Show Me the Town

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Cyndi had left for London almost as soon as the students had finished their exams. She had been to plenty of holiday feasts herself and knew that if she missed this one, it wouldn't be a big deal. Her parents had been so thrilled, glad that she was arriving before Yule began. The day after she had arrived in London, Cyndi had sent Brayden an owl letting him know that she was in town and asking if they wanted to meet up. She was a bit nervous, especially since she had asked him to pick her up at her parent's home.

Sitting in the front room as she waited, Cyndi sighed as her parent's asked once again about Brayden. Ever since she had told them about her date, they had been asking her everything they could about him. "I told you...we met in New Zealand but he lives around here." She tapped her foot nervously against the floor, hoping that his parents wouldn't grill him too much when he arrived. She'd never introduced any of her dates to her parents and didn't really know what to expect. Her brother and sister were also sitting in the room, waiting to see Brayden.
Bray had been sitting in his garden reading a book which one of his friends said he should read. He only read when he was bored out of his skull. He looked up when an owl flew down and dropped a letter on him. He closed the book and put it on the floor before reaching for the letter. He opened it and began to read. He read where he was meeting Cyndi and then folded it up again and going inside. He locked up the house then apperated outside of the house where Cyndi said she would be.
Bray walked up the pathway to the door and knocked on hit a few times hard enough to make sure they heard. He was a bit nervous of seeing her again, he liked her a lot but he didnt really know her that well and now here he was anyway.
Cyndi jumped up as she heard the knock on the door, but her father who was sitting closest to the door beat her to it and opened the door. Standing right by her father's shoulder, Cyndi gave a sheepish grin to Brayden. "Dad...I'd like you to meet Brayden Hunt. Bray...this is my dad, Charles Weasley." She turned toward the closest and waved her wand at it, so that her coat would be summoned toward her as her father held out his hand to Brayden. "I trust that you'll take good care of my daughter, right son?" her father asked Brayden sternly.

"Dad!" she exclaimed in embarassment, her face turning red as she shoved her coat on and moved past him to stand beside Brayden. How embarassing, she thought to herself after Brayden had answered him. "Don't wait up!" Cyndi had said as soon as she found an opening to do so and practically dragged Brayden with her out the doorway. Glancing back, Cyndi could see that her father was still glimpsing out the curtains from the doorway, studying Brayden as if to make sure he had committed the guy's face to memory in case something happened to her. In the living room windows, Cyndi could see the outline of her brother, sister and mother glancing out to catch a glimpse of him. "Oh my gosh...I'm so sorry for my dad" she said, cheeks still red in embarassment.
Brayden straitened up when the door was opened. He found himself looking at an unknown person and Cyndi behind him. He smiled at her and the guy when they were introduced. He nodded at the guy. " Nice to meet you sir. I promise i will take good care of your daughter." He said with a smile. He was about to say something else when he was pulled away by Cyndi.

He laughed at what she said and shrugged passively. " Ah dont worry about it, he is just being a typical dad." He smiled and matched her pace. He noticed that she was going red and he laughed again slightly. " So what have you got planned/ Where do you want to go?"
When Brayden was so good natured about her father, Cyndi relaxed a bit. With a glance at him, a small smile crept onto her face. Brayden really was as handsome as she'd remembered him to be back in New Zealand. She was glad that he had shown up because part of her had been afraid that he might not even have remembered her.

Cyndi shrugged and then brightened as something that her sister had mentioned to her earlier in the day jumped to the front of her thoughts. "My sister told me about a club not too far from here. Do you want to check it out?" she asked him, unsure of whether he knew how or even liked to dance.
Bray considered the thought of a club. He liked it, the chance to drink and dance with her. Why would he refuse. " Yeah that sounds great Cyndi. I will let you show me the way there though. Clubs arent my strong point around here." He laughed as he looked around then shrugged to prove his point. " I recon if you say its good then it must be. Im buying the first round as i claimed that right before you." He laughed again and gave her a gentle playful nudge. " You can buy the second round if you like. Im not to bothered."
"Ok sounds like we have a plan then...I'm pretty sure it's this way." she said in a relieved tone, pointing to her left as they reached a corner and she looked up at the sign. She actually wasn't sure how good the place was, having only heard about it from her sister, but she figured that either way it would work out. If it turned out to be a great place, then she and Brayden could spend most of the night dancing, drinking and getting to know each other better. And, if the place was bad, they could still spend the night doing those things.

