Searching for the Centaurs

"Im not scared of being caught by Vico, you only followed your own beliefs saving the humns" Mist said giving him a warm smile that she usualy saved for her brother.
Aitan Snarled, "All Humans Are Stupid" she said running his hand though his Silver hair, "Stupid, dont know how to live resposibly, they always dive at things, and they're going to get themselves killed" he Scowled, looking at His Sister, "Whats Vico Going to do, Banish Us" He said
" Hmm... I would hate to see you banished." He looked more to Mist then Aitan while saying, "It is terribly lonesome" He let out a slight shaky chuckle and scuffed a hoof against the ground.
"And yet your here talking to us" He said trotting over to the Arrow dug into the ground, Aitan bent down, shaking a tiny bit in weakness when he bent down to grab it, he twisted out of the ground, standing up strong he walked over to Mist placing the arrow in her hand, "I'm going to go to our river" he said, before lauching himself into the forest.
"" Thearus couldn't think of an excuse. Aitan was right, he was the one talking to them. He gave Mist a guilty look before taking a few steps back, retreating slowly back into the shadows of the forest.
Mist smiled at her brother and took the arrow. When she noticed Thearus leaving she sighed and followed her brother.

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