Single Pringle

Felix Styx

d i s t r a c t e d
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 17 Inch Swishy Larch Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
A single solitary Pringle was not a good Pringle. They should be eaten in a group for their true flavour to be tasted. Just one Pringle didn't do it, that's why they came in ridiculous round tubes making them near impossible to seperate. Yet, Felix sat in the trophy attempting to achieve just that. He didn't want to enjoy them right now, they were a sign of his moping. This wasn't the Felix most would be used to seeing. He was usually the hapoy go lucky one. This wasn't him at all. So he stuck his hand into the can of Pringles and just hoped something would go well for him for once. Because as it was, life sucked.
James often spent time in the trophy room. It was a vain thing to do but he liked to see all the trophies his name could end up being on. Of course time was running out for him to make an impact on the school. Usually, James was alone in the trophy room but when he entered it was clear this time he wouldn't be. "Oh, its you," James said bitterly as his eyes fell on Felix.
In order to be alone, one required the essential ingredient of being the singular person with in the room to which they had decided to be alone. Clearly a feat harder to enact than Felix had first thought. No sooner had he been mulling over a can of Pringles did the very last human he wanted to see walk into the room. "Cade. I'd say it's a pleasure, but we both know that's a lie." He said, scooting over in case the guy decided he wanted to sit. There wasn't a lot of space to do so comfortably in this room. "I don't have the energy today. Do you want a Pringle?"
James shrugged his shoulder as Felix's comment about not having the energy, and chose to ignore about his other one. "I'm not looking for any trouble Urie," He mumbled. Like Felix, James didn't have the energy and wasn't in the mood. He was sick of drama, it always seemed to follow him and it was exhausting. James noticed Felix scoot over slightly and took it as an invitation and joined him. "Thanks," He said taking a pringle. "So what's troubling you?"
Despite all their years in the same school, Felix had never really sat down and spoken to the Gryffindor. After what happened he'd never thought there was much point. Still maybe he'd misjudged him. He was dating Lyra that was true, and they seemed to continually date the same people. He'd been the one to break up him and Maddie, there was a lot there, not all of it pretty. But he'd never actually spoken the him. Maybe this was a new year. "Honestly, telling you would just make it worse." Probably not serving the calm the situation he continued, "voicing it just makes it real, you know?"
James sighed and popped the pringle in his mouth. "Hey man, talk to me, don't talk to me, whatever, but acknowledging something doesn't make it worse, if anything having someone who knows can sometimes help, but whatever," James shrugged his shoulders. He doubted Felix would tell him what was bothering, and if the situations were reversed, he'd probably feel the same. The pair had never been anything resembling friends.
Well, given the circumstances, did Felix really have anything to lose? After all, it wasn't like he had to tell James who he was talking about and he'd probably never guess. It wouldn't be too much of an issue to have another opinion, right? "Well, I mean, if you're offering an ear. I guess a second mind wouldn't hurt." Felix started, leaning back to get comfortable, this was a long and daunting conversation. He almost wished he'd sought out Falon, but in her absence, an almost stranger/enemy, was his next best option. "So I f*cked up pretty bad. And I'm trying to figure out how to deal with it." he said, getting the first part out there. "I said and did some things that have put me in a very awkward position and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it."
James listened, a little surprised Felix was opening up at all but he didn't think too much on it as he had to focus on the information he was being give. "I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark, this is about a girl?"
He asked. No doubt he had confessed his feelings to someone who either wasn't ready or didn't want to hear what Felix had to say. James had considered doing something similar a number of times but had a feeling that Felix's experience was about to put him off. "So what, is she not talking to you or something?"
Felix nodded at his question. Well, it wasn't just about one girl, it was about two of them. He wasn't even sure how this had happened. Well, three girls if he counted Charlotte. He'd tried to be so careful. "Well, um, quite the opposite actually. You see, I'm kind of between two girls and I'm dating one but... I guess I'm hooking up with another? It was completely by accident though and I didn't plan it at all." He told James, honestly expecting the other guy to tear him to pieces. It was what he deserved. He felt bad about breaking up with Charlotte for Lyra only to start dating Ellie afterwards. What was wrong with him? "I guess you could say it worked too well?"
James knew that Felix had a complicated love life, he seemed to have a different girlfriend every semester so it really wasn't a surprise that he had two going on at once. He just hoped they weren't anyone he knew, because Felix had a habit of dating the girl closest to him. "I feel ya, I'm seeing someone, and I like her a lot, we have a spark and she's great kisser, but there's someone else, there's always been someone else. We have moments but I can never tell if she's into me or not, maybe I shouldn't be dating other girls while I feel this way about her, but I don't know what else to do," James sighed and instinctively reached out and rested his hand on Felix's leg. "The girl you're fooling around with, if she someone special?"
It really wasn't all that hard to figure out that the first girl he was talking about was Lyra. He had ideas about who this other girl was, but he wasn't entirely sure. He kind of thought it was cute that James was trying to keep names a secret but he supposed he would do the same in that situation. He felt James' hand rest on his leg, but thought nothing of it, they were relaxing and eating Pringles, there wasn't a lot of room to move. "Well, I know you're talking about Lyra. But don't worry, it's not like I'm in a position to judge right now." He was secretly dating Lyra on the side anyway. As guilty as he felt over the whole thing, James being in two minds about Lyra only helped Felix. He would take Lyra any way he could have her. "She is, yeah. I don't think I could give her up if I had to choose. I hope I don't have to choose." Ellie would probably lose out, but he didnt want to hurt her that way. "Its just, I really like this other girl too. She's sweet and she is too nice to be dating me. I should never have started that up, but it happened and I didn't know what to do." There was something happening in this room right now and Felix had no idea what it was, but he was going to find out. "Do you want another Pringle?"