She laughed as he recalled calling dibs on the first round of drinks, and felt a fluttery feeling fill her stomach as he hand nudged her. Glancing at him as they continued to walk, Cyndi bit her lip and then spoke. "So tell me Brayden...are you a good dancer?" she asked in a slightly flirty voice, curious to know if he was. She could already see the lights from what was probably the club up ahead and could feel a bit of the vibrations from the music.
bray shrugged and laughed at her question. He had been told that he was good in the past but wasnt to sure himself. He decided to make a quick joke on the matter. " Well they say if a guy can dance wel lthen he can do other things well." He winked at her with a wide smile. " And if that is really the case then i am obviouslyan expert." He laughed at his comment then looked up when he saw the club. I looked nice from the outside but would it be a different story on the inside though? " So what about you then Cynd's are you any good at dancing?"
Cyndi was glad that it was fairly dark outside because when she heard Brayden's response, Cyndi turned a bright shade of red and began to giggle nervously. "An expert?" she asked. She had definitely heard the rumors that he was talking about. Glancing at the club as they arrived at the door, Cyndi listened to Brayden's question, her eyes full of mischief and her lips curling into a mischievous smile.

"You're about to find out" she said shortly as the bouncer held the door open for them after he sized them up and determined that they weren't there to start too much trouble. Cyndi had never been to a muggle club before and wondered if they were any different from wizard ones. As she stepped through the doorway and into the darkness of the club, Cyndi reached for Brayden's hand. Part of her did it because she didn't want to lose him in the crowd, but most of her did it because she was eager to hold his hand.
Bray smiled to himself as he walked in. There were flashing lights everywhere and loud dance music was blaring from the speakers. He held onto Cyndi's hand and led her past the masses of people to the dance floor. He spun her around and began to dance how everyone else was.

When the song turned to something a little more slow he took her by the waist and spun slowly around with her. " I think this place is ok at the moment. I will judge more when i have had a drink." He laughed. " So how are you then? Enjoying yourself?" Bray Abernathy was, the fact that he was holding Cyndi close to him by the waist was one reason for this
As they joined the dance floor, Cyndi allowed herself to get lost in the beat of the music. She hadn't done this in a long while and it felt extremely good to just let go. She had no responsibilities to anyone at the moment and only had to worry about enjoying herself and making sure Brayden had fun as well. Smiling up at him, Cyndi noted that he was every bit as good as he claimed to be about the whole dancing thing.

When the music slowed, Cyndi felt Brayden's arm go around her waist as they moved in closer together. It didn't feel uncomfortable either. Reaching up to pull the hair off the back of her sticky neck so the coolness of the air could touch it, Cyndi nodded in agreement. "Yea...this place is pretty cool so far. I think I am just about ready for that drink though" she said as she leaned in a bit closer so that she could be heard over the music. "You said you were getting the first round, right?" she asked as she put her arms around his neck as she continued to sway slowly to the beat.
Holding on to her hand Bray led her to the bar. He sat down and faced her with a grin on his handsome face. " I did say that indeed and im sticking to it. So that means have any drink you want. Il have what you have aswell." Bray wasnt to fussy on his drinks, as long as it tasted ok he would drink it and not complain about it. Although Bray wasnt to picky when it came to anything, must have gotten that from his dad.

(Sorry wrong character)
Cyndi followed Brayden to the bar and thought for a moment about what she wanted. "Anything? Are you sure about that?" she asked as the bartender made his way over to them. "We'll take two of your strongest drinks" she said quickly and he nodded, pulling out two glasses to make their drinks. Quickly, he was finished and left to help other people.

Turning her attention back to Brayden, Cyndi lifted up her glass which was filled with a clear liquid. "Bottoms up" she said and drank not waiting to see if he did the same. She didn't know what was inside but it was strong and set her throat on fire. Coughing a bit, Cyndi said "Ugh...don't think I'll be trying that again."
( Sorry i took ages :doh: )

Bray watched her down the drink in her glass. He laughed slightly then copied her. Downing it in one and feeling it burn on its decent through his throat. He coughed a little as she had done. " It wasnt that bad Cynds." He smiled ten ordered two more. He knew that he may get drunk by the end of the night but then again Cyndi ,ight be as well so he wasnt too afraid of being so if she was there with him.
When the drinks arrived he picked them up and handed one to her. " You wanna play the shot game?" He said grinning. He used to play this in his last year of school with all of his friends on the brightsstone weekends. He used to win a lot but not all the time which was what made it more fun as he didnt like winning all the time
It's totally fine

Cyndi pushed Brayden's shoulder a bit as he told her the drink wasn't bad. In her opinion, these muggle drinks did not compare at all to anything wizard related. As he turned to order two more, Cyndi smiled. This was certainly going to be fun. She wasn't much of a drinker, so it seemed that Brayden was about to show her a thing or two.

