Second Years, Lesson Five

The Herbology Professor was looking at his second year's mandrakes, checking if any one of them managed to kill one. Apparently, not long before Landon started teaching at the school, someone managed to do just that, and so Landon was very weary about it, despite him trusting his second years very much. Landon heard voices from outside and smiled as his second years began entering the room. "Hello guys! Take a seat with your mandrakes and we'll begin." Once all of his students were inside, Landon walked to the front and faced them all. "Good morning!" he exclaimed before continuing. "Take out your quill and parchment ..." Landon flicked his fingers and words appeared the black board.






Pubescence: Leaves thicken and take on a waxy texture due to the oil they secrete, which causes them to have acne. Childish mannerisms are gone, replaced by moodiness. They become more secretive.


-Males tend to have more acne and make rude gestures towards the other Mandrakes. They also make cat calls out to the females. If you are wearing the earmuffs, then most likely, you won't hear them. Though lip reading is common since they like to pop their heads out of the soil and grab their food.

-Females have less acne, and tend to whisper and gossip incessantly. They are more laid-back than males. They like to primp in this stage, as they will pop their heads out of the soil as well. They also like to flirt.

"You can summarise if you like, but basically the Mandrake goes through many different stages. The first stage is infancy to toddler, next is childhood, and now they have all progressed into pubescence. In your journal you will note down their changes such as their leaves which are now taking on a waxy texture." Landon waited until everyone had finished writing their notes before talking again. "Now, you will be able to check to see if your Mandrakes' genders, and you might have to change their names." He waved his hand and the board went back to the corner from where it had come from. "Observe your Mandrakes and their behaviours. Record this in your journal and give them a bit more water and food than you did in their last stage."

"Now, please put on your earmuffs. If you forgot yours, there are some in the box beside the door."
Landon put on his, and waited for the others to put theirs on. He gave his Mandrake, which turned out to be a female, some food. She popped her head out and grabbed the food, after glancing up at Landon before retreating into the soil. Landon gestured for them to begin as he watered her.

Landon didn't speak again until they were done. "Come here tonight and bring your journals as we will observe a Mandrake party. Put your earmuffs in the box next to the door. If they spotted us, they would stop." He smirked. "Class dismissed."

[ Night time ]

Landon waited outside the castle doors for the students. He had his hood on to keep the cold from aggravating him. After all were present, he led the students toward the greenhouses. He passed out the earmuffs, "Just watch." Everyone put on their earmuffs, including Landon. He hand his hand raised for silence among the students. A male Mandrake, popped up, looked around, making sure the coast was clear. It jumped out and knocked on the other pots. Landon watched in amazement as they all sprang from their pots and the party began. He was already tired of watching them strike up the music, dancing and pelting each other with the food from the bowl he left out on the table for them. They were in for one interesting night.


Homework: Okay guys, there they are! So here we all are, sitting on a hill and you guys can write whatever you want about what's going on at the party. Keep it clean! They love music, dancing and having a fun time.

Just RP the lesson AND write an entry in your journals for full marks. You'll record the stage they're in, their genders (new names, if they're a different gender than you thought), food/water you gave them. You'll also record the raucous party they threw. Make sure you RP coming back to watch the party.
Prim stared at her Mandrake, who was now named Grumbletta, because he had apparently been a she this whole time. The sheen of wax on her leaves was so obvious now where she hadn’t been able to tell before. She fussed with her leaves alot before she popped up to talk to another Mandrake in the next pot. “Ah, she’s a gossip.” she shook her head, taking soe more notes about this. She watered and fed Grumbletta a bit more before watching as she daintily retrieved the food and disappeared back into the pot. She seemed to be trying to be all mysterious, which Prim thought was a bit silly. Later that night, she bundled herself up in her cloak, watching the mandrakes with curiousity. They were throwing a party, or something, and she thought it was quite funny actually. Grumbletta was apprently way more social than Prim herself because she was the centre of this little party, she was in the middle of what Prim could only describe as a pack of other female mandrakes as a bold young male mandrake tried to impress them with… well, she supposed it was a dance? Not a very good one, probably. Prim shook her head and made more notes. “This is ridiculous,” she said quietly to herself, feeling a lot like an unamused parent in this moment.
Diary Entry #4

Mandrake Name: Grumbletta (formerly Grumble)
Stage: Pubescence
Gender: Female
Care Notes: Leaves are shinier, and she’s suddenly very into gossip. Fed and watered her more today. Went back to watch their weird secret party. She danced. I regret everything.
The semester was just about over with, and Vikram was ready to be done with the year. He enjoyed being away from home, but he missed it all the same. He was already planning his return- the dinners he'd request, the time alone. He smiled a little. Being alone, that was something he always missed when they were here. He sighed, rolling his neck. Classes first.

Vikram found his seat- he'd admit he fell into it with a bit of a sigh. He was just tired. This was a really easy class- the mandrakes weren't exactly hard to take care of. He wrote in his journal about the changes in his mandrake, biting back a sigh as he thought of coming back that night.

He came out with an extra thick scarf, making himself comfortable and watching the mandrakes below. He studied his mandrake- it was hiding in the dirt a lot, but a few others had climbed onto the pot before burrowing in with it. All three poked their heads out, watching and giggling (maybe?) at a rather fat mandrake dancing for them. He let out a soft sigh. So he had a girl, then. He did his best to stay awake, dozing off a little here and there, but to his relief he stayed awake (for the most part) until they were dismissed.

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