Secret Santa.

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Preferred name: Sammy, Sam
Favourite colour(s): pink, black, purple, silver, dark grey
Likes: cute animals, harry potter, scary movies, taylot launtner, death eaters(including snape), the nightmare before x-mas, any movie directed by tim burten, scrubs, harvest moon(game not song!), fall out boy, marianas trench
Dis-likes: twilight, Stephenie Myer, bugs, needles
Additional information: merry christmas! :)
Preferred name: Kyra or Bella
Favourite colour(s): Purple, pink, orange, red, green, blue
Likes: Beautiful things, nice things to look at, (e.g statuettes, figurines, posters of gorgeous people) Movies, Tv shows, especially heroes, supernatural, and LOVE horror novels and movies.
Dis-likes: Tedious things
Additional information: Happy Christmas!
Preferred name: Rowan
Favourite colour(s): Purple, black, grey.
Likes: Harry Potter, pretty things, lace, ribbons, glitter, making fun of Twilight, tattoos, leaves, rainbows, Torchwood (Jack and Ianto!), piercings, hair, bright colours, dark things, smiles, closeups, flowers, gay people, comedy, british things, victorian things, violins, pianos, ukeleles, jewelery, high heels, ribbons again for good measure (one can never have too many ribbons, or too much lace), Pullip dolls, industrial music, glasses, latex, children, gemstones, Stephen Fry, Emilie Autumn, Amanda Palmer, Angelspit, anything by Team Starkid, musicals, glitz and glamour, flappers, Dr. Who, anything from the 1950s back, corsets, swimming, water in general, Lord of the Rings, spikes, Remus/Sirius, makeup, dancing, Oblivion (the game), things that make me think, intelligence, wit, fun, nature, anything New Zealand related, geishas, kimonos, really, really detailed things, awkward stuff, Rocky Horror Picture Show, lingere, cleanliness, pentagrams, history, Shakespeare's sonnets, fanfiction, Buffy, (real) werewolves (not teen-pulp-fiction fakers), zombies, cross-dressing, Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman, and let's just say Harry Potter again for the win.
Dislikes: Twilight, anything tacky or obvious, bad spelling, spiders, anything OVERLY word-heavy (unless it's actually a piece of writing, in which case the more word heavy, the better.), anything religious, dirt, meat, homophobia, Twilight, PG-13 restrictions, Blythe dolls, work (sigh), stupidity, smoking, psychologically scary things, more Twilight, sleaze, mainstream stuff in general, being confused, and let's end with Twilight, and anything or anyone Twilight related.
Additional information: Hope I was detailed enough (haha.) to give whoever gets me a broad spectrum to choose from :) I look forward to seeing what I get! (And making something for someone in return!)

((I do apologise for the massively massively long list, but I like making lists, and tend to get quite obsessive-compulsive about them :S sorry!))
Preferred name: Livia, Livz or Eric.
Favourite colour(s): Blue, green, purple, silver, glittery/sparkely/shiny
Likes: HP, following people and humming annoyingly, HNZ (duh), puppies, kittens, rainbows, glittery things, Polyvore, Gossip Girl (EEEEE!), shop dummies (my weird obsession), singing, Paint, making glittery things on GIMP, banners, cheese, unique names (like Nydia), rain, sunshine, computers, iPods, cuddly blankets :D , laughing at the Twilight addicts, ninjas, pirates, rambling, squee-ing, eyes (another weird obsession), Snape/Lily, Voldemort, NZ, dolls, Dr Who, people who understand my jokes, people who laugh at my jokes, Disney princess movies (so cute!)
Dis-likes: concrete, camps, coffee, people who think they are the bomb, Miley Cyrus, Twilight fans, sore eyes, my glasses, shopping, school, Twilight fans, bad spellers, people who make me run, useless knees, netball, people who hit me when I point out that there is a playground outside for the fourty-seventh time that morning. ;) Oh, did I mention Twilight fans?
Additional information: Merry Christmas everyone!
Preferred name: Recky :D
Favourite colour(s): yellow, orange, red... (Anything that shouts "boomz!")
Likes: Demi Lovato | Selena Gomez | 7th Heaven | Vanessa Hudgens | Megan Fox | Optimus Prime | Spiderman | Jackie Chan | Oprah Winfrey | Jessica Alba | The Clique [ that explains Tabby's playby :) ] | Penguins | Alice Cullen <3 <3 | Marshmallows | Teen Vogue | Christmas | Frosty the snowman | Gingerbread cookies | Leighton Meester | Technology.
Dis-likes: Jasper Cullen [ he stole my Alice away :( ] | Birds | Tiger Woods | Pirates | Adam Lambert.
Additional information: Have funn :D
Preferred name: Catherine or CJ.
Favourite colour(s): (light) Pink, turquoise, pastely stuff, shiny stuff :D , and bright colours.
Likes: HNZ and Harry Potter related stuff, surprises, happy things/times, dancing (ballet), Christmas, music, summer, presents ^_^, holidays, internet, facebook, lollies, Taylor Swift, and sleeping.
Dis-likes: Purple, mean people, cartoons, school, evil, long-winded explanations, chores.
Additional information:I live in the southern hemisphere, so it is summer atm :) Merry Christmas :santa:
Preferred name: Lexi, Da Lex-In-Ator
Favourite colour(s): Pink, White, Lilac, amongst other soft, bright colours
Likes: Stars, Love Hearts, You, Doctor Who, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Torchwood, Sweeties, Kittens, TAYLOR LAUTNER
Dis-likes: Cheese, Pie, Windows-of-opportunity
Additional information: Cookie Crisp.
As it is the fifth of December, Secret Santa sign-ups will close with the next person who posts; or the next three. Either way, so long as it is an odd number I don't mind.

