"Morning, everyone," Gabrielle greeted, once the students started taking their seats. "Since we're close to exams I'll let you have free reign to study today. Snacks and drinks in the corner," she gestured towards a table with fruit, juice, water...and some sweets. "So feel free to take as many as you like - as long as you don't get any stains on books. You drop it, you clean it. Or replace it, and some of those books aren't cheap, so do be careful. Feel free to chat amongst yourselves - preferably about History, but I'm not going to monitor your conversations." Gabrielle gave a snort of derision at her own comment. Of course she would have preferred the students to revise, but she wasn't going to hold them at wand point to do so. "I want you to try your best on the exams, but I hope that you take time to relax. Remember that it isn't the be all and end all. By Merlin's beard, it's only second year." It probably sounded cheesy coming from her, so she didn't harp on the point. "Anyway, if you have any questions, or just feel like a chat, I'll be right here." She leaned back and drank some more of her coffee, wincing and tapping it with her wand to warm it back up. There was probably not a huge amount of studying going on, but there was more than she expected. After the food table cleared up a bit and the studying lessened, Gabrielle dismissed them with a smile.
RP the lesson. Thanks for your patience this semester! PM me if you have any issues/have specific requirements for your character.
RP the lesson. Thanks for your patience this semester! PM me if you have any issues/have specific requirements for your character.