Seventh Years: Lesson 6

Professor Killian Borisyuk made another revision sheet for the students since the previous professors just did not have anything planned, which was almost like that for another one of his years. It was a little frustrating, but at least his English was perfect when it came down to the questions. Killian made sure he had enough revision sheets, flicking through them as the seventh years came through the open door. Every now and then, his green eyes would glance over the sheets to see the seventh years settling in. Killian gestured with his hand to have the door close, and he stood up from behind the desk. "Good morning. One more revision sheet to fill out and you will be done for the year," Professor Killian Borisyuk announced, with his Russian accent still heavy on his words.

He made his way around the room, passing out the sheets to every seventh year to fill out. "This will be over your fourrh, fiftth and sixth year." Killian handed the last student a sheet and walked back to his desk so that the seventh years could get the revision sheet done and turned in. After everyone was done, he snapped and the door opened to dismiss the seventh years. "And that is it for History of Magic." Killian started to look over the revision sheets so that he could grade them appropriately as he waited a couple of minutes and left to head into his office.
Assignment: RP the lesson.
Extra Credit: Fill out the revision sheets. Worth 5 EC points.
4th - 6th Year Revision said:
1. Who built the Labyrinth of Crete?
2. What was the name of the monster in the Labyrinth? (Hint: It was the pet of King Minos)
3. Who was Theseus, and what was he given in order to navigate his way through the Labyrinth?
4. Where was the stone for the Easter Island statues taken from?
5. What was the name of Daedalus' son, and what was his fate?
6. Salazar Slytherin hid what in the Chamber of Secrets?
7. These two had a close friendship. Name them.
8. Intelligent and wit are characteristics this founder looked for.
9. Who was the winner of the 1994 - 1995 Triwizard Tournament?
10. What happened during the second task of the first HNZ Triwizard tournament that shut it down that year?
11. What was Voldemort's gang called prior to Death Eaters?
12. When did the First Wizarding War begin?
13. What was the wizard's name that Voldemort surpassed in power?
14. Who impersonated Alastor Moody to get Harry Potter to Little Hangleton?
15. What was the purpose of the Muggle-Born Registration Commission?
It was finally the last week of the semester. Monday Weeks only wanted to study for the rest of the term, but there were some classes he was sure would make them practice, if they were practical ones. Monday noticed that some of his spells were lacking lately, but he would figure out something later. He might just need some caffeine. He yawned as he looked at the timetable to see what time it was, and headed out with his bag to go to class. He did not have much more time to waste after all. Monday entered the History of Magic classroom, and settled in. They were informed that they had one more revision sheet, and then they were done. He took the quiz, filled it out, and turned it in. He did not have any questions at all, so he left to go study for other subjects. He was so close to being done with school.
Aurora felt torn a little, between being there for her sister and soon to be niece or nepher, but she also needed to focus on her exams and on doing well enough to be a healer. It was just a lot and Aurora was having a hard time trying to balance it. She knew that it was just that they were at the crunch point, that the end of her schooling and thus the NEWTs were just so close. She gathered the different things she needed for the day and was vowing to try and study wherever Rosie was. She knew that Rosie didn’t love the over-protectiveness, but she couldn’t help it. Aurora headed of the dorm and to class.

Aurora walked into the history of magic classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced up at the professor as the man got started, but this lesson wasn’t too dissimilar to the one they had done in the week prior, just covering the latter half of the course. She took her quill and then the revision sheet and began filling it out. It wasn’t too difficult, she was in the trenches with her revision now anyway, refusing to even glance away from her ultimate goal. She filled out the study guide and then handed it into the professor when she was satisfied with her answers.
Rosie couldn’t believe she was almost five months pregnant. The exams were going to be pretty hellish, with the little baby kicking away and pressing down on her bladder. But she was so looking forward to meeting them. The little pieces of her and Xinyi together in one baby. She had a little bump, certainly most people would notice it now, though she did think over the next little while it would grow a lot. She had found the second trimester to be better than the first, but still not amazing. She was tired all of the time, but she knew that with Accio and the wild patch and her exams, that it was probably all adding, but she wasn’t going to drop out when she was so close. Instead she just gathered what she needed and headed out of the dorm.

Rosie walked into the History of Magic classroom and took her usual spot in the room next to Aurora. She was feeling pretty rough still and was looking forward to the NEWTs and the year being done. Rosie took the revision sheet as the professor handed them out and then got to work on it. It took Rosie quite a bit of time to get an answer for each thing, and even at that, she was pretty sure she had gotten a couple of them wrong. She handed it in eventually and then headed out of the room.

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