Closed Running Through Rose Thorns

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Cyrus Thorne

Piano Player | Poet | Slightly Pretentious
OOC First Name
1/2050 (11)
Cyrus was a coward. He knew it and he felt like everyone else could see it too. He had almost worked up the courage to ask Kairi to the dance, to at least hang out together like they had at the Halloween Feast. But... he hadn't. Maybe it was for the best, he lamented as he took a sip of his drink. She might not even remember him anymore. They'd only had that one encounter, and Cyrus had noticed her from afar. She was like a bright spark that couldn't help but draw his eye. He sighed softly as he spotted her with her... date. He hadn't asked her and then someone else had, of course. He had seen the other boy around her before, but he had never been jealous before. It was a new sensation and Cyrus didn't care for it. He slumped back against a decorative pillar and took another sip of his drink. He at least hope this sad evening would give him some inspiration for some poetry later on.
Sunday was determined to make up for the semester she'd had by being absolutely stunning at the Yule Ball. Feeling fabulous in the pantsuit she'd chosen, Sunday sauntered in fashionably late. She scanned the crowd, before spotting a face she knew. She hesitated a moment, but determined to make sure this boy was firmly, absolutely in her pocket and not in the position to expose her. She stuck her hands in her pockets as she walked to him. "Cyrus, right?" She smiled at him, following his gaze to a pair on the dance floor. "Lose your date?"
Cyrus looked up as a girl approached him, realizing it was Sunday. The last time he had seen her she had been upset and had looked a bit of a mess, but now she was as put-together as he expected of her. She looked nice. "Hi Sunday." He shook his head at her question. "I don't have a date." He said, aware he sounded sad when he said it. His gaze moved to Kairi again and he sighed softly.
Sunday leant against the wall beside him, smiling softly. "She turn you down?" She questioned, trying to sound sympathetic. "I'm sure she doesn't know what she's missing." She tried, thinking it was the appropriate thing to say.
Cyrus let out another small sigh, shaking his head. He wasn't sure how much he should confide in Sunday, it wasn't like they knew each other that well, but he had seen her at a vulnerable point... maybe he could even the score. "I almost wish she had turned me down." He admitted. "That'd mean I would've had the courage to ask." He said softly.
Sunday understood immediately. He was pining. She reached out, meaning to offer a reasurring pat on his arm. "Well, hey, there's always next time," She offered. "Or you could try for something smaller? A walk through the gardens?" She suggested, thinking he might need the encouragement. "Who is it?" She asked, eyes moving back to the girl she didn't know.
Cyrus sighed softly, glancing at Sunday as she patted his arm. She suggested a few things, but Cyrus just shrugged slightly. He wasn't sure who the boy with Kairi was, but in his mind he was probably the love of her life and her future husband, so what was the point? He followed Sunday's gaze again. "Her name is Kairi, she's very nice." He said, realizing as he said it that that was pretty much all he knew about her.
Sunday considered it, looking over. "She does look very nice," She countered, even as she judged her plain jeans and black top. "What if I go distract her date, and you ask her for a dance?" She offered, giving Cyrus a conspiratorial grin. "Give you a shot alone with her for a minute."
Cyrus glanced at Sunday, wondering why she was being so nice and hanging out with him. Surely, she had better things to do at the dance than hear him mope? His eyes widened a little as she suggested distracting Kairi's date so he could ask her for a dance. He shook his head immediately. "No- no thanks. That's nice, but... It would be rude." He said hesitantly. "And I am not a good dancer." He added. "Sorry, you don't need to help. I just need to get over it."
Sunday was debating on ways to ensnare Cyrus into her circle, and decided on a new tactic. She turned more towards him. "Well, then," She gave him a coy grin, offering out her hand. "Come on. Dancing 101. Dance with me, instead of moping all night. Who knows, maybe she'll see and be jealous," She winked playfully.
Cyrus raised his eyebrows slightly as Sunday offered out her hand for a dance. He hesitated. "You did just hear me say I'm bad at it, right?" He asked her, even as he reached to take her hand. "But... I'll try." He added. It was really nice of her to offer, and it probably beat just standing here moping all evening. He nodded, moving with her to the dance floor.
Sunday laughed lightly. "And you heard me say Dancing 101, yeah? Dancing lessons. Just do what I say," She got him onto the dance floor, turning to him with an easy smile. "Alright, now hand on my hip, mine goes on your shoulder, and we hold our other hands here," She tried to show him the proper positioning, waiting for him to step into it.
Cyrus nodded as Sunday said she would give him dancing lessons, following her onto the dance floor. He did what she said, placing one hand on her hip as she put hers on his shoulders. He then held her hand with his other hand, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly. "Right." He said. "Is this right?" He asked, looking down and then back up at Sunday.
Sunday smiled, nodding. "Perfect. Now, follow me. One, two, three, four," She started counting, leading him in the steps. The dance was a little slower than it should be, but that was alright- after all, they were learning. "Good! Don't think too much. Make a box with your feet," She offered. "One, two, three, four."
Cyrus looked down at his feet as he started to follow Sunday's steps, counting along with her and mouthing along the words. He managed it, but he wasn't sure if he managed not thinking too much. He kept going for a little while, glancing up at her. "Like this?" He asked, a little surprised by how good she was at teaching him this.
Sunday smiled, dancing with him through the song and into the next. "Good! Just like that. We're making progress. Now, follow my lead. Don't look at your feet." She instructed. She led him in more sweeping movements, guiding him around the floor as they danced.
Cyrus nodded at her comments, forcing his head up so he would stop looking at his feet. It immediately made it harder, and he stumbled slightly, making sure not to step on her toes. "Sorry." He said, falling back into step with her. "How- how do you know how to do this?" He asked her hesitantly.
Sunday just smiled and kept the pace slow, leading him in the dance. "Now, Cyrus," She teased gently. "Every lady knows how to dance. As should every gentleman." She reassured him, doing a little spin with him on the floor. "It's a necessary skill."
Cyrus raised his eyebrows slightly as she spoke, smiling a little. "So you were magically born knowing how to do this because you're a lady?" He joked, following her lead. They managed a spin and he smiled. This wasn't all that bad. "I guess that means I'm not a gentleman." He added lightly.
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