Open Silently Sulking

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
With their quidditch match definitely not going as she had expected Chloë didn't feel like heading back to the common room. Instead, she headed up the other way, to one of her favourite spots at the castle. She enjoyed being up high, having a view of the grounds whilst hardly being noticed by any of the students down below. Normally, she'd come here to appreciate the view of the grounds and the sky. Today, she came to sulk. She wasn't much of a sulker, mostly trying to keep positive and appreciate that things didn't always go her way. She felt like today she could make an exception to that positivity though, today she had the right to sulk. Not just because they had lost the championship match but because of how they had lost. Everything seemed to go swimmingly when their beaters managed to take out slytherin's chaser and her cousin was put in as replacement. It wasn't like she had thought that her cousin would be terrible at it but it wasn't the position she played and with Willow as their own seeker the odds had seemed to be in their favour. Except they turned out not to be. Losing the match they had looked forward to so much was one thing, losing and having her cousin be the one to win the match for slytherin was another. All of it combined had given Chloë plenty of reason to sulk, she just didn't want to bother others with it which is why she had come all the way up here. The gryffindor sat down with her back against one of the stone walls and stared at the ground in front of her, sulking.
Hattie was having a good fourth year. She was enjoying her new position as an intern on the Accio team and was very excited for it to come out at the end of the semester. She was also enjoying the Heta Omega meetings, having recently made a Valentine's Day card for her father, and the quidditch matches. Ravenclaw hadn't done too well that year, and Hattie knew she was by far not the best player, but she was still having a good time involving herself in school activities to distract herself from the mountain of work she was getting from her classes. The girl had some free time on her hands after having just completed an essay for her Defence Against The Dark Arts class, and so she decided she would take a small detour on the way back to her common room to the North Tower. It was such a nice place to relax and watch as the sun went down, and so she made her way up the large flight of stairs. However, once she had made it to the top, she heard some sulking and turned around to find a younger Gryffindor student. It was far too late for Hattie to head back down the stairs now, that would just be awkward, and so the fourth year tentatively made her way over to her. "Hey, um. Do you need some company?" she asked. Truthfully, Hattie just didn't want to go back down after making it all the way up there and so hoped the girl would say yes.

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