Rumor Has It V.2


Active Member
Hello and welcome to your second edition of the new and spectacular 'Rumor Has It' Gossip Magazine. And we know how much everyone loves gossip, with whispers, and no sir, we are not gone. For we are many. So here you have it. Read, be shocked, and enjoy.


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Verdana">We know the results of the superlatives, so let's talk about them shall we? Let's see, someone who played Quidditch won the most Reckless Flier? How fitting! Heidi Longbottom can't stay on a broom for more than five minutes. Like that is attractive. Boys, you know how to compare. Two people won Best Dressed? Oh please, we know the only reason why the two won. One is a Part-Veela, so throw on a barrel and nothing else, she still looks good. Vanity isn't everything, Snow. The other one, she can change herself into anything she wants! How do we know if she was the one that really won that award? See my point? I find it hilarious that a Hufflepuff won the award to most likely to take over the world. I wanted to get a personal quote but well, quite frankly that guy scares me like he does everyone else. Cut the hair, please? Ha! Kate Moon won Drama Queen. How fitting! She raised hell when I pointed it out! Maybe this opened the eyes of the students that voted. Sorry Drama Queen, everyone thinks that title fits you. Get over it, and keep bringing the drama. It is hilarious to us all. Her little boyfriend Stefan Archer got Biggest flirt (hanging around girls all of the time, no wonder, that player!), Drama King (another fitting title! Just one thing after another!) and most accident prone. His whole life is an accident, so no wonder. Teacher's pet, our local and beloved (not) werewolf! Well, I suppose she could be a pet. Riley brighten someone's day? With that messed up hair, it could bring laughter to everyone, so I suppose that works! I'd talk about the other ones, but they won't be here to read it, so no need to go on about the superlatives. Don't be mad, guys, if you didn't like your awards. Just remember, it is what everyone thinks about you!

H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
The cellulite wonder-girl (also known as 'Branch') proved the point that was made in everyone's favorite mag's first edition. Kate Moon made quite the scene - one that could only be fit for a drama queen - yelling out for merlin knows what - for the whole wizarding world to hear. I don't think anyone is quite sure what was said, as everyone was probably blocking their ears from the horrible noise that comes from the one and only Branch. Next time, do us all a favor and keep your Hufflepuff hole shut. Your voice is almost as bad as your's and your sister's singing voices - yikes, cover your ears before they bleed! Oh, and a tip for the future? See a nurse about your cellulite - galloping gargoyles girl, even muggles can get it right!


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Everyone knows about the wolf wanna-be and everyone knows about the fresh out of school Professor. But does everyone know that Stratis may be two-timing Rowan? Rumor has it, Stratis and Professor Le Fey have something going on. A little birdie has informed us that the two have been seen leaving the school grounds together, holding hands, and just never seem to be apart. Minoas just seems to dig the older women! I know that Le Fey must be feeling old, what with all her friends still in school, but surely there is some rule against this? This could be a reason why Minoas is getting such good grades. Sleeping with a Professor surely has it's benefits! And thats not to say he's sleeping with all the Professors- Merlin knows he's a slut, but I daresay Professor Styx has more taste than that. But if there was anyone to be more scared of than Styx - it would be Le Fey. The way she dresses, the way she looks - I wouldn't be surprised if she was putting some voodoo curse on the other Professors to make sure her toy-boy gets good marks. Everyone already knows to watch out for the older-women loving - werewolf wannabe Gryffindor, but now there's another person in this school to watch out for! Yikes.


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Milena and Faxen, the ones that were competing for the biggest flirt, leading on guys have new competition. Mute! Well, the girl that could never talk is now talking to where she has two boys by their family jewels. Ain't that something? I feel so sorry for that Head Boy, having to deal with the Mute's (we need a new name for her, let's refer her as Banshee) issues which never seem to end. Sorry Faxen, your lover seems to have fallen under the spell of the Banshee, having followed her out of the Great Hall last year when I made things known. Banshee is becoming the newest school sl*t, being passed around from male to male. That is sort of gross anyhow. Bet she is only doing it because the Head Boy won't even blink toward her because of his admiration is directed to someone with more personality in her thumb than Banshee. However the Head Boy seems to be stuck in the friend zone, whereas he had stuck Banshee in the friend zone. Hey, Dymetris, you are a player, why not juggle Banshee and Faxen? Maybe have a contest to see which one gets knocked up first! I have my money on Banshee, so long as she has something to cover that disaster of a face.

M A N W H * R E I S C R O W N E D

H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Oh Dymetris, you sly dog. You broke a poor innocent Hufflepuff's heart. But, were you really thinking? You quickly dumped Cosette for Faxen, only to then move on. All in the space of a few months? What are we going to do with the boys in this school? After Dymetris was seen running out after our newly-named Banshee, Rumor Has It, nothing was spoken to Faxen from there on out. Maybe it was something the Head Boy had said? Or Sapphire had written? (That is if she wasn't talking at that time.) It seems this boy had ruined two young ladies' hearts just before the Summer Break - no summer lovin' for them I guess. Perhaps Dymetris needs to hand over some advice of his heart-breaking ways to the couple of boys below. Read on, dear students, you will not be disappointed.

H I D D E N P U F F S O R I D I O T S ?

H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
We've all seen her by now, that little pink fairy princess that made it to Slytherin by some mistake, or something that we are not seeing (two-faced perhaps?). She is seen hanging around that little loser, Luthor Silverback. Has anyone ever heard of their name and family? Doubt it. They aren't pure-bloods for sure, and neither is Epiphany. So, why do you think they are using the word 'mudblood' a lot? Compensating for something, perhaps? This little Epiphany seems to have a little gang of Hufflepuffs too, so maybe she wishes she were one. Hufflepuff is a good house, have a bunch of fairy princesses in there! Though come on, if these little first years are trying to scare us older students, no one is going to take them seriously. Really. They can't even save themselves from third years, or even second years. Bottom of the food chain, you all. Stop pretending you are the bees-knees, and stop thinking everyone is going to fear you. No one fears first years. Get real. I say, everyone in the school should teach these first years (and all others!) just what their places are.

W H O I S T H I S ?

H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
I don't know about anyone else, but when I think of Robbie Masters...well... I don't really know who the hell he is. But, never fear readers, as there was research done on this stuttering imbecile. Perhaps his stutter was the reason he wasn't made Head Boy? Or even a Prefect for that matter! I know there are a few students, but in Hufflepuff, merlin, you have to be pretty bad to not get Prefect! I'm surprised this repugnant seventeen year old is even Quidditch Captain! Anyone keen for a Hufflepuff loss this year? I don't know how his newly-found girlfriend can even put up with looking at something that grotesque for that long. I bet, this Ravenclaw lad - sorry, lady just feels sorry. What a sucker. Seems like this dude should team up with Price, maybe between the two of them the can snag a female. Maybe. Good luck boys - girls, start running!


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
We know those new prefects: Romaine, Jake, Mylie, Cosette, Sara, Isaia, Karah and Georgiana. We don't need last names, but boy do we have things to say about them, and those that did not make it. So, let's focus on the Prefects, shall we? Romaine, has anyone heard of him lately? Not much, but that goofball must have been doing someone favors in order to win that badge. And then there is Jake, the one that was being led on by a girl, Milena. That boy must have been up the same alley with Romaine because I doubt that either make great grades. It isn't like they have much going on in their lives. Now let's move on to Mylie, the unsocial Hufflepuff that never should have been. There is something odd about her, but I can't place my finger on it. She has to be weird to be hanging around that Hades freak. If she is trying to fit in, she definitely is not working it well. Sorry, girl, you won't win affections like that. Now Cosette, other than her lack of a personality, there isn't much to say about her except that she will never get a boyfriend thinking that she is so interesting when she isn't. Let's give her a mirror so she can date herself. Moving on to Sara Moon, the one that might as well be the twin of the girl that wasn't good enough to get Prefect (no wonder because of how awful she looked and how 'sick' and dramatic she was). Why did Sara get Prefect? It is a mystery to this day! Now onto Isaia, the third Prefect in the family of siblings. Oh my, Merlin's beard, it came to no surprise. Bunch of cheaters. Now onto the Gryffindors! There is the lovely yet borderline between normal brained and slow with intelligence down into the negatives. I guess Professor Kingsley felt sorry for her, because she basically had nothing left except her looks. Honey, whatever you are, looks don't last, and neither will your love life. And then, at last, there is Georgiana. Doubt the uggo will look at this, she ain't even here! Now for those that did not get made prefect, there is Kendra, the twin of Romaine. How did you let your dimbo of a brother get the badge, are even worse. Sure don't even look nearly as pretty. Like anyone will love her anyway. We have already done Robbie in another section, and Kate Moon, who else is there to pick on that did not get prefect? Not many, that is for sure.

