or turning pigs into porcupines. "I guess not everyone's like that," she mumbled, embarrassed.
Elvera listened to Arts answer attentively. she understood exactly where she was coming from in the perspective that she could work with what she could touch rather than what she could see. her favorite subjects were runes and divination, which were also not the kind of subject that people expect to be magic. but she didn't like wand work. she would rather go to the shops and buy a needle or clean the table by hand than use a spell. sure magic may be cheeper or easier but it made her think of what would happen when she spell wore off, would her magically cleaned dress gain an old stain at the worst posable moment.
"I know what you mean. i hate spell work as well, i like theoretical stuff like runes and divination" she responded.
She couldn't help but beam, delighted to find someone who understood just what she wanted to communicate.
"Problem is, 'ye can't say it to anyone else 'cause they think yer barmy. After all, if yer a witch or wizard why shouldn't 'ye like to use magic? I guess it's just the family 'ye grow up with," she mused, tilting her head to one side so that her long ear flopped to the left. Suddenly she beamed, and her apple cheeks lifted and gave her dimples on the corner of her mouth.
"I've not met anyone else who knew what I was talkin' about though. We ought to have spoken a bit more before, aye?"

Artemis, too, liked subjects such as runes and arithmancy. She wasn't too sure about divination though, for all that scrying and tarot-card waving made her nervous. However, she didn't mind reading and calculating. As long as she was able to understand exactly how what she did could reveal the future to her.
Briar wondered why she hadn't met art properly sooner. she supposed she had been so cought up in her own world she hadn't looked out to see what was happening outside. "I dont know why we haven't met before." she sat a while and then an idea came to her like a match being lit in the dark. "Art do you want to see something, there's a clearing just down here where the most unusual flowers grow they only bloom once every couple of years and i checked this morning and they are open" she gestured to a path as she said this as she felt that the conversation wasn't going anywhere.

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