Second Years, Lesson Five


Second Years, Lesson Five: Learning Torte (teapot into a turtle)

It had been hard work teaching with a mandrake leaf in his mouth for a month, but Edward was reaching the end of this unpleasant step of Animagus training. The next step would be even tougher, but he'd work on that over the school break. For now, Edward was putting out a display of different teapots of various designs and colours when his second years arrived. "Weh hahv a fhun lesson today." He greeted them brightly, picking up a multi-coloured polka dot teapot and holding it in the palm of one hand, then using his wand to write the lesson brief on the board behind him.

  • You will each turn one of these decorative teapots into a tortoise.
  • I want you all to be very careful when performing this spell. I will be taking points off of your grade if the tortoise breathes steam or has ceramic tiles on its shell. Patterns are fine, but I don't want to see actual porcelain left over.
  • We're focusing on a complete transformation.
  • The incantation is Torte, practice pronunciation first.
  • Take your time, and remember to focus. At the end of class, bring your tortoise to the front for grading

Edward took out his wand and pointed it at the teapot he was holding. "Torte!" He spoke the incantation as clearly as he possibly could in his condition so his students could hear. With a poof, the teapot changed into a tortoise that fitted nicely in his open palm and now brown and green in colour. "Come one by one, choosh your favrite teapot an return to your seat wif it." Edward placed his transformed tortoise back onto the table, turning it back into a teapot with a quick flick of his wand.

Once each student had selected a teapot and returned to their desks, Edward gave them the go ahead. He kept an eye on the class and helped where he could. At the end of the lesson he dismissed the class then quickly retreated to his office.

Roleplay attempting to turn your teapot into a turtle. A successful transformation will earn full marks. Tag @Professor Edward Pirrip if you would like me to interact with your character (although might be best to wait until next week)!
So there was still something wrong with Pirrip? Hmm, this was making Eli incredibly suspicious. One class he could have put off as the man having a cold, but there was definitely something going on. he carefully chose a blue teapot, running his fingers over it as he moved back to his seat, checking it for any cracks or bad imperfections that could cause problems for the tortoise, turtle, whatever the difference was. He tried the spell under his breath a couple of times to make sure he had the pronunciation right before he tried it out loud, Pirrip had said he needed to learn the basics and gain an appreciation and understanding of the practice before he was anywhere near ready for animagus training. He nodded to himself, he could prove it to the professor. “Torte!” a puff of magic, if he could call it that, shimmered around the teapot and then a tortoise appeared in its place.​
Spell: Torte (Say it clearly!)
Goal: Change a teapot into a real tortoise.
• No steam-breathing tortoises!
• No leftover ceramic pieces.
• Patterns on the shell are okay.

1. Pick a teapot.
2. Imagine a tortoise (its shell, legs, and skin).
3. Say Torte! and cast the spell.
4. Bring your tortoise to the front for grading.
Lilith eyed professor Pirrip suspiciously, her eyes little more than lines as the man spoke. Or well tried to but it was quite slurred, as though something was in his mouth. The Ravenclaw took notes of everything that needed to be done, anxiously looking forward to the actual spell part. She stepped closer to the teapots, picking a white one with beautiful blue flowers on it. It reminded her of the one her grandmother used to own, that had shattered since. Sitting down with her pot she stared at it for a while, imagining what it'd look like as a tortoise. Lilith took her time with the process of studying the pot, wanting to get her mental image of the tortoise just right before even attempting. After she was done imagining all the possible things she could including a damn teapot turning into a tortoise and practicing the incantation a few times, she stood up again taking a deep breath in. "Torte!" Lilith spoke clearly pointing at the pot, she stared at it as it puffed and a tortoise now stood where the teapot used to. It was now brownish tortoise, it still had some flowery pattern but mostly it was a tortoise. Blinking a few times the second year got closer to her tortoise, not believing she'd done that. Bringing it to the professors desk she reluctantly let the tortoise go and left before she could see the professors reaction to her creation. She thought she did well but she wasn't risking it.
It was unbelievable that it was before the last Transfiguration lesson. Rhea knew that she would have to sail, but she couldn't do without it and she would just have to sail. She was writing down today's topic in her notes when the professor started the lesson and everything was carefully, neatly written in the notes, how to turn a teapot into a turtle. It seemed very difficult at first, that Rhea didn't think she could do it, because it seemed too difficult, but if she didn't try, she wouldn't know whether she could do it or not. She read what she had to do again and then stood by the teapot, raised her wand, then took a few deep breaths and then tried, of course, the words uttered during the spell had to be loud and sure. The first time the words sounded like a beep, that nothing happened. Then she lowered her wand, it took her a few minutes to get her bearings and to try again. She calmed down, then stood by the teapot and raised her wand. "Torte!" she said loudly and confidently, then she looked at the teapot, it rose slightly into the air, but instead a turtle appeared. Everything looked good when Rhea approached her. The girl was pleased with herself, so until the end of the lesson she tried again and again. Everything came out perfectly. When they could be free. Rhea took her things, said goodbye to the professor and left the classroom.

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