H A V E Y O U H E A R D T H E S E R U M O R S ?
[ul][li]Rumor has it, Bella White has done the dirty- but the question is, with who? Watch out boys - with her boyfriend now gone, she seems to be on the prowl.</LI>
[li]Speaking of Hufflepuff fights, a certain bug made a orphan girl cry! I thought Hufflepuffs were nice?[/li][/ul]

H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Here's an interesting story for you all, about the scum, not-so-cute Gryffindor Nephy and her romantic interest, scaredy-cat, Ravenclaw Andy Hydran. Just to give you a backstory: Nephy is a bit of a freak ; Andy is scared of anything that moves. Or breathes. Or is inanimate. Just anything really. After reading this delightful magazine of updates, go jump out at him and give yourself a good laugh! Merlin knows you will probably all need it soon. Back onto topic, what Nephy hoped would be an magical meeting, turned into disaster. Get this - the scared boy actually fainted when this young kitten hugged him - perhaps she was moving too fast? At any point, the Ravenclaw had to be taken to the Hospital Wing, where he has been for Merlin knows how many times! This poor little boy then fainted at the site of none-other than our resident, fatherless giant. Seems to me, girls may just be a little too much for him? Perhaps this is us seeing into the future - look out boys, Andy's on the prowl!


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
You know that professor, the one with the striking blue eyes, Professor Black? You won't believe what I saw! I saw her, wearing a rather provocative shirt and a short skirt, luring this seventh year boy (I won't mention names but I don't think he was going in there for a lesson, just saying) into her office with a smirk on her lips. Isn't she married? And she is having an affair with a student? Maybe he was a young librarian, but Professor Le Fey isn't the only one that is loving the young blood. At least Elvera had gone to school in this century! Professor Black, hm, anyone want to guess her age? Thirty? Please, she has to be sixty. I believe she has grandchildren from what I have been hearing. Maybe it is her prime or something, must have seen some wrinkles or noticed that she had a cottage cheese arse. Whatever caused her to become a cougar (maybe that's why her animagus is a cat), it had to have something to do with her rapidly aging.


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
You read the story last time about the sex-addict Yerik Rhys Price who yelled at the Banshee in Hufflepuff. Well, as it turns out- she can deny the lust. And I don't blame her - the Ravenclaw looks like he was hit by the Hogwarts Express multiple times and then set on fire. And if his foul face wasn't enough to send everyone running, as most of you will remember, he likes to shout obscure things to girls. What a freak! This leaves just a couple of the many reasons of why Price can't get a girl. This boy obviously doesn't have girls lining up to date him, and he can't even get a Hufflepuff to like him! I mean, how hard could it be to get one of them? Most people would think that with his Beater build, he could be an attractive guy. But move away from the body, and up to the face, and BAM. The hideous face hits you like a bludger to the head. Oh Yerik, did something bad happen to you, or were you just born ugly?


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Professor Snow, the kindest professor that wouldn't hit back if you smacked her with a beater's bat, and Professor Styx, the man that seems to have a stick shoved up his arse, sideways, are hanging out an awful lot, have you all noticed this? They tend to sit together, and when they do socialize with anyone, they are always together. Well, this comes to no surprise, they must be dating! While Professor Snow seems to be the delicate type, someone that resembles a fallen angel going after a complete and total d*ck, is beyond me. I don't know which one is blind, but I hope that Professor Snow can whip his arse into shape, unless he is into that sort of thing then we don't exactly want that seen. Gross! All I can say, folks, is that we may see either a worse Hufflepuff Head of House, or a better Slytherin Head of House. Either one gets that stick out, or gives the other a backbone, one can only wait until it actually does happen.

C A N ' T C A R R Y A T U N E

H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Alright, how in Merlin's good pants, is Sara Moon the president of Glee Club? Seriously? It just seems like a "What were they thinking?!" moment. Anyone notice how the twin of the diseased girl, didn't even perform at the Yule Ball? Her sister did - and two other nobodies, but not the leader! Perhaps she was just named leader as a joke - or even because whoever made the mistake felt sorry for her. Her voice sounds worse than the screech of a baby on helium. This girl doesn't have star quality. She really doesn't have anything going for her. Not smarts, or good-looks. Usually it gets divided between siblings, but neither of them seem to have gotten any. What were wrong with your parents? At the Yule Ball, not even the vice-president performed. What is wrong with this school? Get better singers I say!


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
So, we all know about the Head Girl, Briar Rowan, how proud she is about getting an infection that will make her the scum of society. Anyway, we are going to do another section on her, why? Because her reactions are hilarious seeing as all of this is true. I heard from the grapevine that Damian Metzger hated the girl because of how she never let the opposite team touch the Quaffle, or any of her own teammates, so she was passed for Captain. Oh I heard how upset she was, and can we even blame Damian? The funniest part is, he picked a guy that can't be found without a cauldron cake, and someone that was worried about her hair in the game! That must really say something, he must have loathed the hell out of Briar. Who can blame him though, she is a freaking werewolf that cannot hang on to anything. It is a wonder how she was even Head Girl. Why Riley was not picked was beyond me. Riley, despite her outcry of attention, is a much better candidate for the badge. The Match seems to be weary around Briar too, perhaps because of how she is suddenly single after she was spent yelling at some guy that was presumably her boyfriend, oh, ex boyfriend. I'm glad he saw the light and gave up the dog. Her leash needs to be tightened, because she is a rabid dog on prowl. Professors, can you all protect us please? None of us want to sink as low as the Head Girl that is already becoming a disappointment to the school and get bitten and advertise it like it was the best thing since sliced bread. And she hates Slytherins, how typical. Perhaps it was because of Jaden, but I doubt that, everyone knows that Slytherins hate her, but for just cause. And guess what, the opinions range into Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Everyone hates you, Briar, so why not just leave the school and save yourself the embarrassment.

H A V E Y O U H E A R D T H E S E R U M O R S ?
[ul][li]They seem to be starting so young these days. Raziel Kim has asked at least one person to call him queer. Really? Good look for the first year Ravenclaw!
[li]A Ravenclaw and Gryffindor went ahead and lost house points before the term even started. Way to go Tamalia Kaster and Makaylah Makwa. Go hunting Gryffinclaws!
[li]Good Merlin, Sapphire Bookchild has a voice! Her 'friends' may appear to be happy for her - but the bet is she was probably liked better when she was silent-now she won't stop talking!
[li]Wonder who would win a match-up between a Slytherin and Hufflepuff? Most people would usually lean towards Slytherin, but with Huffies' Tara Sitara already engaged to Slytherin's Lilith Le Fey's boyfriend, we're gonna go with Hufflepuff on this one. Reowr.
<LI>[li]A lion cub pissed off an Orphan giant. Uh-oh, earthquakes may come a'rolling![/li][/ul]
So there you have it kids. Owl us with any rumors - whether its something you've seen, or something you want to spread, we want it all!
Remember, the Eyes are watching you.
OOCOut of Character:
Post and react.
If you see or hear any signs of who I or we and the character(s) behind it, then do not say a word. Thank you.

Kate walked down the steps into the common room.Kate was glad there was no classes today.Another night of contented sleep.It was great and she was always much happier these days and she was enjoying life these days instead of hating her life.Things were going pretty good and school wasn't too bad.She had gotten into the swing of things.There was a couple of people in the common room.It was pretty early so the sun was shinning right through the common room.As usual the fire was burning brightly and the room was nice and warm.personally she didn't see why the fire needed to be lighting constantly but she didn't mind.She walked through the common room and out through the portrait.The hallways were quite busy and the castle was full of laughter and noise.

