Seventh Years, Lesson Six

"Good Morning, Seventh years!" Misha called, waving his wand at the door so that it shut quietly. "I hope you have all thought about your happiest memory and brought it with you to class today. It was be essential for what we are about to do." With that being said, he briefly looked at each student in turn, hoping they realized how important it was.

"If you remember to last week, we discussed the Patronus Charm, and I even demonstrated mine. So today, with your happiest thought, you will be attempting it yourself. Each one of you will no doubt have a different patronus, so it will be interesting to see what form they take."Misha walked around to the front of his desk, wand still in hand.

"Before you all start, I'd like to go over the incantation again. Everybody, say it with my, I want no mistakes with this charm. Say, 'Expecto Patronum'. One more time, 'Expecto Patronum'. Very good, I think everyone's saying it correctly." He said pleasantly, before stating the charm himself and once again conjuring up his patronus, exactly like last lesson. "You won't all get it the first time, but keep trying, and make sure you focus on your happy memory. I expect no less than a silvery coloured wisp. Wands out, and off you go!"

- RP the Lesson, attendance is fine
It was the last lesson of the term, and that meant that they would either study or have a light lesson. Cassius Styx looked forward to heading home so that he could chill and look for a place. He was picky. Cass could not wait to gain independence after all. He needed more than just money from his family. Cass entered the Charms classroom and settled in. He knew that he had a powerful memory. And it was not full of anger either. He just hoped that it would work out. Once it was their turn to practice. Cass did his best to think of the happist memory. The very least he could do was none other than a small, silvery wisp. His memories were not exactly happy at all, and not strong enough for this. He realized it too late.

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