SHrugging her shoulders, Cyndi nodded. "Ok...but I don't know how to play. You'll have to show me" she said as two more drinks were placed in front of them. So far, Cyndi didn't feel anything from the drink she had consumed but she knew that if she drank one or two more, she was going to be a mess. She had never had much tolerance for drinking and recalled the time Riley, her roommate, had to escort her home after a night of drinking. Not wanting to embarass herself in front of Brayden, Cyndi said a silent prayer to not get too sloppy in front of him.
Bray smiled. It was an easy game to explain as it was an easy game to play. " Basically. We take it in turns to each drink a shot. The person who caves first looses. It just who drinks the most wins. Its easy. I will go first." He said as he knocked back his shot and swallowed it, again feeling it burn as it descended down his throat.

Bray ordered a whole tray of drinks in case this lasted a while. It would save time having to order drinks two at a time. Once the tray arrived his split it in half so half the drinks wee on her side and the other half on his. " Lets see how far we get." He said laughing
Cyndi listened to the rules of the game and watched as Brayden drank the first one and then ordered a bunch. She looked at all the drinks warily, knowing she'd be lucky to get through two or three of them. Lifting up the drink that was closest to her, Cyndi brought it to her lips, but stopped as an idea popped into her head. "How about we add something to this? For everyone drink you get down, you get to ask the other person a question" she said with a smile.

Bringing the small glass to her lips, Cyndi downed the liquid in one gulp. She could feel it warming her cheeks. "Ok. My question is..." she said bringing her finger to her lip and tapping. "Where is one place that you would love to visit?" She placed the empty glass to the side as she waited for Bray's answer and for him to take his turn.
Bray laughed and nodded in agreement to her game. It meant he would get to know her a little better. " Sure that sounds good." He said shifting his next drink close to him ready to throe back on his next turn.
" One place i would love to go is probably Egypt. I dont know why but i have never been and i would like to. I never really get around to it you know." He said with a shrug then picked up his drink and knocked it back again. He placed the glass down and thought of a question. " Ok well my question is. What is your favourite food?" He asked and placed another drink in front of him again
Cyndi listened to Brayden's answer and smiled. She recalled vaguely learning about Egypt and knew that the pyramids were there. It did seem to be a fascinating place though Cyndi didn't know whether she would enjoy it herself. She didn't think she'd be happy in a desert with the extreme heat.

When it was his turn to drink, Cyndi realized that he was still seeming pretty sober even though this was already his third drink. So, far she was feeling alright herself though so perhaps she had a chance to win. Cyndi thrived on competition and knew she'd go to great lengths to win this game even if there was no real prize involved. "That's easy" Cyndi said with a giggle. "I love pumpkin pie."

She picked up her next drink and drank it quickly. This time she began to feel lightheaded immediately. She took a second, trying to gather her thoughts and her head before asking her question. "Alright Brayden. How many girlfriends have you had?" she asked, biting her lip immediately after as she realized that the question was probably a bit too forward. It was too late to take it back though and she did want to know the answer, so she waited, leaning her elbow on the countertop and placing her head in her hand.
Bray watched her know her drink back after answering his question. He smiled when she did. Personally he wasnt a fan of that kind of pie. He leant his head on his hand and rested his elbow on the table. He sighed as he counted. " I dont really keep count you know. Id say a few i guess." He shrugged and knocked his drink down quickly after the answer. " Ok then my question. Do you have a boy friend?" He asked then laughed slightly as the drink began to kick in. As she asked a forward question than he did as well
Cyndi giggled as he said that he didn't keep count of how many girlfriends he had. Something about that comment struck her as being incredibly funny, probably more funny than it would have seemed any other time. When he asked his question, Cyndi was ready for it. She had opened herself up to being asked a very personal question by asking him one. Picking up her next drink, Cyndi ran her fingertip along the rim of the glass. "Nope."

She held her drink up as if to say 'cheers' and then drank deeply. She was thankful to be sitting because she had the feeling that if she were standing, this game would long have been over. "Um..." she said as she crossed one leg over the other. "What did you think of my dancing?" she asked, a flirty smile crossing her face as she awaited the answer. She remembered what he had said about his own dancing and the smile on her face widened.

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