When she walked into the Great Hall,she stopped at the door and looked at all the students at the table.There was another magazine everyone was reading.Her heart fell when she saw people looking at her and pointing,she was not going to freak out like last time,that would only give the writer satisfaction.She walked over to the Hufflepuff table and got her cereal and apple.She then picked up the magazine and began to read.Once she had finished her blood was boiling and her blood pressure had been raised.How she wanted to kill who ever had written it but she kept on her calm facade and put the magazine down.At least nothing too serious about Stefan's family life in it,though it had been mentioned at the beginning.There was also a little about Tara and then this time Sara got a paragraph dedicated to her,it was completely untrue of course,Sara was a fine singer.There were various paragraphs on other people she knew and most of them were just twisted so they sounded interesting.Who ever had wrote this seriously had a sad life.They just wrote about people's secrets even though a whole load of it was all rubbish.Kate sighed and continued eating her breakfast,no way was she going to freak out like last time.When Kate was finished her breakfast she walked out ignoring everyone who was either pointing or whispering.
Sleepless and Restless, Yerik Rhys could feel his head ache so bad for his lack of sleep. Merlin knew how he hated sleepless night, if only he had a pill for his nightmare. Someone should really think of that idea, the day wasn't getting better. As his headache started to get over him, he then flung to the Great Hall to have some tea to sooth him down. Also he was hungry, unlike last year his body been buff as ever but for a normal fouteen years old of course. Rubbing his eyes, as it was to painful to bear his pain still he tried to endure it. As soon as he got close to the Raveclaw table, he let his body drag him down. He looked so awful at some point, flexing his muscles he could feel his body starting to adjust. Soon he got her chamomile tea to sooth him, along with some rye loaf. It was rather refreshing, until the next thing happened. Noticing a magazine, it wasn't his first time to see a magazine but this seems to be very unusual. Scanning the room first and got the signal to grab for it. It was one of those horrible magazine he had heard last year, about some gossip over Hogwarts Students, he was lucky enough to escape the first one.

That was until he saw his name while scanning the said magazine. He literally froze, as his eyes focused on his name. This could not be? What did he do? From his own point of view he tried to be away from the spotlight, and here he is being gossiped. His grip on his tea cup started to harden, while reading the said article about him. Furious and confused, he came to be. "Sex-Addict?" he mumbled to himself in great anger. He could never touch a girl nor he could shout at them, probably ignore them but not shout at them. The fourth year could feel his face redden in agony, this was not him at all. "I've never talked to a Hufflepuff in my entire existence!" he hissed as he stood up. Banging his fist at the table, if only he could tear the magazine apart but he knew he was early to see this. The other students also needed to see this, the people who were affected should see this. "I'm not a pervert, I'm not a pervert." he repeated inside his mind but before he knew it he lose it. The tea cup fell on the floor as he threw the magazine back to the table with his great force. Yerik Rhys needed to cool down, it was not him. He left the room furious and knows deeps in his mind someone will pay.
Andy was feeling so much better today, lately he had been feeling dreadful, mostly because he was suffering from all the fainting he had been doing lately, it really took a toll on the poor Ravenclaw. Classes were worse, some of the Professors he had were terrifying, but the most terrifying was his Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, Professor Styx. That man was the most terrifying thing since spiders, and one of Andy's top fears were those horrible eight-legged creatures. He shuddered at the thought and continued to the Great Hall for some breakfast, he had been feeling weak for awhile, and for once he actually felt really hungry, his stomach even growled, that was shocking to the blonde as he tottered his way down the many stairs that were to the Great Hall. Andy didn't really mind the walk, but the stairs were frightening, for four years he had been climbing these stairs and he still held onto the rails, in fear that he would trip over, and tumble to his early grave, that was absolutely terrifying to the Ravenclaw, so he made sure to not trip over, or even skip a step. He took his time and was rewarded with not falling over. That sure was a huge weight off the small boys shoulders as he continued his way to the Great Hall, he was starting to feel really sick now from lack of food. It was very early in the morning too, he wasn't sure if many people would be in the Great Hall, which was good, he wouldn't feel overwelmed if the Great Hall was virtually empty, sure there would be a couple of people, but not the entire school, that was good enough for Andy so he continued on his way, silent as a mouse.

When Andy reached the Great Hall, it was like being hit by the Hogwarts New Zealand Express, three times. The hall was filled with people, it was insanity! There were so many people in the hall, and it was so early! The Ravenclaw couldn't quite understand it, but he couldn't leave the hall, he was blocked by other people walking into the hall. He soon came to the realisation that magazines were being passed around the Great Hall, people were having very different reactions to this magazine, some looked like they were going to die, some looked excited, some looked shocked, and others... were looking at him, and a few other people as they innocently entered the hall. Kate Moon included. Andy walked slowly to the Ravenclaw table, he didn't like the feeling that hung in the air, it was like everyone was thinking of something, it was really strange. He quietly sat at the Ravenclaw table, and eventually looked at a magazine that was lying on the table, soon recognising his name, he focused on it, at first he was completely confused. "Who is... Nephy?" He asked, having no idea who this girl was, he had never heard of her, he didn't talk to many people because they down right scared the crap out of him. But as he continued to read, his face grew very, very pale, his blue eyes continued to read and what was written confused the Ravenclaw by a great margine. He didn't know who Nephy was! The only two girls he had spoken to recently, other than his cousin, were Lola and Madlyn, two very terrifying girls that had caused him to faint because they scared him, that didn't make him a scaredy-cat, did it? Andy didn't think so. But the magazine also made him very angry, well, as angry as Andy could get. He was not on the 'prowl', as the magazine accoused, for anything, he was quite happy the way things were going right now and he was most certainly not liking the fact that the magazine was practically telling people to try and scare him to death, in all honesty, if someone unexpectantly jumped at him, he would probably scream, possibly cry, but that was not the point! The point was someone out there was going out of their way to hurt him, and he didn't know why, he hadn't done anything to anyone, ever! He suddenly felt the need to find Daniel, but Daniel wasn't here because he was now in Beauxbatons, so unless Daniel could magically apparate to the school, that was out of the question, Hazel soon followed, but then Andy second guessed finding her, she would freak and probably cradle him and baby him, he didn't want that. So he was left to sit quietly at the Ravenclaw table, going very, very pale. But he jumped as he heard someone drop their teacup and storm out, okay, so maybe Andy was a scaredy-cat, it wasn't his fault. He placed the magazine back on the table and breathed heavily, he had never been faced with such a thing in his life, and he didn't know how to react. He felt like dying, but unfortunately, that was not an option.He stood up and frowned at the magazine, then stormed out of the hall, his eyes full of embarrassment and hurt. He was no-longer feeling hungry.
<FONT font="Times New Roman">Justin was in a super-duper happy mood today. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but his face was lite up with a new light that was very unusual for the Slytherin, expecially since his twin had resently left the school, his cousins thought he'd have a mental break down, but he didn't, he refused to get pity from people. So he sucked it all up and continued on, it wasn't like Drake died or anything, Justin could, if he really wanted to, see Drake in the holidays, if he went to France that is, but that was just a simple apparation away, he was quite sure one of his family members would apparate him there. He yawned as he entered the Great Hall, it was very, very full, which was odd because it was quite early, though in all honesty, Justin rarely woke up this early for breakfast, he was usually too busy sleeping, or chatting with Kiara, or Drake, which ever. He skipped to the Slytherin table, oblivious to the fact that people were abuzz with something, and sat down, getting himself some pumpkin juice and unwinding for the morning. The magazine only came to the Slytherin's attention when he went to sip his pumpkin juice and happened to see some really interesting headlines, he smirked and picked up the magazine, he read some of the stories and nearly choked on his pumpkin juice, he put the cup down and started laughing his pretty head off, he thought it was hilarious. Professor Styx having it off with Professor Snow? That was so ridiculous, it was funny. He continued reading, raising his eyebrow at the Robbie Master's story, in all honesty, he had no idea who he was, but he felt a little sorry for the guy, but not too much, because he didn't really care about some dude he had never met, of maybe they had met and Justin didn't care to remember? Unknown, but either way, Justin still didn't care in the slightest. Today was turning into quite an interesting and hilarious day indeed, he would have to tell Drake about this, and Kiara would also be his chatting buddy later today.

