She needs a mentor..

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Siobhan McGowan

Quidditch League Head | Mum | Irish ☘️
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Gay (Kahurangi)
Willow, Leprechaun Hair, 10 inches
4/2013 (48)
So, I've been thinking about plot developments and all this stuff since we're finally sorted *jumps up and down* and I want Siobhan to have a mentor. I'd like it to be an older girl student, someone she can butt heads with and won't be tortured like a poor little firstie, and then someone who can help guide her and teach her things... She came from a smaller family where she was the oldest with two younger siblings, so I think it'll help, even if she doesn't seem to like the idea at first, haha.

Any volunteers?
Hilary totally would :D She's going to be a seventh year Gryffindor next year and is also a prefect now. She's also not a transfer so has been around since the beginning and knows her way around fairly well :)
I'm thinking someone in Gryffindor might be better just so it gives them reason to see each other more. (Sorry, thank you though :) )..and Kiera, would you do it, then? Because I think that someone who's Head Girl and on the quidditch team might have a positive affect on her, haha.

And Hilary, you could possibly have an influence on her as well. We can open threads with both when I'm finally allowed to post inside of the castle grounds.
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