Second Years, Lesson Six


Second Years, Lesson Six: Animare & Wizarding Chess

As his students arrived for the lesson, Edward was at the front of the classroom a chess set laid out. This was his last session with these students this semester so he wanted to have some fun before their exam. "Morning!" He greeted his students with a smile, the more observant students would notice that he was speaking clearly again. It had been a tough month teaching with a mandrake leaf in his mouth and he was glad to see the back of that. "Anyone ever played a wizard chess before?" He questioned, looking around at a mixed reaction. "For anyone who has never played wizard chess: it's chess, except the pieces come to life to attack each other on your orders." He explained easily. "Before these pieces have minds on their own, they start out as normal, boring, chess pieces that resemble those used by muggles."

"The pieces are transfigured, by a special team of wizarding toymakers, to come to life. Each set generally has its own distinct personality, depending on the preference of the witch or wizard who brought them to life. This type of transfiguration falls under the Inanimate to Animate type of spell."

"This," Edward pointed at the chess set, "Is a muggle chess set. The pieces remain stationary, having no animation or personality of their own, until we grant them that."

Taking out his wand, he aimed at the marble queen. "Animare!" At once the piece's facial features changed. Her mouth contorted and melted, shifting from a solid line to something more mobile. The piece remained in the clothing that had been carved onto it, but it seemed to come to life, the marble cloth separating from its body somewhat to resemble a more living and free-flowing appearance. The queen loomed over its subjects with an impassive expression, until she seemed to notice the classroom of students beyond her board. "Hmph." She tutted, her brow creasing.

Edward's eyes moved from the queen to the class with a smile. "As you can see, the incantation 'Animare' brings things to life. Naturally, other inanimate objects are brought to life to amuse children. Chocolate frogs are an excellent example that comes to mind. After the chocolate is mixed and set, candy makers use a sort of mild variant of the spell. The result is that they really only get one good jump before -"

"Why are there children on my battlefield, peasant?" The queen cut in, causing him to laugh. He then quickly tapped her with his wand again and the queen froze back to her inanimate state.

"Anyway, the wand movement," He continued with a grin. "You should tap the object that you are going to animate once squarely in it's centre and then aim the wand at the object, speaking aloud the incantation. With the proper visualisation and concentration, the correct wand movement, and a firmly spoken incantation, you should find yourself able to cast most inanimate to animate spells. In your cases, you aren't likely to flesh out any sort of faux-personality, but you should give it life. Now one by one come to the front, pick a chess piece, and try to bring it to life in front of the class. Starting with you." Edward pointed at a student sitting on the first bench of the first row.

Roleplay the lesson, including trying to bring a chess piece to life, for full marks. Extra points given for creativity. Tag @Professor Edward Pirrip if you would like me to interact with your character!
Eli watched with some suspicion as the professor seemed to no longer be speaking with something in his mouth. His eyes narrowed and he made some more notes in his book. He was pretty sure he knew what this meant, but he couldn’t be sure, he would have to ask later. He was interested to know if his guess was right, but… well he didn’t know the particular process. He sat quietly watching the professor demonstate Animare. His eyes widened when the Queen’s features suddenly shifted to a more lifelike stated and she started speaking. Okay, that was so cool. Is this what the professor had meant when he’d said that he wanted him to learn to appreciate transfiguration in all it’s forms. He shifted nervously when it was his turn and headed up to the front, running over the instructions in his head. He picked up a pawn, studying it carefully and how it might move, imagining it coming to life on the board in front of him. He tapped the pawn with his wand, “Animare!” and then watched as it trembled slightly in his hand before it started to move, sprouting tiny limbs and it’s face started to show expression. He quickly realised he was holding it upside down and placed it on the board. He was honestly kind of impressed with himself honestly.​
Lilith's suspicion from earlier lessons didn't wash away with the clearing of the professors speech, if anything it only deepened. He was up to some weird business lately, but good for him she supposed. It was nice to hear him speak clearly again though, rather than trying to make out what he was saying or reading everything off of the board. As he explained today's objective and Lilith watched the Queen piece come to life she raised her brows, she had played wizard chess once with her grandmother. Though turned out her grandmothers set didn't really like children, its King had called Lilith a nuisance and her hands grubby when she tried to inspect it. Hesitantly the second year took the King, just for some retribution of that time in her childhood. Perhaps this one wouldn't be so well rude.

Looking at her newly acquired King Lilith narrowed her eyes, holding it in her hand she visualized it becoming alive and maybe even speaking. Once she was ready she cast the spell "Animare!" The brunette spoke clearly and as the piece started moving in her hand she held her breath. Waiting for judgement. "What are you staring at, youngling?" The King asked turning to her and making a questioning move with its head making Lilith let out an involuntary yelp and almost throw the thing at a wall. "Uh sorry, it..... talks how do I make it stop?" She spoke in a very high pitched voice, walking almost too slow towards the table to put it down. It was creeping her out with the gestures and expressions it was making and she wanted to get rid of it. At any point she swore it'd jump at her and bite or something, so before it got the chance Lilith put it down on the board and hurried away as far as she could get.
It was unbelievable that it was the last Transfiguration lesson. Rhea knew that she would definitely have to sail, but without it, nothing. She wrote down in her notes about today's topic when the professor started the lesson and everything was carefully, neatly written in the notes, Animare and magic chess. It seemed quite difficult at first, that Rhea thought she wouldn't be able to do it, because it seemed too difficult, but if she didn't try, then she wouldn't know whether she could do it or not. Once again she read what needed to be done and then stood by the chess piece - the horse, and raised her wand, then took a couple of deep breaths and then tried, of course, the words of the spell had to be loud and sure. The first time the words sounded like a quiet beep, that nothing had come of it. Then she lowered her wand, it took her a few minutes to get her bearings and to try again. She calmed down, then stood by the chess pieces - the horse and raised her wand. ''Animare.'' she said loudly and confidently, then she looked at the chess piece - a horse, then she watched how it slowly began to move and change. It seemed that its mane slowly came to life and it soon began to move as if it were really alive. Everything looked good when Rhea approached him. The girl was satisfied with herself, then until the end of the lesson she tried again and again. Everything came out perfectly well. When they could be free. Rhea took her things, said goodbye to the professor and left the classroom.
Daiki walked into the transfiguration classroom and then looked at the chess set that was at the front of the room. He took his wand out of his bag as the professor began telling them about the chess set. He could figure out what exactly that they were going to do within this lesson. He watched the professor then demonstrate the spell on one of the pieces. He smiled at the reaction of the queen. He watched as others then took turns to do it. When it was his turn he then reached out and took a pawn. He took his wand and pointed it at it, and then said. ”Animare,” he had to cast it a couple of times before it worked, but it did. He was pretty happy with it. Daiki then watched as others did it before the lesson was then wrapped up.

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