There was an odd feeling in the room. Despite the fact James was opening up about being less than 100% sure about being with his best friend, Felix seemed almost understanding. "Yeah I guess the no name thing doesn't work when you know who I'm dating," He sighed, at least he didn't know who the other girl was. "Honestly, I think maybe you might have to choose, and hope the other girl wants to be with you honestly and out in the open," It was the best advice he could think of, but it wasn't advice he could take himself. James smiled when Felix offered him another pringle, happy for the change in subject, he reached to grab another. "Sure why not,"
Given everything they hadn't been through, Felix was surprised to find that James was a decently pleasant person when he wasn't pissing him off. Finding out that he wasn't 100% vested in Lyra, well, that helped him out too. Not that he'd ever tell James that. Whatever happened in this room was staying here. "Yeah, no prizes for that one." it was ironic that James was advising Felix to steal his girlfriend. He rather thought that James would change his tune if he knew the whole story. Although maybe not, given his confession. "I know you're right, I do. And I know my feelings for her would never change. But I'm... I guess I'm worried." He didn't really know how to put all of this into words. Though as James reach for another Pringle, Felix grinned and slowly moved the van out of his reach.
James understood Felix's hesitation, it was why he had never told Maddie how he felt, though sometimes he wondered if she already knew. "Now that I get," He sighed reaching for a pringle but as he did Felix moved the can. "Dude what the hell?" He asked stretching further to reach for the can.
Felix was in a more playful mood than he had been expecting. After everything that had happened with Lyra last year he'd thought that was that. But being able to give his transgressions some air, well, that was really very helpful. He laughed and continued to pull the can away as James reached for it and started using his hand to help. There wasn't much room to move, so it wasn't easy, but he was being fairly successful. "What're you trying to do, squish me into submission?" Felix asked, cheek winding its way into his voice. "If you wanted to touch me so badly all you had to do was ask." He said laughing as he continued to hold the cab away from James.
James had never seen Felix act so playful, then again he had never spent any time alone with him either. He wasn't like he expected, James may even go as far to say his assumptions about the boy were wrong, he was actually enjoying himself. "Oh yeah, you wish, you think I don't see past your little move the can trick?" He smirked continuing to reach. There wasn't a lot of room where they were at and before James knew what was going on, he was on Felix's lap. "Is this the part where I tell you what I want for Christmas?"
Felix had to wonder if he and James might have been friends if they'd gotten off on a different foot. They were getting along well enough at the moment anyway. Thought that might've just been the offer of Pringles. So good for getting people to do what you wanted. Case in point, James on his lap. "Oh yeah? Is that so?" Forgetting about Lyra and Ellie, that was what he needed right now. He wasn't old enough to go out and get a firewhisky so Pringles were his next best option. Felix laughed. "Well, I'm certainly not Santa, but I'll give it a go for you." He said, lowering the can of Pringles in front of James with a smirk. "You game?"
James was surprising himself with how he was acting with Felix, but it was fun. He thought back to the night he had shared with Rudolf, how often he had seen the same look in his fellow Gryffindors eye as he was seeing in Felix's now. "I'm game," James said, his breathing starting to pick up. They'd been dancing around what was going on since they both sat down, but James was ready to throw caution to the wind and get lost in the moment. James leaned forward and pressed his lips to Felix's.
If someone had told Felix three years ago that this would be happening now he'd have laughing in their face, but given that it was indeed happening it was a little hard to pretend otherwise. Not that Felix minded, he had no issues with his sexuality, he knew what he was even if others didn't. This was nothing more than something to take their mind of things, they both knew that. "Good boy." Felix leaned into the kiss and threw the can of Pringles to the side, moving his hands up to rest on James' neck. There was nothing in it, but it was nice all the same. Despite all the pointy things in the room anyway. "What happens in the trophy room stays in the trophy room, agreed?"
James had said what had happened with Rudolf would never happen again, yet there he was sat on Felix's lap. It meant nothing, it was just a distraction, a good distraction at that. James smirked when Felix called him a good boy, clearly he was trying to dominate. "Shut up and kiss me," He ordered and slammed his lips to his again, this time James's hands curled in Felix's hair, he wasn't going to hold back. "This doesn't leave this room," James agreed. He had no interest in anyone finding out about what was happening.
Felix obliged James, moving himself into a more comfortable position. Now that he has the knowledge that neither of them would ever speak of this again, he was good. All thoughts of Lyra and Ellie left his head as his kiss deepened and though he knew he would have to face the music later, right now he was enjoying the moment. "Lean back a little." His back was pressed up against the cabinet and it wasn't a nice feeling. "This trophy has to go." he added, pulling one from behind him and tossing it across the room. It landed with a loud crash but Felix didn't care. Almost no one ever came around here. It was just him and James.


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