"Miss Juliette?"
Merlin knew that walking in circles was hardly the most logical course of action, but he had no idea where the nearest police station was, so his best hopes for becoming un-lost was to remain in a public place so as to be spotted by his foster carers. As far as he was aware he was still in the park, but what he hadn't realised was that Takarokaro had ended a few kilometers away and he was deep into the walking trails behind it. He'd wound his way into the bush hours ago as he puttered about with bugs, grasses and tree bark.
It's not so bad, really, thought Merlin as he shuffled some leaves out of the way so that he could sit down. It isn't very hot and the sun hasn't fully set, yet. He was being optimistic, really. Sundown was minutes away, not hours, and though he'd been in this situation a few times before, it never made the fear that he'd remain lost forever go away.
"Mister Ted!" Merlin cried out half-heartedly. He'd been shouting for the last thirty minutes. "Miss Juliette!" He tried not to give into panic, but something inside him recognised how dire the situation was, because the young wizard's skin began to glow faintly like a beacon. His natural distractability and mild distress caused him to miss it, for it was hardly a grand display, but it was certainly significant enough to be able to draw an adult to him in his moment of crisis.
Merlin knew that walking in circles was hardly the most logical course of action, but he had no idea where the nearest police station was, so his best hopes for becoming un-lost was to remain in a public place so as to be spotted by his foster carers. As far as he was aware he was still in the park, but what he hadn't realised was that Takarokaro had ended a few kilometers away and he was deep into the walking trails behind it. He'd wound his way into the bush hours ago as he puttered about with bugs, grasses and tree bark.
It's not so bad, really, thought Merlin as he shuffled some leaves out of the way so that he could sit down. It isn't very hot and the sun hasn't fully set, yet. He was being optimistic, really. Sundown was minutes away, not hours, and though he'd been in this situation a few times before, it never made the fear that he'd remain lost forever go away.
"Mister Ted!" Merlin cried out half-heartedly. He'd been shouting for the last thirty minutes. "Miss Juliette!" He tried not to give into panic, but something inside him recognised how dire the situation was, because the young wizard's skin began to glow faintly like a beacon. His natural distractability and mild distress caused him to miss it, for it was hardly a grand display, but it was certainly significant enough to be able to draw an adult to him in his moment of crisis.