Justin smirked as he saw some Ravenclaw guy storm out. Sucks to be him. He shrugged, nothing was said about him as of yet, so he found it all very, very funny. The Kate Moon girl sounded even more dramatic than Justin was, which he found chuckle worthy, on a good day Justin could be pretty dramatic, but wasn't so on a regular basis, unlike the Moon girl, she seemed like the most dramatic chick going. But the Slytherin got the most enjoyment from reading the Professor stories, they never failed to bring him to hysterics Most of it probably wasn't true, but he didn't really care, it was hilarious and definately laughable. But his laughing slowly stopped as he reached a topic about Andy, not many people knew, but he was actually Andy's cousin, and was quite protective of him, even if he didn't show it. "Oh crap..." He looked around, looking for the small blonde, frowning when he saw him stand up. "Hope he isn't going to faint..." He muttered, swiftly getting up and working his way to Andy, he sighed as Andy stormed out of the Great hall. "Andy!" He called, running his hands through his hair as Andy went out of his sight, this was tipicle Andy behaviour, if something is new or scary, either run, or faint. Though he had to admit, he was happier that Andy left the situation, instead of fainting, or the writer of the magazine would have had some new juice to spill into the next issue. He frowned and went back to the Slytherin table, resting his forehand in his hand. He was screwed, he was supposed to be in charge of making sure Andy didn't get hurt, and he failed. Both his fathers were going to kill him.
Kamaria or Tea as she liked being called sometimes by her middle name, stroll inside the great hall looking around for the Slytherin's table. She was still getting use to how things work around here, she barely knew which is what when it came to the great hall, as for the classroom well she was okay with that. Tea looked towards the side and spotted the row of green robes, she walked over and sat down without much of a word to anyone. She was hungry and needed something inside her belly or the rumbling insider her stomach won't go away. She loaded up her plate with food, mostly pancakes and fruits. When her plate was fitting enough, Tea added the syrup, she dug right in with her fork. Halfway through her plate, she realized there was a buzzing going around, one that could only come out of the mouth of students. Tea turn her chin, she saw someone sitting by her with a magazine in hand, she was quite interested in what the ruckus was all about.

A boy in her year slid over a copy, "Read it, it's interesting, you'll like it" said the teen. Tea took it and read the articles of each one, wow this was interesting and sad. Tea looked around the great hall when she was done reading, was this really what got the whole school going? She couldn't believe it. Gossiping by mouth was one thing but writing about it was another. Tea stood up and slowly she looked down the other table, there was something she wanted to say to someone. And since she only knew a few by names, she stop at the side of her table. The red head, Tea never said much to her. "So your a werewolf, cool." she nodded her head. Did this school really separate themselves from prejudice houses? Tea hope not, not that she would befriend the girl or anything, still didn't mean they couldn't talk without getting looks. "I don't know if it's true or not, But I certainly don't hate you." with that said she turn around and walk back to her table, she threw the magazine away and finished what's left her breakfast.
Daises, sunshine, butter mettlows was the way that one could describe Epiphany today. She had woken up like always, with a tactical plan in her head of what she was going to do for the day. She had decided that she was going to show a happy face today but it seemed like fate had other plans for her. She entered the Great Hall when someone handed her the Rumor Has It that had suddenly popped up. It wasn't any insults thrown at her that gotten her. Epiphany wasn't trying to be scary, to the eyes of everyone she was sparkling sunshine, a faerie pink princess who loved everyone, well almost everyone short freaks where not included in this. It helped that she was wearing a pair of pink puffs in her hair at the start of a pair of braids. She loved to color, it so deceptively soft. Epiphany looked over the other features of the magezen giggling softly at some of the articles. The author was deliciously cruel.

She shared the articles with some of the people around her getting them to giggle with her too. Oh to get someone like this on her side. The pain they could cause would scandelious in her own words. She shook her head when someone mentioned her supposed gang of Hufflepuffs. She had only one Hufflepuff pet and he didn't openly sport his Puffiness. A bit more and she would have him perfectly trained for her purposes. It took a bit but Epiphany found Luthor at one end of the Slytherin table. She wrapped her arms around him and whispered in his ear. "When we find this person I know you will take particular pleasure in turning them into shoes." She giggled then walked away. Something to annoy the hell out of him as well as prevent disaster from his temper. No one insulted the Silverback name and lived to brag about it. Those that where in the dark enough corners to have heard it.
Sapphire walked down to the Great Hall, her uniform perfectly pressed like everyone else's but her hair teased into it's usual ordered chaos. She passed by a corner where she saw a particular magazine laying. She read over it and saw that yet again she had been targeted. She found Kate and nodded at her. "Rumor is losing it's sting. Didn't they call the Graves sisters Banshee the last time it was printed." She said as she sat down. She looked down at the problems between Tara and Lilith and shook her head. Lilith already wanted to tear a chunk out of the Indian girl now this. She could see problems in the horizon but she thought it better that call Tara over so she could have a look at the piece too so she could be forward. After she was done giving her heads up Sapphire started to neatly rip-cut the pages of Rurmor has it.

She bent them into Origami birds then cast charms on them so they would fly on their own and for added effect she mad them chirp different melodies. Sapphire was starting to think this was going to be a new thing with her. Using Rumor for something other than reading, That was when her mind turned to something else she could do. She gathered a bunch up and tucked them in her bag. She was going to turn them into paper mache later. Sapphire told her friends this and got a few laughs out of it while Sapphire finally started on her breakfast, a bagel with jam. As she walked out of the great hall a boy cat called Sapphire. She turned in the direction of the voice kissed her index and middle finger then turned into the voice's general direction, the message quite clear p!ss off. Then made her way to class.
briar made her way into the great hall. she hadn't been in a particularly good mood for days and even before she entered the dining hall she knew something was wrong. when she saw some students storming out of the great hall. It reminded her of one morning last year and she hoped that it wouldn't be another magazine released. she entered the hall, and like most of her hopes at the moment seemed to be they were wrong. she saw that there was piles of them. she knew the impact of what the last one had had. she had been the cover story for crying out loud, along with her brother (who according to the story was her boyfriend) and the girl who the only think she had in common was a shared hatred, (according to the magazine, loved her), and it wasn't just her, there was a definite rift in the air t the prefect meeting and she was sure that it had something to do with the rumours. she reached the nearest table the ravenclaw one and snatched the top one and scanned through it. she didn't read much but just looked at the pictures and read the titles pausing to reed the ones that may impact those she knew. she was thankful that she didn't come across her brother and sister, when she was almost done she reached a picture of herself. she rolled her eyes and skeptically as she read it. did everyone really hate her? was that why she hadn't been made quidditch captain? she hoped it was more gossip. just when she reached the end of the article a girl came over to her who she recognised as one of the new transfers in her classes, but she couldn't remember her name. "Yes that's me. If you were here last year there was a big scandal about it. I'm Briar by the way. nice to meet you" she said. she knew this girl was a slytherin, and she seemed nice, "thanks, and I don't hate all slytherins, just a select few, and thankfully she's gone now" she said smiling glad that she could have her seventh year free from jaden. she watched as the girl walk away. maybe the rumour mag was spreading rumours not the truth. she hoped that they were. she headed towards the gryfindor table looking at the mag again to see if there was anything major that she had missed. skimming through it again she saw a name that she knew well Stratis. she read the article and scowled. she could guess where this rumour about her brother had come from. after who the professor had been at the yule ball with. the aforementioned little birdie must have gotten the names mixed up. she looked around for Minoas hoping that he wasn't reacting too bad, he had taken the last one pretty well, even joked about it, but a sister and a professor were different things (unless your sister was your professor) she read the other articles so she knew who to watch out for, over the next few days to make sure they were okay, and see if any clues about the persons identity was given away. not much it certainly wasn't a puff, and was most likely a snake. but to her than that nothing. she took out her wand and flipped it at the paper, it rose so that it was hovering about level with the juice jugs, and then another flick of her wand and it was on fire. she then turned her wand on a pile of the books. and they had vanished. she was pretty sure that it was already to late to make any decent difference if she removed them but it was at least showing a proactive stance on the mater.
It must be a Monday today again, he swear to Merlin it must be a Monday today. Because when it happen last time it had been a Monday, and who liked bad news on a Monday? Nobody did. He felt the corner of his lips sort of lift and drop a few times. He had no words to say about the trash they put out there and how over the top they went about tarnishing his name. Crown man wh*re. Please, this was the best they could get out there? Being called a manwh*re was the least of his worries, it was Faxen who he was worried about now. How she would take this? Would she believe it? Maybe, and that's what worried him. Sapphire was pretty, but he had declared already he wasn't into the Hufflepuffs at his school, he had his eyes set on only Faxen and her alone. His sea greens eyes travel the Gryffindor table, she was only a few tables down, but could he see her from far away? He couldn't, someone giant-like was in the way. Madlyn. Dymetris smiled, she was in the way of seeing Faxen, he had to do something to calm her down. They weren't really an item, but he cared about her a lot and wished she wouldn't think the least of him, as everyone were already thinking bad about him. It was time to put last year behind him, so he stood up and walked to the Gryffindor table.

