Old School Week Same Song and Dance

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Indira Khatri

"Indi" 📍 healer 📍 '59 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Hawthorn Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
11/2040 (22)
Indi had to admit that if this was going to be her last Yule Ball at least the great hall looked nice. The trees and snow were a nice touch and she appreciated the free entertainment of the frozen lake as people wobbled along like baby deer. But she was perfectly content to watch from a safe distance. Which had been her usual spot for most balls and dances. Why mess with a perfect system?
Tempest kept walking away from the weird boy with glasses only to become dizzy by something ahead. She realized it was the SDA president, and why she looked like Sheldon Cooper’s Doppler Effect costume was beyond Tempest’s comprehension. She walked near the girl and sighed. “It’s boring here, huh?” She said, trying to act cool.
Indi wasn't really expecting anyone to approach her so she was a little surprised when a younger student joined her. She laughed a little at her comment. If she thought this was boring now the next several years were going to rough for her. She had always come with a sense of curiosity much like a wildlife researcher, which helped with the boredom immensely. "I guess, but at least we get a show this year." she shrugged.
Tempest looked at the older girl in cofusion when she said there was going to be a show. "Like, someone's going to put on a play?"
Indi laughed. "Merlin, can you imagine." she said when the girl asked if there was going to be a play. Now she wished more than anything that was true. "No." she said with a slight shake of her head before nodding at the frozen lake. "Rather a more unstructured form of entertainment."
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