Old School Week Similar Differences

Jasper Night

Auror | Funny | Chaotic | 2054 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Nell)
12/2035 (26)
Open after Rowan

After the Quidditch practice, Jasper lingered on the pitch. He was hoping to get in a bit of flying practice, as he hadn't done as well as he had hoped in the practice. But as he stayed behind, he noticed Blake was doing the same thing. He sighed, then flew over to the other boy. "Are you leaving, or what?" He asked him with a frown.
The less time Blake spent alone with his thoughts lately, the better. It had led him to spend a lot of time practicing on the pitch, which had the added bonus of hopefully upping his game so Slytherin could hold on to their trophy for another year. He noticed Jasper entering the pitch, deliberately ignoring his roommate until the other boy made that impossible. "Why would I leave?" He snapped back. "I'm practicing."
Jasper frowned and flew closer to Blake. "We just practiced, and I want to practice on my own now." He told him. "Don't you have... I don't know, captain stuff to talk about with Sapphire?" He asked, gesturing to the locker rooms. "Or are you letting her do all the difficult stuff on her own?" He asked him. "Probably." He added under his breath.
Blake snorted at Jasper's comment. "Captaining's p*ss easy." He commented lightly. "Not that you'll ever know." He added, giving Jasper a pointed look. "Liam knew who had what it took."
Jasper laughed. "I bet they just let you think you're captain." He told the boy. "We all know Leda was the real captain last year, and this year it's Sapphire." He sneered. "I bet we'll crash and burn next year with just you."
Blake scowled, sneering at Jasper's taunts. "I'm exactly as much a captain as Sapphire is." He snapped. "And next year will be fine. We're gonna win the cup this year, then keep the streak up. Easy. Not like you have any idea how to actually be responsible for anything." He snapped.
Jasper laughed. "You're way worse than Sapphire." He told him. "You don't talk to us, you only care about yourself." He rolled his eyes. "And you don't know how to be responsible for anything either. You're an idiot." He snapped at Blake. "Everyone will see that soon enough."

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