Shop Forum Rearrangement

After reading the post below, do you think the new shop organization is good/worth while?

  • Yes, create the "shops" subforum. It organizes things better.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't really care.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, keep things how they were.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
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Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather

For the past while on HNZ, all shop subforums have been listed in one forum and create a long list of subforums before the actual roleplaying area. This causes a lot of disorganization and scrolling. In addition to this, the long list of subforums forced an additional code to be added to the board index page which slows page load times slightly. You can see this system at work in Obsidian Harbour (click).

A suggestion has been made to place all shops and restaurants in one "Shops" subforum. Allowing all shopping to be in one key area, other non-shop forums to receive equal attention, and allow for less scrolling to the topics in Obsidian and Brightstone. This also affords the removal of a code which causes the jerky page loads on the board index. You can see this suggested system at work in Brightstone Village (click). The bad side of this system is that it might take and extra click to see all the shops, their latests posts, etc. (However, they are all listed in the Subforums: list for the "Shops" forum.

With both systems exampled for you - please vote and/or comment for which system you prefer.

Thank you,

(Note: With holiday forums for students closing soon, you may have to log in to an adult character's account to see the changes. :) )
I think we can all handle one or two extra clicks for the sake of organization. With the subforums bug fixed, I don't see any legitimate reason why shops can't be put in their own forum.

Just a thought- perhaps restaurants could have their own subforum? They're different than shops.
Estrella Styx said:
Just a thought- perhaps restaurants could have their own subforum? They're different than shops.
It's possible.
Not sure there are enough to warrant it, though. Birghtstone and Obsidian have what? Two or three each?
Perhaps the subforum should just be named "Shops & Restaurants" or something.
Nicolas King said:
Estrella Styx said:
Just a thought- perhaps restaurants could have their own subforum? They're different than shops.
It's possible.
Not sure there are enough to warrant it, though. Birghtstone and Obsidian have what? Two or three each?
Perhaps the subforum should just be named "Shops & Restaurants" or something.
That could work.

What about places like The Leaky Cauldron and the Hog's Head? They also provide lodging. Would they just fall into this same subforum?
Estrella Styx said:
What about places like The Leaky Cauldron and the Hog's Head? They also provide lodging. Would they just fall into this same subforum?
I believe that the new way for the Shops system would suite better for everyone. Though there is an extra click to be done, it only takes less than a second to do an additional click and I don't think the world would end if we were to do an extra click. ;)
Hamza Khalid said:
I don't think the world would end if we were to do an extra click. ;)
You never know. :r
The world would end if I do an extra click and vote. :o

The more I think about it, the more I like it. ^_^
Nicolas King said:
Hamza Khalid said:
I don't think the world would end if we were to do an extra click. ;)
You never know. :r
Oh please.. The world might come to an end with my reign. :cool:
I would encourage the person, or persons, who voted "No, keep things how they were." to explain why they voted that way, if they feel comfortable. :)
(You may have thought of some negative reasoning that I missed, and change my own opinion. ^_^ )
I put I didn't care xD

I havn't found it any easier or harder to find what I'm looking for. It was OK before, and it's OK now :p
Thanks to everybody who voted and commented. :)
The rearrangement has happened. ^_^
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