He heard their whisper, calling his name, yet he dare not stop any second to see what they wanted. He kept going hesitating in his walk, though he made to her table, a smile grace his veela features. "Hey, it's not true, okay? I'm not seeing anyone else -" he stop himself, realizing he was declaring his feelings for her right out in the open, and why should he not? He loved her, he was madly in love with her and that's all that should matter. He lean in and kissed her lips, like there was no tomorrow, the buzzing around them grew louder, and he did not stop for a second. Let them talk he didn't want to care anymore, long as she felt the same way, then a gossip magazine shouldn't stand in their way of being together.
Hazel Kaster yawned as she woke up in her nice comfy bed in the Ravenclaw commonroom. She had gotten to bed alittle late last night after getting back from the library late after studying. She shook her head, and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before getting up and decidedly going and getting dressed. She wondered if anyone would protest to her going down to the hall in her pyjamas? She doubted it and so she forgoed her usual primping and headed down there, passing Nadia and a couple of older Ravenclaws on her way. She liked going down to the hall earlier because the best food was there and she liked getting her pick of whatever food was about. She was a very choosey eater and so if she got there later, the best food was usually gone. She smiled at a few Professors as they took in her morning attire. Recieveing a few 'Silly girl' head shakes and a couple of 'What the heck are you wearing?' looks. But she didn't overly mind. She was quite peckish and wanted to get down to the Great Hall as quick as possible. She hadn't seen her cousins in a while, well, Justin and Daniel and Drake. Andy she saw all of the time, seeing as they were in the same house. She was pretty sure Andy had still been in his dorm when she had laft, but she wasn't sure. He had been spending alot of time in the Hospital Wing lately. She sighed and shook her head. It was terrible how much worse he seemed to have gotten over the course of his life here at Hogwarts. She was sure he was going to get even worse again now that Drake and Daniel had left to go to another school. Beauxbatons. It had greatly saddened Hazel when she had heard about it, but what could she do? It was their decision. Drake had gone to live with his mum and Daniel had gone to keep him company. She wiped away a stray tear as she thought about it. She hoped they would be okay over there. Drake could barely speak Cheyenne. A language he had been taught his whole life. How was he going to learn to speak french?

As she walked into the Great Hall she failed to notice the groups of students gathering and whispering in corners around the hall. She didn't take that much notice and so silently went on her way over to the Ravenclaw table and sat towards the middle. She grabbed a couple of pasties and began her breakfast ritual. She was a very spiritual person by culture and so she preyed to her spirit guides everyday, though it was harder now then it used to be. She had no shrines around the school, and so she couldn't spirit walk like she once had the power to do. It made her feel funny inside that she couldn't connect to her spirit like she needed to. She missed the steadying grace of her swan. Tereus was her one and true inner strength, she hadn't spoken to him in so long, she was sure Tereus thought she had abandoned him. But she hadn't she could never do that. Giving up her heritage was something she could never do. Up until half way through first year, she couldn't even speak proper english. She spoke broken english that was often hard to understand. But she was alot better now, of course she still had some trouble with certain words and with her cousins she almost always reverted to her native tongue out of habit, but she was still getting slowly better. She closed her eyes and imagined Tereus with her mind. His form, his words, his home. Then she opened her eyes and smiled. It had worked this time, now she felt better. She felt complete. Now she would be able to go the rest of the day without worrying about reaching her spirit animal. She was happy. She was in a good mood.

Hazel smiled as she bit into the pastie and felt it roll down her throat. There was some laughter going around the hall, and some people were leaving early without having touched their food. Now she was alittle curious. But still she continued to eat her pastie and pour herself some lovely, freshly squeezed orange juice. That was when she saw her cousin Andy saunder in. She smiled at him over the glass of orange juice before looking back at her food. Or rather lack there of. However when a Ravenclaw boy from her year, threw his magazine onto the table angrily and stormed out, Hazel became more than alittle curious. What was going on this morning? Was it another issue of 'Rumor Has It'? What was written in its pages that was upsetting so many people. Hazel slid over to where the Ravenclaws magazine lay on the table and picked it up. The front cover gave away what it was. Another issue of that stupid gossip mag. Why would somebody want to hurt others like this? How could somebody be so cruel? She looked over her shoulder as she heard the familiar laugh of her cousin Justin and shook her head. He was pathetic. Laughing at whatever was in this rubbish. She sighed and conceided to open the magazine in her hands. The first article to come to her attention was one about a Hufflepuff named Kate Moon. She remembered from last time the girl who had caused a scene by shouting at everyone from her spot at the Hufflepuff table. Hazel felt sorry for her this time. The poor girl had been through alot already. Why couldn't people leave thers alone?

The next couple of articles were about some of the Professors. They were all ludicrous. This stupid thing barely deserved a second glance, and yet she found herself compelled to keep looking at the magazine. Her spirit was trying to tell her something. She could feel it. However it wasn't until she reached the headline 'A F A I N T E R' that she realised why she was compelled to keep going. The article was talking about Andy. Andy her cousin. She stared at it wide eyed as she read the words. This was horrible. How did people know this stuff. Half of it was not even true and the rest was taken completely out of conext. After reading this delightful magazine of updates, go jump out at him and give yourself a good laugh!
How could they say that? Somebody could kill Andy with this. She frantically looked over to the Slytherin table and saw the same look of shock on Justin's face. What were they going to do. Hazel turned to snatch the magazine out of Andy's hands, but it was too late. He had already seen it and she could tell he was on the verge. Andy... She reached out for him, but he had already stood up and was walking out the door. Hazel freaked and jumped up from the table and ran after him, all the while yelling to him in her native tongue and wishing beyond all her thoughts, that Justin would for once, run after them.
Sammy wasn't in his average bubbles, skittles and ice-cream mood today, he was rather tired and should be sleeping more than he was, but he just couldn't sleep. Maybe it was insomnia? Nah, Sammy couldn't be suffering from insomnia, that was ridiculous, he shook it off and continued towards the Great Hall, maybe if he had some food, he would feel better? Prehaps, that was why he decided that the Great Hall was to be the place to be, he was starving, he felt like he was going to die from starvation. When the Gryffindor entered the hall, he went straight for the Gryffindor table for some food, but when he sat down, his emerald eyes fell onto a magazine that seemed to be striking up many different reactions from various people around the room. He wasn't sure if he should read the magazine or not, mainly because he didn't want more bad news, and a lot of people seemed to be less than happy about its contents. He bit his lip and shrugged, where was the harm? What was it going to do? Eat him? Probably not, though it was very possible, it could be like the Creature Books, they were downright terrifying, especiallywhen his sister told him to open it, without telling him that it would try to eat his face, he wasn't very happy with her that day, in fact, he nearly cried because of it, it really hurt to have your face eaten by a book. As he flicked through the pages, he realised just how cruel people at this school could be, it was horrible. Some of the stuff written in here was treeible indeed, he wasn't sure if the writer realised that there were eleven year olds that had access to this stuff, he wasn't sure if kids that young should be able to read this stuff, he knew when he was eleven he wouldn't have wanted to see it, let alone be mentioned in it. But his head tilted when he saw Nephy's name, he frowned at what it said about her, she wasn't scum, and Samual found her downright adorable. She even helped him with his dream of having the best Autumn fun ever, they made a huge pile of leaves and everything, it was great fun, and he hoped to do it again, but if these allogations of her kept up, she might be too sad to hang out. He frowned, this magazine was terrible! He imidiately felt bad for the poor Professors, what if they lose their jobs because of this stuff? Didn't the writer realise that they could be ruining lives? Some people took this stuff reallyseriously, obviously because several people had stormed out, a few other people called ofter them.

