Shy boy needs to get out of his shell

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Daniel Aragorn

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15 1/2" Sycamore Wand with an Essence of Banshee Hair
daniel "danny" aragorn

he is a shy boy who is supposed to attend hogwarts new zealand
i just have not roleplayed him. he is to be a forth year and hopefu
lly a hufflepuff. while his name is daniel only a choice few do call
him that. he is from america and has southern upbringing so he is
very respectful. he hates his thick, texan accent which is possibly the
most prominent thing about him other than his blue eyes. danny is
your typical good guy except he is a little obsessive compulsive.
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for friends, danny has very few because he is shy but i'd like him
to have a small amount at least, ones that see past his shyness
and quirk and understand that he is a good guy.
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for lovers, danny would likely have a long time crush.
i'm thinking that they would be really cute (i'd also love
it if it was a mcyrus play-by simply because clinley and
mcyrus have so many pictures together but i'm not too pi
cky). she'd probably be just as shy as he, maybe a little o
dd but still really nice. they would be friends first too.

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too be honest i can't see danny having enemies other than
slytherins that are mean to him because he is the type to g
et bullied (if someone wants to bully him that would be great as
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i did not make the clinley banner.
I have Lola Mason that I could offer up for you (and her playby is Miley Cyrus). She is a 3rd year Ravenclaw who is also shy and I'm trying to get her to come out of her shell more. :) Just let me know what you think.
LOL...I lurk a lot...tis why I won biggest lurk in the OOC Superlatives =)) I'm still developing Lola's character a bit. She was my sister's character at first and she didn't do much with her and when she left the site she left her to me so I'm still developing on her some. Lola is Kat's cousin, but you would never in a million years guess that because they are total opposites (I dunno if you've ever read any of Kat's threads or not, but if you do just take her personality and then think the complete opposite and there you have Lola). Lola is painfully shy and a bit of a loner which is why she doesn't have too many friends. She doesn't trust too many people because her parents have recently divorced due to infidelity issues from both parents and so she's having a hard time dealing with that. Like I said, still working on her development, but that's the basics.
well i am obviously still developing daniel as well so not to worry
katalina. because i can't resist the cuteness of them i think we should
have a ship plot between them. hopefully danny will be accepted as a
transfer (but not really a transfer) and next in character year we can
get them together? well unless you'd like them to meet over the up co
ming break?
Okay they really are just too darn cute together ^_^ I love Cody Linley anyways :wub: We could definitely start up a relationship plot for the two of them...more than likely starting up as a cute little friendship that develops to a mutual crush and then we'll just see where it goes from there :lol: Since there is a break coming up soon if you'd like to do something then I'm all up for that :D
w00t w00t *does a little dance* Okay so as soon as the break starts up I can start up a thread and PM you or vice versa and we'll get the ball rolling ^_^
Arisa could be a friend if you want. Shes a very outgoing girl and is nice to almost everyone.
I have Luna Paramore, soon to be ravenclaw 5th year and Arianna Perry soon to be Ravenclaw 3rd year.

Both are pretty nice. Arianna loves music while Lunas more into books. ^_^

Either could work though from what I've read of his attitude.
luna grace, could you please give me information about your character?
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arisa, maybe your character could be really open to danny and contrast
his shy personality.
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juanita, could you please give me a bit more information on their characters?
maybe one of them could be really close with danny, like best gal friend status
while the other is simply an acquaintance? let me know what you think.
I think Daniel and Max could be great friends. :D They're both pretty quiet, except Max seems like he'd be the more outgoing one. Anyway, you can read about Max here or in his biography. What school does/did Daniel go to? Because Max went to Beauxbatons for his first year, and Hogwarts Scotland for years 2, 3, and 4. So yeah, maybe they're old friends from their past schools and they keep in touch? I don't know, whatever you want. But yeah, I think they'd be pretty good friends. :p
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