
Onyx Derouin

Dramatic- Loyal- Growing- Soft Boi
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eternally Smitten
Cedar Wood, Hippogriff Feather core, 13 1/2 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Onyx was terrible at keeping secrets, he really was. But this was a secret of his own. Really, it should have made it easier. He snuck out of the house, the case slung on his back, and within fifteen minutes he'd come across a nice, hidden spot on the outskirts of town. A little part of Onyx thought he could just go to Jamies' flat instead of sneaking around like this, but Onyx wasn't sure what the Frenchman would think of this, and probably not-so-surprisingly, Jamie's opinion mattered a great deal to Onyx. And unlike the piano, which was both strangely new and oddly familiar, Onyx had no real experience with this prior to his accident.

Onyx settled down underneath a tree, the grass cool on his bare feet. He hadn't meant to take off without his shoes, but he'd almost been caught by his uncle. Onyx wasn't ready for his uncle James to know, either. He had started lessons not long after the accident, when he'd still been blissfully unaware, and had originally meant for it to be a surprise. But, as his memories returned, so did a few of his worries. Onyx was supposed to be remembering, he went to therapy and he went to the doctors and he was supposed to be trying to regain who he was. And this, well, this was new. This wasn't the old Onyx, this was for the now Onyx. And he couldn't help but worry that if his uncle found out how much time Onyx had been putting into this, well, he would be upset, and Onyx didn't want to upset his uncle.

Pushing aside his worries, Onyx pulled over the case and smiled softly as he opened it. He ran his fingers over the smooth ebony wood, before gently lifting the violin from its case and setting it to his shoulder. He took a few moments, running through a few of the warm-up exercises he'd been shown when he was still taking lessons, before starting to play a soft, sweet melody. He shut his eyes, smiling softly and letting the music wash over him.
It wasn't often Asher was left to his own devices. He didn't like it. He'd been feeling really lonely as of late, and it bothered him how there was just one person he wanted to go see. He was wandering around the house, ignoring the chores he should probably be doing in favor of just looking for something to keep him entertained when he thought he heard the faint sounds of music.

Curious, Asher followed the sound, not bothering with shoes as he left the house and crosses the backyard towards the trees that lined the back of the house. It was a small stand of trees, but thick enough it cut the house off a bit, and the privacy had been part of why he liked it here. He continued on, coming up to the side of a tree and finding a young boy sitting on the ground, playing the violin. Asher raised a brow and leaned against the wood, hands in his pockets, and just watched.
Onyx played on for a while, and after a while he let the music fade, keeping his eyes closed for several moments before slowly letting the violin down. He opened his eyes, and nearly jumped out of his skin. "I-i-i- hello- I'm sorry," he stumbled over his words, blushing deeply and quickly packing his violin away again.
Asher smiled, crossing a foot over his ankle and crossing his arms over his chest. "Oh no, don't be sorry. That wasn't a bad performance, kid." Asher shook his hair from his eyes and moved to crouch down in front of the boy. "You are in my backyard, you know." He looked down, studying the violin. "This is an expensive instrument. Beautifully designed, but not extravagant." Ash tilted his head. "Where did you find this?" He asked, looking to the boy.
Onyx swallowed nervously, peeking up at the man through his hair before glancing down to the violin. "I bought it," he admitted softly, "A little music shop in England," he spoke quietly. "I- I'm really sorry, sir, I- I didn't know I was in your yard," he apologized, glancing around instinctively, his brow furrowing a little when he didn't see a house. He looked up to the heavily decorated man, a little confused.
Asher smirked a little, looking over the boy. The kid was kinda cute, big blue eyes, dark hair. If he was a few years older, Ash might be interested, but as it was the lanky kid was still just a kid. A soft one, sure, but still. He settled down on the ground a little as he looked the boy over. "Why are you hiding in my yard barefoot with a nice instrument like that?" Asher asked, looking back up to catch the boys eye. "Everything okay there, kid?"
Onyx fidgeted a little, feeling like he was being studied. Alright, you idiot, next time you're just going to go see Jamie and you know you're going to like it because you know he'll cuddle you so stop being a baby and putting yourself in these stupid situations when you know you have a safe space you can go to! Onyx lectured himself, biting his lip and fidgeting more when the man asked why he was there. "I- um, it, it's a secret," he managed lamely, "I'm just... not ready to tell anyone yet," he admitted, knowing he probably sounded like a fool.
Ash raised a brow at the boy and snorted. "Okay, then come practice inside. You really shouldn't be playing out in the dirt." He chided, ignoring that he reminded himself of Leo when Leo was telling Ash not to do things. He stood, offering out a hand to the boy.
Onyx blinked in surprise, picking up his violin and shaking his head, holding the instrument to his chest and ignoring the outstretched hand. "N-No," he stuttered, "I don't know you. My boyf-" Onyx stopped himself, his blush deepening, and he shook his head quickly before starting over. "My friend would be really mad at me if I went to a strangers' house and got myself killed," he amended, scooting back and burrowing a little more against the tree.
Asher laughed at the boys' response. "I'm sure your friend is a smart guy." Ash sat down, settling before offering out his hand again. "My name is Asher Beckett. I'm the lead singer and rhythm guitarist for the band Ashes," he introduced himself. "I live right past these trees in a house with my bandmates, but I'm the only one home right now." Ash smiled a little impishly. "I'm too well known to try anything that stupid, I'd never get away with it," he joked, laughing lightly.
Onyx couldn't help the way it felt like he blushed deeper. He cleared his throat, shifting again. "Onyx. My name is Onyx," he introduced himself shyly, brushing his hair back and biting his lip. Something Asher had said struck a chord in him. "You... do you know a Vera? My... my sister talks to her sometimes," He asked, glancing up at Asher.
Asher smiled, standing again and offering out his hand. "Great, now we know each other, Nyxy. Vera is the band drummer. So now we know your sister knows where you are, technically," Ash laughed. "Come on, if you need somewhere safe to practice, we can go inside." Asher liked this kid. He was kinda shy, sure, but he was sweet.
Onyx hesitated a moment, before sighing softly and letting Asher pull him up. He held the violin to his chest, padding after Asher through the trees. He followed the other man back up to a regular looking house, surprised that someone famous would live in something modest like that, and followed him inside and to the mans bedroom. Onyx felt a little guilty about that for a minute, lingering in the door, but Asher moved to sit at the desk, gesturing for Onyx to take one of the bean bags in the room. Onyx nodded quietly and moved to sit down. He got comfortable again and after a quick glance to Asher, who looked to be writing something, Onyx shut his eyes and went back to practicing.

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