School for the holidays

Zazuka blushed. "They are. I though I would seem cheep if I gave something I made so I got you a Gryffendor binder and a poster of a dragon around the moon. I thought it was really, really cool." She said interly to quickly. She didn't was to seem to eager eather.
"Zuka you do know that when you give a present you aren't suppose to tell the person what they got until they open it for themselves" she laughed, Andromeda gave Z a big hug, "Thank you and I love them, the binder will come in handy actually for seperating out all my class parchments, so good thinking there and I could do with personalising my side of the bedroom so thanks again. Not that another view of the moon will make me feel better! Only kidding" she smiled delighted with her gifts.
Zazuka giggled. "What I didn't know if you would like them. Any way I don't quite remember what the dragon was around so I just said the moon. I'm glad you like all of it any way." She said hugging Andy back. She felt warm even though it was chilled out here. "Your better than my siblings." She said happely. She really was her brothers' where probobly celebrating that she wasn't home right now.
"Well you are just as good as a sister to me" She smiled at Zuka, "which reminds me I don't have any of my presents wrapped yet, so will have to start heading back to the dorm soon. I can meet you at the Great Hall later to give you your present if you like. But you can't open them until Christmas morning ok?"
Zazuka laughed. "Aw do know why curiosty killed the cat? It's becasue he didn't find out what he was curiose about! you can't do that to me but if you say I'll try and contain myself." Zazuka said jokenly. She knew she could last until christmas day without opening her presents but still she would be shakeing the boxes ever few minutes until then.
"Well try to contain yourself ok! Actually it comes in two parts so you can open one if you want. Oh, and whatever you do, do not do what my mom kills me for doing and that's shaking the living daylights out of the parcel to guess what's in it. You could break something" Andromeda knew nothing could get broken from a shake but Zuka wasn't to know that.
Zazuka nodded. "I will not shake the box then." She said with an innocent smile. Zauzka knew she would, even if she tryed not to she would eventually until she found out what was in the box. She would have to put something back together if it broke but she could make almost anything look like new again without a repero charm.
((To be continued --> here <---))
"Who said it was in a box?" Andromeda nudged her, she liked this silly niggling at each other it kept her mind off of other things. "Come on we'll head back to the school and I'll meet you at lunch time in the Great Hall."

Zazuka nodded and got off the wall. "Alright I'll be there and I don't know if it's going to be a box the paper could be around the thing itself. If it is it means it's nothing fragile because it would be in a box with tissue or something else to protect it." She said laughing. Zazuka knew she was talking way to much but Andy didn't seem bord so she went on.
"La lalalalala "Andromeda pretended to hum, "You're not allowed even guessing about the wrapping!"
she laughed and nudged her friend again, "Come on then catch up!"

Andromeda ran ahead and shouted back, "Great Hall, Lunch Time!"
"No you don't!" Zazuka said running after her so she could nudge her back. She could never catch up to her she knew but running was fun and her heart was lighter than ever or so it felt.

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