You have three hours.

Yay for not counting correctly. And who says failing GCSE's doesn't make a difference. :(

You all have one and a half hours. Or until after I have eaten, which-ever is the earliest; considering sign-ups would technically close on the sixth[sup]1[/sup], a day later than planned.

1: GMT!
Sign-ups are now closed!
All messages have now been sent out. Enjoy creating the gift(s) for your recipient. ^_^
I would like to take this opportunity to state that:
[ol][li]My gift(s) are done.</LI>
[li]My gift(s) suck.
[li]I feel sorry for the person I got.
<LI>[li]I hope I get something quite excellent from Santa. :shifty: [/li][/ol]
Joel Backman said:
Tony, I think you need to as for your two front teeth. :r

Clay :clay:
Santa has also informed me of his dis-taste at the use of improper grammar.

As a side note, I once smashed my two teeth out against the tarmac; after soaring over my bike's handle-bars.

Thirdly, is it still possible to pronounce the letter f with-out front teeth? I assume it would fall under the same hard-ship as th?
Nicolas King said:
I would like to take this opportunity to state that:
[ol][li]My gift(s) are done.</LI>
[li]My gift(s) suck.
[li]I feel sorry for the person I got.
<LI>[li]I hope I get something quite excellent from Santa. :shifty: [/li][/ol]
Join the club <_<
Since I posted first, it's you that is joining the club, and not I. ;)
The gift for my SS really sucks and I feel bad for them a little. I just hope they know that they don't have to do anything with it
As I will be un-available almost all of Sunday, I won't be able to juggle anything about if anyone has been unable to create a gift. What I would like, is for anyone who hasn't sent me their finished gifts so far; to please do so so I know where everything stands. Tomorrow I will send out messages to those accounts I haven't heard anything from, and you will all have until Wednesday to send completed gifts to me.

Depending upon my sleep pattern, and the time I log in on Wednesday, everything should be good to go for Thursday night; before I head to bed early to lay in waiting to attack Santa as he enters my home as I am heading away for Christmas dinner on Friday, and won't be available until the night or something; at the earliest. Even then, I am un-sure of Thursday night; but the topic will be posted before any plans take place.

So to round this post off. Do stuff! :p

.. or I will set my chair-woman on you. :glare:
Chairwoman says: I may be small but I'm scrappy!
AGH I've been working SO MUCH lately I haven't had time to make my gift! It's all but done though, just gotta save it and find a host to upload it to :) Though it took me a while to get to it, I'm actually pretty proud of my gift ^^ Submitting ASAP
One day left. No-one has any excuses now. No-one informed me they couldn't complete anything, so you are all expected to send in a gift.

That is all.
If anyone knows Jade Caja; Tabitha Nauser; or Zoe-Hope Weasley, give them a slap and inform them of the required attention they must pay to their in-boxes!
Nicolas King is pumped to see his gift!
And the look on his giftee's face. :r (Yes. I demand photographic evidence of your reaction, my giftee. :shifty: )
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