`show me love

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Isis Swan

OOC First Name



first up i need some friends. they should be a little odd, unique, whatever you
want to call it. she will need some good girlfriends, but if you have a boy then
still post because she needs a few friends. isis is more in the 'wierd' crowd
she is a new york wannabe living in a small town, so perhaps friends who
want to be famous like her. but her biggest passion is the online world. she
is a twitter/facebook/myspace/aim hog. she lives her life through the internet
so its likely she has a few friends she met over the internet, perhaps they
meet in real life for the first time. if you have any other ideas let me know.


enemies, we all have them so it is very likely isis does too. she strives to be one
of the popular girls, and her biggest dream is to be famous so for her enemies
i need some down to earth girls who probably dislike her for that. basically if
you think they wouldn't get along then post on up and we'll see what we can do!


isis has dated alot of guys but hasn't found 'the one' yet. she
has no final so if you want to recommend somebody then post here and also if you
want to recommend somebody to date her but not be a final then that works too.
alot of guys are intimidated by her big dreams, but she can be very level headed
when she wants to be. i think it would be really funny if she dated a guy who was
totally the opposite of her, she met him on the internet and when she meets him
in real life she is shocked. but also i need a guy who is like her, or is successful,
if he is successful its likely she'll cling to him like a leech. she is attracted to people
who scream success. but post here if you have other ideas. i'm open to anything!


okay, others, if you can think of any other relationships, and stuff, fun
loving people, funny plots, anything really i want you to post because i don't have
much for this little thang yet, i would be very grateful to anyone who wants to rp
especially since she's a new character and i'm still figuring her out, thanks, brittany.

this character request template was made by Ruby! of Caution!

I could offer you Lewis as a friend if you like and i have Ryan Porter i could offer as a love interest.

Lewis is a kind guy who realy just love company he would be happy with near enough anyone and he can change to match the personality of who ever he is with. He isnt two faced though. He is loyal to his friends and when he decides that you are a true friend he would do anytheng to help you.

As for Ryan he is a death eater and has the typical personality to match it. He hates people lower blood status than him and he only really hangs around with pure bloods. He has dated a few times before but he doesnt make a habit of it as he see's that sometimes it is just a distraction.
They could be final if you want, he needs someone to just fall for and see that there is a point in relationships. He is 19
Well I have Matthew Reed, I've rebooted his character a bit seeing as I didn't really RP with him that much. But basically, in the Summer of 2024, Matthew and his band, 'The Switch' got a record deal with a highly acclaimed wizarding label (who also produced wizarding bands such as The Weird Sisters). In the Winter of 2025 Matthew and his alternative rock band headed to New York where they recorded their new album which is due release in Autumn 2026. So Matthew isn't exactly famous at this stage but he is definitely on the road to sucess. His band plays gigs around New Zealand and Boston (where the rest of his band mates are situated) so there is a lot of apparating to be done on both parts.

I really think it would be fun to RP these two wheter as friends or love interests its up to you! :cool: Let me know what you think, and if you have any questions about Matthew feel free to ask!
-Louise ^_^
I can offer Willow as an enemy. Willow is the leader of a hard/punk/indie band that is just starting out. Her friends and her are not aiming for fame with the band they're just hoping to make a few galleons while doing something they love which is music. Willow hates 'I wanna be famous' so if they come across each other they could go at it if you like.
I think they would probably be quite good friends. How would they know eachother and for how long? You could start a topic if you like and we could see where it goes.

I really like this idea, I think they would be really good love interests, finals perhaps? But I'm sure we could come up wth some epic plotting to get them there in the end. And wow, Matthew has changed so much since I last saw him!
That's sounds great, I don't have a final lined up for him anymore, so it'd be perfect! ^_^
xD I know the difference a change in playby can make! :r

So should we start RPing these two? :woot:
I could offer Alyce Ellison. Alyce loves all things fashon and internet. She is very weird when it comes to what colors she wears together, but is always fashonable. She is a huge flirt and has like no girlfriends what so ever. SHe could really use some one to take her mind off things and just go to the mall or the movies or something. So whatdaya think?
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