Closed Seeing You

Casper Kinnek

Artist- Growing- Found
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 17 Inch Swishy Wenge Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
6/24/2038 (23)
Casper had broken away as soon as he had the chance, unintentionally leaving Linden behind as he pushed through the crowd. It took him a minute to push his way through, lighting up as he saw his mother and brother among the guests. He couldn't help the way his eyes teared up. "Mom!" He rushed forward, throwing his arms around her and hugging her tightly. He buried his face in her hair, unsure if he felt sad or happy. "I didn't think you would come," He murmured, his voice breaking. He had tried to act like he didn't care, but it meant everything that she was there.
Martine was glad the ceremony was over and was very very eager to give her boy a big hug. She saw Casper approaching, spotting them and rushing forward. She was quick to open her arms to him and hug him back just as tightly. She held him close, loving the feeling of him in her arms, not one she would ever want to not have again. "Of course sweetheart, I'm so proud of you, of everything you've managed," she replied with a little smile. keeping him in the hug as she spoke, and truly she was so happy and so proud of him. She knew Basil was beside her and knew it would be polite to let him get close to his brother but until she felt Casper letting go she likely wasn't going to.
Basil was insanely proud of his brother, and of course of his mom for how well put together she was being. He was delighted to see Casper closing in, and stepped in almost immediately, wrapping his arms around his mother and little brother. He looked over to see if Linden was nearby, wanting to drag him into a big group hug.
Linden had been meandering through the crowd when he realised cas was no longer besides him. Instead he was ahead making a direct line for his mum. He turned back to Addison who he had just been congratulating and asking about after school plans when and answered her question good luck, I am going to be a magizooogist. Study and conserve magical animals he said before he moving on after following cas. Martein and basil were very close to his parents and sister he walked over but before he could say anything basil was reaching for him and dragging him into a big hug with cas and martine it was warm and cozy i am so glad that you could both make it he said into someone’s shoulder. Squeezing the body he hoped was Caspers a title tighter as if to say ‘see I knew she would come’.
Casper smiled, melting against his mother and holding her tight. He was surprised when Basil joined in, and he relaxed further when he felt the familiar warmth of Linden pulled in. With his mother in his arms, his brother to his side holding everyone, and Linden against his back, Cas let out a content sigh. He couldn't wiggle out of this even if he wanted to, and he didn't mind at all. "Thank you," he murmured, just to everyone in general. Thanks to his family for coming, to Linden for inviting them, to his mother for being there, for his brother wrapping them all up together.
Martine was wrapped in the arms of her son, and then both her sons and Linden, which felt just right. There was no changing the past and her past mistakes, but she felt like she was finally on the path to fixing things, to resolving some of the hurt that she had caused, to have her whole family home. The woman knew that this was the best sort of outcome that she could've hoped for. She hoped her late husband would be able to see how she'd fixed things. she didn't want to let go, but knew they would need to eventually, they had to be getting in the way, but she'd continue to hold on tight until she had to.
Basil giggled, squeezing everyone before stepping back, trying to pull the hug apart. "Come on, guys, we do actually need to talk too," He teased, before ruffling Casper and Lindens' hair in turn. "Look at you two, all grown up," He teased, before looking at Linden. "Cassy is obviously just going to keep doing commissions, but what about you, lover boy? What are you up to now?"
It felt nice weird but nice to be included in Caspers family group hug. They were all crowding around cas making a wall of bodies and love around him. He hoped he knew that he was no longer alone. He rested his chin on Caspers shoulder ”you are very much welcome” he whispered into his ear before basil was ruffling his hair and letting go and he moved back slightly. Turning to the older man as he spoke to him. ”lover boy?” he asked. These nicknames were getting worse and worse. I work at the menagerie so will pick up some shifts there until I can start my magizoologist training. he said as though it was a sure deal though he had worked so hard this year and got almost straight o’s so that he could say that he deserved to do it without needing any family connections. Though he knew if push came to shove he would probably use them.
Willow had enjoyed the ceremony and when it had finished she she had left her family and vanished into the crowd to find her brother and embarrass him. It took him a second to find him caught in what could only be described as a group hug she watched as it broke away. And while she recognised the lady fork some of Lins holiday photos the man was unfamiliar. She listened for a second smirking at the comment
“ooh we finally get to meet the famous Martine and I am assuming big brother basil. I’m willow. Lover boy here’s big sister.[/b] she said copying basils actions and ruffling his hair though the impact was lost slightly as lin was slightly taller than her. Before turning to the man I am afraid the role of annoying older sibling is officially taken but I can see we are going to get along just fine she added winking to show that she wasn’t being wholly serious.
Casper didn't want to move, but when Basil ruffled his hair and the hug basically broke apart, he sighed and stepped back, though he stayed closer to his mother, trying to take her hand in both of his. He ignored Basil and Linden talking, and even Willow joining in, and instead just focused on his mother. "Thank you for coming," He murmured to her, giving her a bashful smile. He could feel the slight flush on his cheeks, but he couldn't help it, he wasn't used to having her around yet.
Martine was a little disappointed to pull out of the hug. But she remained close to Casper, letting him take her hand, since of course she wanted to feel physically close to the son she hadn't been able to see for so many years. People were introducing themselves, talking amongst themselves. She smiled at the pretty Willow girl and then looked to Casper as he spoke. "Thank you for letting me come," her words felt heavy, she knew she was letting Casper decide how much she was involved in his life, and every little bit that she was, she was thankful for.
Basil laughed at Lindens reaction, moving to drape an arm over his shoulders. "You're absolutely lover boy," He teased, winking. He looked up as a girl appeared, smiling at her. He slid closer, offering out his hand. "Basil, Caspers annoying older brother," He introduced himself. "Who might you be?" He asked her, though he had a pretty good guess.

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