Sally and you!!

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Sally Kuang

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally [main]
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Mermaid Scale
I haven't been posting that much lately with this character. So yeah well....
Here's what I might need :p

*cough cough* "Gimmie the script!!@#"

ahoooy ahooy!!
*trumpets and drums as the curtain raises* *star wars music began playing* "!@#$ Wrong song!" *changes the song into... (well that's not imprtant)*

1. a cousin?

2. a friend?

3. a boy that had been crushing on her for a very long time but she wouldn't care/ perhaps an ex of her that probably fall in love with her but she was too scared in going back to a relationship.

4. Sally needs lord baldy, I mean Voldy! *changes the script* A playmate that had known her since she was little
Hey i have a few characters i could offer. If you need more information just ask :)

Firstly this character. Daniel is 13,and a very energetic boy. Daniel is a real joker and prankster. he love to play tricks on other people and is constantly hyper and raring to go.

Caley Shale: Caley is quite a lonely shy person who doesnt always believe in herself even if people try to convince her. She is 14 and could be Sallys cousin. Its up to you.

:voldy: <---I still need this man

Sure why not? The only obstacle is her cousin must be asian or half asian.. :unsure:

Do you have other charrie that you could offer me? She's a calm type of person who is always sure of her self....

Perhaps she could try RP-in with Daniel ;) ???
ok i have 6 characters in total (i think)
they are
Izzy shale
Tom shale
Caley shale
alexis shale
richard hawthorne and daniel harwood. i think thats it i can give you more info later im jus heading ot now though
alright I'll be waiting for the info :D

:voldy: <-he rocks!!-> :voldy:

(Sorry a little hyper today)
Alexis:20, she looks after izzy,tom and caley as their mother died when she was younger.shes outgoing and always ready to meet new people.
Izzy:12, her and tom are twins.although they are different ages because they were born over the new year.she is quite shy and like to keep herself to herself. she loves to dance and listen/play music.
Tom: 11,Izzys to sort out other peoples problems if they are upset or being picked on.he is sporty ut cant play quiditch(and i cant spell it :shy: ) he also plays music.

Richard: i dont really know what hes like yet as i have only just made him and i need to put up character development for all of them.but he is quite a pushy sort of person he would make someone do something even if the dont want to.

And sall we rp daniel and sally?
sure :D

hey btw I'm offering you with another character of mine, she loves prank but she's 11 tho... perhaps she could RP with Daniel.. is it ok?
Lyra Sato ;)
Could you please?? :p

:voldy: :voldy: :voldy: <---- I need him desperately
D: Sally need more ppl D:
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