Sammy put the magazine on the table, but then caught sight of another familiar name 'Kaster' he grew worried very quickly, was there something in there of him? What had he done to anyone? He tried to be so nice, to everyone, all the time. He picked the magazine back up and sighed a sigh of relief, it wasn't him, but his sister, Tamalia, she was stronger, and he was sure she would be able to handlethis, it wasn't anything tooserious, just about the time she lost points for Gryffindor before tyey had any, sending them into minus points. He shook his head, this was old news. "Someone's losing their touch..." He muttered, putting the magazine down and pouring himself some pumpkin juice. "Gryffindor isn't even in minus anymore, who cares?" He added. Deciding that it would be better if he tried to enjoy his much needed breakfast.
Shiloh Denton was in a good mood. She felt better with the knowledge that things with Tara and Praneil were going to be sorted out. She knew that Tara was going to meet up with him at sometime during the weekend, but she wasn't sure when, and she hoped things would be sorted out between Lilith and Tara afterwards. She didn't think she could handle a sad Tara. Grace already felt terrible with everything that had happened and wished she had never said anything in the first place. She sighed and walked into the Great Hall wondering when she would see Grace. She had been feeling terrible about the whole ordeal and she had been determined not to come out of her dorm because of it. Shiloh felt bad for her. She had only been trying to help. It wasn't like she had purposely gone out of her way to hurt Tara. Obviously Grace just didn't understaind the whole, keep your mouth shut thing. Shiloh shook her head. What a silly girl. She really needed to learn something about friendship. Or atleast respecting peoples wishes. Even if she had been excited about a wedding that was now in danger of not occuring, she didnt have to comment on it. She slid into a seat on the edge of the Gryffindor table and proceeded to pour herself a glass of pumpkin juice. It was quite hilarious. Before she came here she had never even thought about touching pumpkin juice. Now she was pretty much addicted to it. Wasn't that hilarious? Atleast Shiloh found it funny. She looked around as she noticed some people leaving and wondered what the cause must be. She searched around before seeing a magazine that had obviously been left by someone and picked it up. What was this? It looked like those magazines that you got fromt the stores back in England. Those gossip magazines like 'OK!' and those celebrity tabloid things. It couldn't be something like that could it? Noway. They were different here. This was a muggle thing, she was sure of it. Would that mean that the people behind this, 'Rumor Has It' were not pure-bloods? Is that a possibility? Would it be that some selfloathing little prejudiced student was behind it. Someone that was trying to be something their not? Shiloh was so curious. She hated herself for opening the magazine but she had to know what was written. She just had too.

The first articule ellicited a gasp from the fifth year Gryffindor. It was about one of her bestfriends, Kate Moon. This was horrible,
cellulite wonder-girl? Where did they get that? And what was it talking about a branch for? Kate wasn't a tree. She had a lovely voice, she was a good singer. Shiloh couldn't believe this. Why was it saying such horrible things about people? This wasn't very nice at all. She turned the page to read the next articule. It was about some little girl and a Ravenclaw boy. A fainter? Well it wasn't very nice to out people like this. Who cares if he faints alot? Maybe he had low blood pressure? look out boys, Andy's on the prowl! She rolled her eyes. These people were lower than low and were printing such rubbish. She didn't believe a word of it. The stories about the Professor's were ridiculous. None of them would do that. Styx for one was too much of a loner. She didn't know much about Snow but she didn't seem like the type to be with someone like Styx. The thing with Black was just gross. And she almost had to close her eyes just to stop herself from throwing this disgusting thing at one of the other people at her table. She honestly suspected Slytherins for this. They weren't all bad ofcourse, but there were some. And she would have hated to run into them right now. At the moment Shiloh was just glad she wasn't mentioned amongst the pages. But she kept reading, hoping to not see anymore of her friends names among the words. However her joy was shortlived when she reached the articule entitled, 'A NEW TRAMP' It was about her recently new friend Sapphire Bookchild. What was going on here? Was this bag Shiloh's friends day? What was written in the articule was the worst part though. she has two boys by their family jewels. That just wasn't true. Sapphire wasn't like that. She was really nice. This was all just a load of cr@p. She was glad Creta wasn't here right now. Creta was the nice one of the twins. She would have probably cried from all this hatred and anger between the students right now. Why would people be like this? It just wasn't very fair at all. It was even worse when Shiloh discovered that she was also mentioned in the next articule. Oh poor Sapphire.

Shiloh continued reading. Wondering how many other people out there were being hurt by this. It was a petty little thing to do to air the dirty laundry of others. she may not have been a saint, but her parents had always raised her to be respectful of others. That included not spreading stupid, ridiculous rumors that obviously had no standing at all. She rolled her eyes at a few more articles before coming to one with a curious headline,
'CAN'T CARRY A TUNE' who was this one talking about. They had mentioned Kate in an earlier paragraph, and said she couldn't sing, so was this to do with that on? She read on and was disturbed by what she read. Yet another friend was mentioned. What was up with this. Was she a jinx? Why were all these articles saying that the Moon girls couldn't sing? Sara was the leader of the Glee club, didn't that count for something atleast? Alittle respect maybe? She shook her head. Today was going to be one of the longest days in history of long days. Maybe some-one had it out for these two. They seemed to be mentioned alot. Mixed up in all sorts of bad things. A big tangle of lies. This didn't need to happen. It really wasn't very fair to anyone. Shiloh just hoped Grace didn't see this, she would probably freak out at how mean people are being. She would probably have never seen something like this before in her once sheltered life. What about Jeremiah? He was even worse than Grace in some ways because he would never have seen this. He was taught all sorts of things. And to be supreme. Didn't that count as something in the slightest?

The next article that Shiloh read was about the Headgirl, Briar Rowan. Shiloh had never met her personally, ofcourse she had seen her around the dorm and had seen those aweful posters that had been placed around the school, but she didn't really know all that much about her really. She shook her head at the things RHI was saying about her. It wasn't very nice at all. Surely this Damian Metzger guy, whom she vaguely remembered from last year wouldn't have really hated her right? From what she knew about him, which was very little seeing as she didn't know the guy, he was really nice. This didn't make sense. Damian wasn't even here to defend himself against this. He would never know of the things this was saying about him. It was really quite sad actually. She flipped to the next article and groaned. Sara was mentioned in the magazine yet again. However this time she was mentioned in a group, along with someone she had not seen in a long time, Georgiana Night! "Wow, this is major" she said as she followed the writing down the page. She never expected all the new Prefects to be mentioned. That's pretty sad. They are supposed to be role models and now they are mentioned out like this? It was really just a pathetic excuse to get attention. It didn't matter that the mag was now probably going to attract all the wrong kind of attention. Why were the Professor's doing something about this anyway? Why was it not already taken out of circulation. She shook her head and threw the magazine away. she had slightly glimpsed the story about Tara but she didn't want to read anymore. She already felt terrible about reading that much. This was enough for her. She didn't need anymore today. She stood up from the table and stalked out. Nearly all of her friends were mentioned. This was not a happy day. Shiloh wasn't in her good mood anymore.
It was one of those days were the puff wanted some food and what better place to go is the Great Hall, she could go the Kitchens but she felt that it would be nice to visit the Great Hall once again. Dressed in her perfect smile, her auburn hair brighter than ever, and her gold eyes shining brightly. The puff got her confidence back, thanks for the time she spent with Raffaelo. Cosette munch on some cornflakes, then some wheat bread with some peanut butter. As her stomach was satisfied, she decided to leave the hall and roam around the corridors for a while. But before doing so, she noticed a magazine left on a table. Now why would a person leave a magazine here, out of curiosity, Cosette began to open the page to her surprise, it was the magazine she's been hearing off. She quickly scanned it with her eyes and as expected her name was there again, being a prefect has it's bad sides. One is being known around the school, she read the article about here and frown a little. Although she knew that all of the things stated here weren't true. Cosette had changed in a good way, and this magazine will not ruin her once more. Well at least, her ex-boyfriend did but forget about him.

The prefect was over that phase, at first she wanted to grab the magazine and report it to any Professor. But perhaps some student's still need to read this to be aware of the magazine, most especially the once in it. Cosette sighed as she continued to read the magazine, they were only bad news and more bad news. It was just horrible to read it, seeing everyone in it and the once in it ruined somehow. The only thing she could do was ignore the allegations as she knew that everything is a lie, with that in mind she scanned the room once more looking for students who saw her reading the magazine. Though just in case, "I've got a boyfriend, now." she muttered and decided to actually say yes to Raffaelo, not because she felt bad for herself but because he really did mean something to her. He was different, he made her smile and now she was his. But no one did, so instead she returned the magazine on the table and left the Great Hall. Instead of roaming around the corridors she decided to just have her beauty rest or anything like that sounds good.
It wasn't his intention but Minoas could easily replace gryffindor's house ghost. He was spending his days away from the rest of the castle's residents, hidden in his secret corner in the library. He had started believe that his friends and the people he was associating, would have thought that he was wandering again in the forbidden forest. This was not true. He was spending most of his day in the place he had spent less hours than any other students the past two years. And maybe, there might wasn't something 'forbidden' in the library that could get him into trouble, but there was something 'restricted'. He was charmed by his wild thoughts of what could be awaiting for him in that section. He was spending more and more time closer to it, being the last person leaving in the evenings from the library. Sometimes even after the librarian. He was lurking around like a hunting lion, keeping a low profile, stalking and circling his prey, waiting for the right moment to launch his attack.

