Sharing Breakfast

Victoire Fontaine

serving the people | mama of two
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 12 1/2" Sturdy Alder Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
5/2024 (37)
Victoire enjoyed waking up early in the morning, it was always nice to watch the sunrise in the morning before work but largely this morning it was a nice fresh Sunday morning, and she had opened a few windows, allowing the cool air to fill the house. The woman tied up her hair in a loose bun, allowing the shorter strands to just frame her face. The woman began making the breakfast for both herself and for Alex, it was nice to spend time together, she obviously had work most of the days, but Alex was just applying for the aurors and there was a little bit of time delay until they found out whether or not he got it. Victoire was very sure that Alex was going to get it. The woman began making the waffles that she had gotten pretty used to making, it was a Sunday after all, that meant she had more time to make the breakfast. Victoire enjoyed living with Alex, it was nice, things with him was lovely. She had had some reservations about it, but it was good, things were different from how they'd been with jean, but as she spent more time with Alex, she realised she liked it with him far more. Victoire was just happy making the breakfast for them, allowing the scent of the waffles to make their way through their home.
Ever since Alex had graduated Hogwarts and began living with Victoire things had taken a turn for the better in his life. She was up early each day, and it was an unfortunate side effect of her job that he didn't get to spend much time with her. It wasn't that much of an issue, because soon he would be doing longer days and sometimes even nights where he might not even see her for days. She was driven, and it was honestly one of his favourite things about her. He had awoken to the smell of waffles, and he sleepily made his way towards the source of the smell, planting a kiss on Victoire's forehead as he walked into the room and falling into a chair close by. He was still very tired, but he enjoyed getting to see her in the mornings. "Morning beautiful." He said as he sat down. Alex had been looking forward to forming a relationship with Victoire for years, pretty much since he had first laid eyes on her in Bleak Street. He smiled at the memory, it was the one that had conjured his patronus. "Smells amazing, as usual." He stated, she had many talents.
Victoire was a little startled by his sudden appearance but she smiled, leaning into his kiss and watched him take a seat at their table, it was easy to have the mornings be like this, especially on a Sunday. The week days Victoire had no time in the morning to just take it slowly, though she had chosen a place that wasn't too far from the ministry, she still had little time first thing to really dedicate to a large breakfast. So, this was a little bit of a novelty, a welcome one. Victoire glanced at his as she finished the last of what she needed to, "Did you sleep well?" the woman asked as she gathered plates and cutlery for them, "I didn't mean to wake you up, you could've slept more," Victoire laid out the table and quickly kissed him on the lips, as she continued to prepare the waffles, it wouldn't take much longer, though she used mostly muggle devices to cook, it still didn't take too long. The woman pulled some fruit out of the fridge and placed them on the table, "They shouldn't take too much longer," Victoire was sure that Alex had woken up because of the hunger he likely felt and the way the smell of the waffles had easily filled the entire apartment.
Alex frowned a little when the food was still cooking, but it was short lived as he would never take for granted the girl and the simple life he had right now. He didn't mind waiting for food, especially since he wasn't that one that had to be making it, and he smiled up at her when she acknowledged him. "Yeah, I always sleep well with you by my side." He said, truthfully, kissing her back. His nights, which used to be filled with some nightmares about his parents, were now calm and casual. "How about you?" He asked, picking up a banana and nibbling on it. "I'm sure it will be worth the wait, as always." He said with a wink. He was happy to have her in his life, and he hoped that she would stick around for the foreseeable future at least.
Victoire smiled sweetly at the comment, and she couldn't help it, it was a nice feeling, to feel so openly loved. The woman was happy that he was so settled with her, and she enjoyed being settled with him. It was so easy with him, it was great, and with a little nod she agreed, "I slept very well, working all week makes one tired," Victoire told him with a little grin, obviously knowing that he was waiting to hear back, so he didn't have anything yet. Victoire knew he'd get it, it was only a matter of time, "It is nice to share a bed," Victoire did enjoy the fact she could spend her nights with him, it was incredibly fun. It only took a few minutes before the food was ready, she placed the waffles on a plate and carried them over to the table, where Alex was still sat, "There you are," Victoire took her own seat, "I don't have any work to do, so the day is ours for the taking," it was always good to Victoire when she had a few days off and was able to just spend time doing what she wanted, and now she could do that with Alex.
Alex smiled towards Victoire as she accepted his compliment. He could tell that she enjoyed this change, and he'd heard many of the complaints that she had had about her relationship with Jean. That was one of the benefits that came from being best friends with someone before things developed into a relationship. "I'm glad we get today together." He said with a smile. "Did you want to have a quiet day in or would you like to go out and paint the town?" He said with a smirk. He was happy with whatever, as long as it meant he could spend more time with her during. He dug into the food when it was placed in front of him, and didn't even think twice since he knew that Victoire's food would be delicious. "Perfect, as are you." He said with a wink.
