
Teresa Sanchez

New Member
OOC First Name
Hi there! My name is Ana. I believe there's another Ana on here, so you can call me Ann if that's easier; I've gone by both on the internet. (And if there's an Ann out there, I'll figure something out. xD) I'm from the States, and I've been RPing for three-ish years. Ever since I was seven, I've been obsessed with NZ and have dreamt of going there. The fact that this board is set in NZ is what first attracted me to it. Oh, and the HP part certainly didn't hurt. xD

I think I'll stop this here since I tend to get very verbose and awkward during intro posts because I have absolutely no idea what to say.

Anyway, I'm happy to be here, and I look forward to meeting all of you!

~Ana (or Ann)
Hey There Ann,

Your fine with that name. We have Ana, Anna and now Ann :D Anyway I am Teigs and I have come to welcome you to our wonderful site. Any help you may need can be found in the site documentation which can be found at the top of your page, the welcome message. Or you can pm a purple, or me if you wish. Anyway quick question cookies or muffins? :r
Hey Ana/Ann!

I'm Melissa, (my middle name is Ann so you are instantly awesome!)
Welcome to the site. If you are ever in need of a rp or a plot, send me a pm, I'll be happy to rp with you.
I hope you like the site.

:wub: Melissa!
Hey Ann ^_^

It's nice to see that you decided to join, I'm sure you'll have lots of fun here and don't worry about your intro, it's so much better than mine was :r mine was one line, so yours royally owns mine. Hope to see you lurking around the site!

Awkward moment when I forgot to put my name in there =))

I'm Tenilee, by the way, sister of Teigs, so if you see little squobbles around, don't take too much notice of us :r
Hi Ann!

Welcome to HNZ! I am Lovi and I am from the States too! :)
I have only been RPing for a few moths and I am loving it!
I hope you enjoy your time with us, and if you ever want to rp just shoot me a PM. :)
Hi there An(n/a)! :)

Welcome to HNZ!
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I'm from Canadaland™. ^_^
I'm glad you found our community and that you liked it enough to join. :p Hopefully we can keep you busy while you wait for sorting to start.
If you have any questions or concerns about the board, feel free to shoot me a PM.

I look forward to seeing you around the board and getting to know you more. ^_^

P.S: Cookies or Brownies?
Well hello there I am the other Ana, Most know me as Ana V. at your service with any info you might want to know and are too shy to ask anyone else or epic plotage.

Pick the Brownies xD

I am Eden or Eds if Ana is talking to me. So glad you decided to join or board of craziness. Before you make a choice find out what Nick prefers and than pick the other. Anyways hope to see you around.
fyi, he prefers brownies :r
Heyy there :p
I'm Johanna.Welcome to the site :hug:
Give me a pm if you ever want to rp,hope to see you around
PS.Pick the brownies :r
It's nice to know that Ann isn't taken. Now we're just missing an Anne, lol.

Thanks for all the welcome messages, guys! I really appreciate them. <3

Cookies vs Muffins- Muffins, because I've never accidentally bitten into a "chocolate chip" muffin, only to find out that it was an oatmeal raisin.

Cookies vs Brownies- Brownies, because of the same reason as above, and brownies = chocolate = awesomeness.
I fear you've failed the test. :(

Why does everybody fail the test? T-T
Of course that was the test.
You're the second one to fail it this week. :(

I'm losing hope in humanity. :p
Welcome Ann you can call me Isla. Nice to see more people on the board.
Hello Ann!

Good to see that you found this awesome site! It's addicting, I admit. xD
Well anyways, have fun and I hope we can roleplay sometime.

- Arty.
Hi Ann ^_^ My name is Sally ...
I hope you have loads of fun here cz I do xD .... The members are awesome xD
soo... I hope to see you around and... Haaaave fun :hug:

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