Although he had adopted a ravenclaw's lifestyle, he had still to attend classes and visit the great hall for his meals.
So before his favourite transfiguration class, he decided to make an appearance in the great hall to have his breakfast. While entering into the long chamber, he saw students gathered in groups, holding again that magazine of lies and inaccuracies. He shook his head and sat away from the rest gryffindors, deciding to ignore the little event and the magazine.

He was almost done with his cereals, when a group of giggling, older girls passed by and leered at him. He dropped his spoon in the bowl and looked around him. There were again some people reacting intensively to what they were reading, some others were enjoying it, smugs and smirks on their malevolent faces. He noticed that another group of gryffindors were glancing towards him, switching their attention back and forth into its pages. Irritated, he started tapping his foot on the floor and eyed the closer stack of magazines. In the end, he gave in. He had promised not to read again that waste of time and space but there was clearly something about him again. He started flipping pages, not bothering to stop and read other people's articles since he already knew that they were lies. When his eyes caught his surname, somewhere between the lines, he stopped and started reading.

Whomever, gave those information had misunderstood their sources. Minoas didn't know professor Le Fey in person. He had't even took her subject for his electives. He started believing that they had mistook him with his older cousin, although he didn't know if there was something between them. The author of the article kept clinging on the last rumour of his false favoritism in older girls. First it was his best friend and sister, Briar Rowan, now the divination professor, who knew who was next. "Apparently, they are going to charge me a relationship with Alicia Barker as well." he sighed, finding the eldest woman that they could use for their next issue, to be, Hogwarts' very own founder. He took some time to have a look at the last section of the magazine, where small facts were hosted. The fact that he was dating a professor hadn't really bothered him as much as the next one, that he read in that section. He wondered if Madlyn was indeed mad at him. He was feeling bad for tricking her and he wanted to talk to her and apologize. For now, he dropped the magazine on the talbe and decided to leave. There were too many unwanted eyes fixed on him. He headed to his next class, like a solitary lion banished from its pride land.
Madlyn took her sweet time getting herself towards breakfast, because frankly today she wasn't in a rush and has always took her time getting into the great hall. She enter upon arriving, eyes set across the Gryffindor table, she saw her sister at first sight and Minoas. She waved in their direction, she didn't give it some thought they would be looking in direction. Madlyn walked feeling much light on her feet these days, this was her effort in trying to be less moody these days and a lot more happier. She sat down in the first available seat, which apparently was right in front of Faxen. She greeted the girl too, Madlyn quickly focus on getting some grub. Today she fancied some granola bars and yogurt with fruits for breakfast. House elfs did a mighty good job in preparing breakfast together, but these were the simplest thing she wanted and she saw a bowl with a mixture of all three made just for her. She was thankful, she took the bowl pour out some on her plate and began eating. What she took her sweet time to notice, everyone was chatting today, really loud. They made it obvious of their conversation too, Madlyn looked around, she saw the source of their attention. It was a magazine, a Magazine Madlyn yet to discovered herself taking an interest. Last time she didn't bother with any of it, she heard it from her sister and the whole thing just seem like a load of crap.

She was pulled in without realizing it, taking a copy of her own. Madlyn read all that was being said. What the heck, how do they come up with this stuff?! She was appall, she was mortified, simply down right confused towards the end. She looked at Briar, so she was no longer with her boyfriend?! Madlyn was actually kinda of happy, Briar not so much, she turn her gave to Andy, he was a few tables down. She had actually started to like the wimpy boy, but since he was talked about she saw how he would normally react to any situation given to him. Madlyn stop herself from calling his name, he was gone before she could do it anyways. Poor Andy. Minoas was next, obviously there must've been some mixed up here, Minoas didn't even like girls? Boy his age didn't think about dating and already they were paying match maker. She sighed, he left before she could say anything to him. The part mention about her didn't really effect her much. That would just be the beginning of many giants joke, but like many who declare not to say it to her face, she consider these people cowards and idiots. There was nothing else to think about them, Madlyn left the zine alone and finished her breakfast. She had a second filling and was done ten minutes later, Madlyn departed from the great hall.

Aphrodite ran a few fingers through her long honey-blonde hair as she gazed into the mirror. The girls bathroom was pretty much deserted right now. Everyone was either at breakfast or still sleeping in. It was the perfect time to get some primping in. Looks weren't the only thing in her life, but Aphrodite did believe in making sure that one always looked their best. If she believed in anything at all, Aphrodite believed in perfection for herself and nothing less than that. She wanted a perfect appearance, the perfect grades, perfect love-life, and the perfect life. Aphrodite didn't like feeling she wasn't good enough at something. There was a part of her that always made her want to be the best. There was no way that she was ever going to let herself feel like she was anything less. Aphrodite knew she had imperfections, and she was proud of them. But she did her very best to make them seem small, and let her highlights shine though. Somehow, people didn't seem to understand that. They considered her to be shallow and vain. 'Oh well.' It wasn't like Aphrodite cared. One day she desired to be a singer. People were going to talk then too. She would be featured in magazines with all kinds of nasty criticism. She was not going to let what anyone said about her bring her down. Aphrodite was proud to be who she was. Fluffing her hair one more time Aphrodite sighed and left the bathroom. A crowd of students passed with what appeared to be a magazine in each of their pruny fingers. Aphrodite raised an eyebrow. What was everyone reacting over? Aphrodite figure it was nothing much and went into the Great Hall. Right now she was craving an omelet. Inside the hall though she saw an even greater amount of student reading into that paper she saw earlier. Finally Aphrodite's curiosity grew too much for her and she plucked some of the magazines off of the table. It was another issue of that magazine everyone ended up being so upset about. Aphrodite wondered what was going to be featured in this issue.

The very first article itself mentioned Aphrodite. She saw down gracefully as her blue eyes scanned the page. What they said about her, wasn't all that bad. It was kind of true. Her sister had won best dressed many years when she was in school, Aphrodite had taken the title herself a few times as well. Chances might have been because she was Part-Veela. But another thing that made her assume she deserved it more was the amount of money she spent on her clothes, or how much she cared about her hair. The other girl, seemed more worried about boys than she did fashion. Although, she was kind of pretty. If that was what she really looked like. But that was just Aphrodite's opinion. In fact, the very shoes she was wearing right now cost more than three years worth of school supplies and a new broomstick. But they were so cute. 'Vanity isn't everything Snow? Hmph, the writer needs to try living in my house for a couple of weeks.' Aphrodite shrugged her shoulders. Oh well. No harm, no foul. It was an article. Aphrodite knew she was kind of vain at times. But that didn't really bother her either. That was the way she was raised up. Now some of these articles, they weren't bad either. She failed to see how some people could get upset about this. Especially since she knew some of them were true. One article that especially humored her was the one about her aunt Effie and Professor Styx. That one she knew was just a rumor. Or was it? She had seen the two of them speak to one another quite often. Abandoning her breakfast, Aphrodite bit her lip and stood up. Now she needed to go investigate.
Jeremy stumbled into the Great Hall, still half asleep. It took him several seconds to realize that the commotion in the Great Hall was not the usual kind, and that woke him up right away. Jeremy could only recall one other time when the students in the Great hall had been so full of nervous energy and as he reached the Ravenclaw table and sat down, he knew that he was right as a fellow Ravenclaw slid a copy of the latest Rumor Has It towards him. "Damn" Jeremy muttered as he realized that the student behind the magazine had not graduated as he hoped he or she had. I need some food first he thought to himself as he reached for a bowl and a box of cornflakes. Pouring in some milk, Jeremy took a bite and then sighed and reached for the magazine. He read it through once before he took another bit of cereal. Jeremy couldn't believe the stories in this issue. The last magazine had been mean but this one was taking it to another level. He found most of the articles to be scathing attacks against his classmates. And, the article that mentioned him didn't escape the Head Boy either. He sighed as he read the article that once again spoke of Sapphire's feelings for him. Jeremy didn't want to go there again and he was especially not pleased when he saw the comment about his feelings for Kendra. Jeremy knew that he was in the 'friend zone' and didn't need to be reminded of that fact.

