
"I don't know but I can't go without seeing you for that long," Aiden said honestly as he began to play with her hair affectionatly.
Bella frowned. "What about Alyssa?" she asked. The last time she had talked to him it seemed to her like he still really liked her and still wanted a chance to be with her. She sighed wistfully as he played with her hair.
Aiden frowned lightly and said, "I think you know Bella." Aiden didn't want to say anything about Alyssa because he still liked her but less and less each day, which was weird because when they were dating he liked her more and more, then a thought came to Aiden, I never liked Alyssa like this, maybe when this is all over we can be friends? Aiden shook his head, it wasn't likely, especially with her going to Beauxbatons.
Isabella smiled weakly. She knew what Aiden was trying to say, but she just couldn't stop herself from feeling bad still. She looked down again and fiddled with her skirt hem. "I'm the biggest jerk ever," she whispered.
"Bella stop! It isn't your fault if anything it is the Goblet of Fire's fault, the thing made it seem interesting, so I had to go see the first task and I met you and Alyssa, so stop blaming yourself okay?" Aiden tried to make the blame thing seem ridiculus so she would stop putting it on herself. Aiden gave her of soft smile.
Isabella smiled at him and almost laughed at his explanation. "Alright I'm sorry," she said wiping the rest of her tears away. She looked into his eyes and began getting lost in them as she usually did.
Aiden put his arm around Isabella softly and said, "Bella what are we going to do? I can not keep avoiding you, it hurts, and well...I don't want to try and avoid you." Aiden looked into her eyes as he said this then gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"I don't want to keep avoiding you either," she said softly as she leaned in closer to him. "It hurts too much to do that."
Aiden gave her a soft smile as she leaned in closer to him, Aiden cradled her in his lap and said, "Bells, what do you think about this situation? But tell me the truth please, I don't want to have to guess." As Aiden asked this he looked over to the roses that looked more like a big blur of red.
Bella bit her lip as Aiden asked her to tell the truth, not like it would've mattered since she was so bad at lying to him. She sighed and said, "Well...when I realized I liked you, I noticed that it just wasn't a silly crush. I really liked you. And, even though Alyssa's my best friend, I couldn't stand seeing you two together. I really do feel bad for Theo too, I feel like I was the first person he opened up to and I broke his heart." Bella sighed, thinking of what else to say. She looked up at him and said, "I don't really know anything anymore. Just that I really like you, a lot."
Aiden looked down at her as she looked at him and said, "Who do you like more? Take your time to answer this I wont pressure you I'm just...curious." Aiden bit his lip nervously as he waited for a response.
Even though she clearly knew the answer, she still took her time to answer it. Finally she sighed, and simply said, "You."
Isabella laughed a little at Aiden's response. Then her expression grew serious and she looked him straight in the eye. "Who do you like more?" she asked.
"What's so funny?" Aiden asked then joked lighlty, "Theo of all seriousness, you." Aiden gave her a shy smile as he said 'you'.
Isabella smiled as he said 'you' and blushed. Then she looked up at him again and said, "But...what now? Apparently Alyssa gives us her blessing," she said sarcastically.
Bella shook her head and pulled away from him. "I can't make that decision," she said softly. "What do you want? And please be honest with me," she said softly.
Bella frowned then looked down avoiding his gaze. "What if I don't want to wait," she whispered, hoping Aiden didn't hear her.
Bella blushed and bit her lip as he whispered into her ear. She looked up at him and leaned in automatically, smiling at him. Her heart was beating excitedly but she still didn't know what that meant for them.
"So when Brightstone opens..." Aiden started then sighed he really felt like his old nerdy self, "do you want to go to Madame Puddifoots or something Bells?"
Bella smiled even bigger now and said brightly, "Sure!" Then she remembered she had promised Theo the same thing weeks ago. "Oh," she said softly, feeling bad all over again. "I had told Theo we could go to Brightstone together, but he probably hates my guts now," she said quietly.
"Maybe you should talk to him?" Aiden suggested though he hated that he was saying that. Aiden bit his lip, suddenly feeling anxious as if Bella was going to go back to Theo.

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