Seventh Years: Lesson One

Professor Kalif Styx waved his hand to close the shutters and pull the curtains down to block most of the light from the windows. This was how he preferred it, and that was how it was going to stay. He watched as the seventh years piled in. There were even fewer that made it through the sixth year course, which was expected due to his very high expectations. Styx waited until it was time to begin the lesson, and he gestured with his hand to shut the door. He leaned against the desk as he folded his arms across his chest. "This is your final year, and thus, the NEWT level of Transfiguration. So, rather than preach about how important this year is, I'll let you know what the new topic is, and the rest will be review tied in with the new topic."

The former Death Eater looked toward the blackboard, and a piece of chalk floated and wrote down a single word. "You will be learning Untransfiguration this year. Untransfiguration is returning something to its proper form. It is essentially a reversal spell. Finite won't turn your grasshoppers back into frogs. This is the process that you will use." Styx knew that when they were younger, they had to rely on the professor to turn things back to their original form, but this would reverse that. He would combine everything they learned over the past several years into Untransfiguration. It would make the quizzes redundant in the end, though he could still give them out for homework.

"If you would like to practice conjuring to get back into the rhythm of Transfiguration, you may conjure a simple chair. If you choose not to practice now, you should do so in your own time because this will only get harder from here on out." He gestured at the door for it to open in case the seventh years would choose to leave their class early. "You have until the rest of the period to practice. Then, you are dismissed without homework." Styx made sure to remain behind to see who would take up the offer to practice. After that, he would retreat to his office for the day, and get the seventh years ready for the hell that would await.
Assignment: RP the lesson. Familiarize yourself with the Class Policy before posting.
Being a seventh year seemed a little wild to Emmanuel. He still thought of himself as a young first year, desperately looking to be part of a history club. Now he was seventeen and he was about to graduate. Well, about to, in a year, but it was still closer than he’d been before. It was still this year which would decide his future. The Ravenclaw had stuck around New Zealand, mostly as he wanted to be around Kyon rather than back home. It also made it much easier to avoid his parents and family and what they might think of him. But none of it mattered, he was back at school. He had his notes and books and a determination to treat Kyon right and then headed to his first class.

Emmanuel walked into the transfiguration classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He glanced at the professor as the man got started and felt very eager for this final semester of transfiguration. He was more than sure that he would manage very well in it. The teen took his quill and wrote down what the topics would be,and then the professor allowed them to practice a transfiguration from the previous semester of the class. Conjuring a chair. He took out his wand, gave it a little wave and then was able to conjure up a chair. It was simple, both the chair he conjured and doing the spell. He felt rather pleased that it was so simple and then headed out of the classroom.
Rory couldn’t believe it was already his final year at school, he’d have to get serious about what he wanted to do with the rest of his life once he graduated, he was pretty sure he wanted to continue playing Quidditch but he wouldn’t be able to do that forever.

He headed into his grandfather’s classroom to begin his last semester of Transfiguration and he wasn’t looking forward to it at all. Professor Styx began the lesson by introducing them to the concept of Untransfiguration, it sounded complicated and difficult which were two concepts Rory didn’t particularly enjoy in his lessons, he wasn’t going to enjoy seventh year at all, but at least they weren’t doing anything practical with the concept in the lesson so far.

When given the option to practice, Rory stood up and focused on conjuring a simple chair. His first attempt was decent, but he saw room for improvement. He tried again, and this time, the chair was much better. Once the lesson was over Rory grabbed his bag and made his way out of the classroom, nodding his head toward his grandfather as he left.

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