Closed sister's before friends, right?

Victoria de Lacey

ur welcome👼🏼
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
It was the new morning, her first in the massive castle and honestly, Tori was a mix of emotions. She'd managed to get to sleep alright last night after she'd paid a visit to her new head of house - Lumos had managed to keep that close to the chest, but after she'd woken up in the morning, and attempted to get her day started, by brushing her teeth, her hair and everything else, she realised she was kind of scared. Well, not really, but even though she wasn't alone, (she just had to look over at the other girls snoozing peacefully in their beds) she wasn't exactly not alone either. Rory was in another house and as yet she didn't really know anyone in this house. How could she? She had never met any of them before. Well, she'd met William on the train so it was nice that he was here, but he was the only one. Veronica was in this house, but she was in one of the upper years so it was hard for her to be there too. She didn't like it and so she'd made a plan that she was going to go and find Rory for breakfast. She knew roughly, what his schedule was like, mostly just using what she knew of him in holiday mode and since classes didn't start next week and she was hoping that Quidditch practice also wouldn't start until next week, she would find him roughly now at the Ravenclaw table for breakfast - and so that's exactly where she went.

With her newly minted Gryffindor robes and her hair pulled up into a messy ponytail on the side of her head, she quickly rushed down the stairs (taking them two at a time) and headed into the great hall at what she considered to be a prefectly reasonable time, only to realise she was actually quite early. She frowned and just leaned against the wall to the entrance hall, playing with her wand she'd somehow managed to remember to grab in the fray for this morning, and waited for her brother to appear.
Rory hadn’t expected Tori to be sorted into Ravenclaw but that hadn’t stopped him from being disappointed when the hat had called out Gryffindor. At least she would be under the supervision of their mum’s friend Professor Cade. She seemed to have a good relationship with the man, more so than him but that was because James had been in Georgina’s life a lot more when Tori was growing up and less so in his earlier years. It was just how life worked out sometimes.

It was the morning after the sorting ceremony and Rory came down from Ravenclaw tower to the entrance hall intending to head to breakfast at his house table but he spotted a familiar face waiting by the door. “You know you’re supposed to go inside the great hall for breakfast right?”
"There wasn't anyone in there yet," Tori explained, popping away from the door when her brother appeared. Honestly it was kind of weird seeing him this early in the morning. When she was still at home with just her and her mum, unless she was rudely awakened in the mornings she usually slept until at least ten. She didn't get to sleep until noon very often, but she'd managed it a time or two and she enjoyed that immensely. She wasn't entirely sure what his schedule was like these days, she never saw him, but since he was a Ravenclaw and he was on the Quidditch team that probably meant he had a pretty tight schedule. "Besides, I wanted to wait for you. It's been ages since we had breakfast together, and this is the last year we'll get to because once you graduate and stuff, you'll go join the Kea or the Macaws as the b@dass chaser you are and I'll never see you. You'll probably never write to me," he hadn't been very good at it (nor had she) "And besides, it's not illegal to wait for your favourite brother is it? Have breakfast with me please?"

@Rory Styx

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