Single and Ready to Mingle

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Felix Warrick

Potions 5-7 | Ravenclaw CO 2044
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 Inch Whippy Cypress Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Hello people. Behold my amazing characters.

Felix Warrick Fourth Year Ravenclaw. Felix here is soon to be single ( :( :cry: ) and at the moment there's no final set in stone. I want Felix to date a little now that he's going into fifth year. I'm not looking for anything serious for him, short flings and even just some make out sessions. Basically that's it, and of course anything else for Felix such as friends and what not are always welcome.

Olivia Havelock Also I have Olivia, Third Year Ravenclaw. Relationship wise nothing has happened yet but she's going into fourth year so I want to start thinking about it. I want her to have her first boyfriend between now and the end of fourth year and in the near future (fourth year/fifth year ish) I want her to start experimenting with her sexuality so that is something to consider. Let me know what you've got.
I have my two Uries that are a little out of love lives. Falon Urie is a Gryffindor Second Year, she's a bit of a tom-boy and loves mucking around, but she loves to be in control. Falon is hard working and determined, and incredibly loyal.
Finn is just a jokester. He's Fourth Year Gryffindor. He's starting to notice girls a lot more, but he doesn't generally take anything seriously. He gets bored quite quickly and is very easily distracted.
Let me know if either of them work for youuu~
I reckon Finn and Olivia could be fun because they sound like a mismatch which is always an interesting. As for Falon, were you thinking of her as something for Olivia or or for Felix because I can work with either.
I have Isabelle, she's a second year and about to go in third. Basically, I'm not sure whether she likes boys or girls more yet but I'm willing for her to experience both. She's a little too book-driven so I think any flings or anything of the sort will be good for her. I don't mind if you want finals or not, I think Izzy should just hang out with other people more often than she does (which is only in a classroom haha). I'm fine with her being just friends with either of them as well, if you already have plans for your characters. I really don't mind xD
Let's go Falon x Felix and Finn x Olivia?
That works for me Donna. Should we start one apiece?

I think Olivia and Izzy might be fun. Their both book people so they could meet in the library and end up distracting each other from their books :r
Yeah, it will be interesting to see Izzy distracted for once. Although, she has her head in the clouds sometimes but I guess it will be interesting to see if by being distracted by Olivia she'll start discovering her liking for girls, who knows xD
Library sounds good, should I start it or will you?
Do you mind starting it?
Sounds good! Do you want to start them this year, the holidays or next IC year?
I'm happy to start one now. Say Olivia and Finn. And we could start Falon and Felix in the holidays?
Sure, I'll post it as soon as I have time!
I remember some time ago that we talked about Maddie having a thing with both of these characters xD
But in all seriousness if you think she'd fit with either of those characters i'm completely up for her to have some kind of relationship with either of them, be it friendly or romantic? We can talk about it more on skype if you want :p. If you have any inspo with my other characters too i'm completely up for whatever.
Lauren! I have only just seen this. I think we should talk some more.
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