Victoire agreed with him, she was glad they got to spend the day together, and she didn't really mind what they did with the day, whether they did something or they did nothing. The woman was interested in doing something but it was early in the day and they had plenty of time to decide what they could do with the day. Victoire shrugged at the question, "I don't know, maybe we could do something?" she suggested without specifically suggesting anything, largely because she didn't have anything specific in mind and perhaps he did. He often had good ideas of things to do, and she trusted he would have an idea for today, or be able to come up with something. She blushed lightly at the compliment smiling with ease at him, "I'm glad you think so," she took food for herself and took a small bite, it was nice, she added the fruit, using her knife to cut it into smaller pieces and putting it on top of the waffle, "It looks like it'll be a nice day," Victoire said with a smile, munching on a raspberry, "And it feels like it might be quite warm, despite the fact it's winter,"
Alex was still a little bit tired, but he was slowly waking up and began mulling over some ideas on what the two of them could do for the day. Alex enjoyed ice cream, so maybe the two of them could go out for lunch and get ice cream later. He would enjoy that, but he wasn't overly sure if Victoire would as well. Alex was ultimately happy with any time he got to experience with Victoire, and he valued that time above all other. "Did you want to grab lunch?" He asked with a smile. He looked out the window, and indeed saw that it looked like it was going to be a good day outside, and this years winter was a lot less like the regular winters and that was a definite plus for Alex. He hated the heat, and the cold was certainly bearable, but New Zealand could be quite cold throughout the winter. Finishing up his breakfast, he smiled up at Victoire. "Thank you for breakfast, it was wonderful as always." He reiterated, wanting to make sure that she definitely felt appreciated. He got up to place his plate in the sink, and gave her another kiss on the forehead as he passed her.
Victoire couldn't help the little laugh that escaped her lips at what he suggested, of course the next meal was just on his mind, she shook her head a little, "Always thinking about food aren't you," she told him lightly before shrugging a little, "Well, we could take a walk and depending on the time grab some lunch," it would allow them to be able to combine the two, or well, do more than just wait around for lunch as Alex's suggestion said. She continued to eat her food, a little slower than Alex had but smiled gratefully at the compliment paid to her from him about the breakfast, it was a nice breakfast, and it was nice to sit in the house and actually be able to eat without having to rush out the door for work. She was certainly happy about it. The woman just nodded, finishing off her own plate and tidying up the little bits of mess that had been made. Victoire grinned at him, "You have to do the washing up, since I cooked," Victoire joked to him, they both had magic, it wasn't exactly an ardious task for either of them to actually do.
Alex grinned. He loved food, as did most of the people of the world. He knew that he was by no means one a kind in that respect, so he wasn't embarrassed by her comment. "Food is great." He said with a wink. He rolled his eyes slightly when she suggested that they go for a walk and maybe get lunch, he hadn't expected anything less. He wanted to enjoy his day with her, not wait around the house. He smiled up at her, "I'm just happy spending time with you, I like you more than food." He said with a chuckle on his face. Hopefully she wouldn't laugh too badly at that comment. He knew that she was joking about him having too clean up, but he still walked over to the sink and flicked his wand to clean off the mess that had been made. "Easy peasy." He said, with a smile. "I'm gonna go have a shower." He said to her, giving her a kiss and then walking towards the bathroom.
The woman smiled at him, smiling at the comment he made, it would be just about spending the day with him, it would nice to spend the day with him. That was one of the advantages of this, of being an adult and being with Alex, it was fun, and they could just spend the time together. There was nothing she would really rather now, being with Alex was different, but it was easier to be with him. There was nothing impeding them being together, nothing they had to be wary of, nothing to watch out for. So, she was just happy to be with him, happy they had these quiet moments together, happy they could spend the time together. She nodded when he said he was going to take a shower, she leaned into the kiss and smiled easily at him, "I love you Alex," the girl called to him and then just set about getting ready for the day. Tidying up bits and pieces, it would be a good day with him.
As Alex walked away, he heard Victoire call out to him saying that she loved him. He smiled and called back, returning the sentiment to her. "I love you too." He quickly showered, and then returned to see Victoire was tidying up, and he gave her a smile. He was a lucky guy to have someone like her. "Need any help?" He asked, making sure that she knew that he didn't expect her to do all the work and he was happy to do anything that she required. Alex missed Hogwarts some days, because while he waited for his chance to apply for the Aurors he had barely anything to do, so he found himself doing housework a lot more than other males likely did, but he didn't mind. It made things easier for Victoire since she worked so often and that was his goal.
It was rather easy to do tidying when she could just flick her wand and do everything quickly, she didn't mind it, she held the words he'd said to her dear in her chest as she worked away listening vaguely to the sounds of the shower in the background, listening as her life with him became more than it ever would've been with Jean. Though she loved the other boy and a part of her would always, she was glad to now be with Alex, and spending this time with him. At his words when he reentered the room she lightly shook her head, "It's mostly done now," Victoire flicked her wand again and what was left to be done, was magically completed. The woman smiled at him and walked over, placing a kiss on his lips, "I'm going to go shower and get ready, then we can leave," she told him as Victoire walked out of the room and headed off to shower and get dressed for the day. It didn't take too long, and soon she was dressed and motioning for Alex to come so that they could leave, "Let's take this walk!" she exclaimed with a smile on her face.

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