Going back to his cereal, Jeremy didn't engage in any conversation about the magazine. He was the Head Boy and didn't think it would be appropriate to condone the magazine by speaking of it. He was above that, for now anyway. He was fairly amused by some of the reactions, especially Dymetris's. He knew that his friend had a thing for Faxen and seeing him go up to her and publicly declare his feelings made Jeremy grin. Take that magazine writer he thought to himself as he lifted the bowl to his mouth so he could drink the milk. Jeremy wondered how the professors were taking the many rumors that were going to be circulated about them. He found the article about Professors Snow and Styx laughable, but figured that they would not be laughing about it. Styx was definitely the wrong person to mess with. Chuckling at what Styx would do if he found out who was behind the magazine, Jeremy refilled his bowl and began to eat once more.
Isaia had not been mentioned in the previous issue, but he did not really care either. None of his siblings were mentioned. However the streak of being mentioned free was a thing of the past when a Ravenclaw slid the magazine over in his direction as he was taking a bite of his toast. His eyes looked at the articles, and the pictures, well, how did someone get those pictures? Isaia pursed his lips together when they mentioned how vanity wasn't everything about the girl that he liked. Aphrodite was a sweetie, not some mirror-loving woman! Well, to him anyway, even though it might be somewhat true. She looked good, and she knew it, there was no reason for someone to waste that at all. Isaia was even more shocked about the issue with Kate Moon whom did not look so diseased, and then there was someone fainting. Although scaring someone would be hilarious like that, but Isaia did not want to lose his prefect badge. He held his badge in pride, and he wondered who would be Head Boy when his seventh year rolled around. After seeing Jeremy do his job, he was a little scared about ever owning the badge himself.

It seemed like the issue was going over how professors were having affairs with students, and he gasped. This person or persons behind it, they were just going overboard! And then they mentioned every Prefect, or the new ones rather. The author of the magazine or whatever this was, called him and his family a bunch of cheaters, and instantly Isaia turned red as a beet. He didn't want people thinking that he was a cheat, and he didn't earn his badge. He did! He thought that he did anyway. And then there was another attack on Briar Rowan, the Head Girl that he did not like at all. Reason why was because she seemed to have an issue with one Slytherin, but took it out on every other Slytherin, and his own sister was one. Letting out a sigh, Isaia shoved the magazine away from him, frowning because he knew that some might think that he and his family were cheaters. He was so ashamed.
Faxen Lowart was in a bright, cheerful mood when she walked into the Great Hall, dressed and ready in her uniform for her prefect duties before she attended her classes later in the evening. Faxen noticed a few more glances her way than usual as she went to find a seat at the Gryffindor table for breakfast. She shrugged her shoulders, not sure why she was attracting extra attention today. Faxen sat down at the long table, helping herself to the breakfast that was arranged. The pretty Gryffindor noticed the magazine on the table and rolled her light brown eyes. She could almost guarantee that her name was mentioned somewhere in the magazine. Sighing, Faxen picked one up and perused through it. Yep, there was her name. But it wasn't an article about her. It was about Dymetris and Sapphire. It said they had something going on romantically because Dymetris had followed Sapphire out of the great hall last year. Faxen couldn't say that the thought had never occurred to her. Faxen had to wonder how much of this was the truth? After all, it had been right about Faxen and Dymetris last year. Other stories had been complete false too. What was the truth here?

Then, the magazine got worse. It railed on Dymetris, claiming that he was nothing but a heart breaker. It was true that they did not speak after that day until the start of this term, something the magazine apparently didn't know. It also did not seemingly know about her many dates and flings this past summer as she tried, yet failed, to get over Dymetris. Faxen looked up as Madlyn came in and sat down in front of her. Faxen nodded a greeting back and smiled as friendly as ever. Faxen looked back down at her magazine, wondering how much of this thing was truth and how much of it was fiction. She looked through the other stories, shocked at the one that claimed Professor Black was seeing a student though it failed to name the student. Of course, none of the articles were flattering to any whose reputation was challenged. Faxen put the magazine down on the table, not wishing to read anymore of it. Her thoughts turned back to Dymetris, wondering if he would be upset by this latest round of accusations. Something was tugging at her, a nagging little thought in her head. Was there something going on between Dymetris and Sapphire? While they were no longer an item, Faxen still cared for the Hufflepuff boy. She still had feelings for him. Very strong feelings.

Faxen's thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice that she loved to hear. She looked up to see Dymetris, clearly looking bothered despite the smile on his handsome face. The radiant brunette looked at him curiously as he answered the question that had been on her mind. The boy who held all of her affections told her that he was not seeing anyone else. The rumor wasn't true, and Faxen felt guilty for believing the accusations. A smile flashed across Faxen's lips briefly before they were put to other uses. Dymetris was kissing her once more, something he had not done since last May. These kisses were not timid. They were just as passionate as they had been before the falling out. Faxen didn't care that they were in the middle of the great hall. She didn't care that there were many, many eyes tuned on her. Faxen kissed Dymetris back, matching his feelings. She pulled him closer to her. It was so unexpected. Faxen had not even known he still had feelings for her in this manner. They had agreed on friendship, but what was the point anymore? They belonged together. The brunette only broke away when she felt the kisses were getting too intimate for such a public place. Faxen only moved a few inches away. "Wow. Where did that come from?" she said, a coy smile on her lips.
Heading toward the Great Hall, Kendra had one awesome feeling about this year. She had completely stopped with Quidditch for the time being, and she was glad that the team seemed to be doing well. She occasionally went to the practices and cheered them on, even though it was very much unlike her. Kendra took her seat among the Slytherins at the table, when she heard some whispers of gossip, and Kendra realized, some were directed toward her. Her blood turned cold when her blue eyes looked down and she saw another issue of the gossip magazine, or Rumor Has It, as it is called. She took a copy in her fingers, before she opened it where her eyes looked down at the pages, not seeing one of her pictures. Well that was some good news, and she bit her lip, because not all of the pictures of everyone that was mentioned were in the words. She read about what the author said about her little sister, and her knuckles turned white as she clinched the pages. Oh this was unsettling to her. How come someone write that about her sister? Aphrodite was a lot nicer than she ever was, since she was mostly mean to anyone that rubbed her in the wrong way. Sucking in some air, her eyes roamed down toward the prefects, and someone even mentioned her twin brother! Sure, she was shocked that Romaine had managed to earn something, when he didn't do much, but she wasn't that jealous. She was an average student, with one title to her name. Nothing Prefect worthy at all.

However apparently she wasn't nearly as pretty as her brother, and she was worse than a 'dimbo'. Kendra sighed, and she pretended that it didn't bother her, when it in fact, did. It hurt her feelings. As she continued to read, she laughed at the article with Professor Snow, her aunt, and Professor Styx. Them dancing together at the Yule Ball was something hilarious to picture. Kendra continued reading, until she saw the article with Sapphire pictured, someone that was close to Jeremy. She smirked slightly seeing the words that were attacking her. Yes, Kendra didn't like Sapphire that much, but it was all personal reasons. That green monster of jealousy had an ugly effect on her, but then her heart nearly froze when she read, 'However the Head Boy seems to be stuck in the friend zone, whereas he had stuck Banshee in the friend zone.' Kendra gasped, "Oh my God." Was that...her? Surely not... Kendra liked him, admired him, but there were often thoughts that made her insecure when she thought about Jeremy. How he was this great guy, and she wasn't even human. And he was graduating this year, and she would be left all alone. These thoughts haunted her, for months now. Letting out a sigh, a defeated look washed over her face, and she was sure that the author would be proud that she got under the Slytherin's skin. She ran her fingers through her wavy blonde hair, before she walked out of the great hall, her dress flowing behind her as she walked. At least she wasn't crying. No, she wasn't upset enough for that, but she was just that, upset.
Sara walked into the Great Hall, she was late for breakfast, but she'd decided to lie-in that morning and had spent time doing her hair and makeup before heading down to breakfast. The hall was a hive of activity, with people moving from House table to House table. that in itself wasn't extremely unusual, because people often had friends in other Houses. She took her seat, and took out some toast. As she bit into the crusty butter-covered toast, she noticed something being passed around the table. She still wasn't in the best of moods, and hadn't been since she'd come back. Kate seemed to be fine, but she couldn't stop thinking about Michael. As she realised what it was that was being passed around, a groan escaped her. She grabbed a copy of the magazine, praying that she would only get a passing mention, if any, and at first that seemed to be all, a tiny mention about her singing in Kate's paragraph. Kate didn't seem to mind what they wrote about her, but that tiny sentence drove into Sara's heart. Shrieking? It wa sso cruel. Her eyes scanned the rest of the magazine, and her eyes caught a glimpse of her picture. "!" she excalimed, under her breathe. She tried to ignore it, but she had to read it, she had to.

er eyes stung ith tears as she read the article. she hadn't sung because she thought it was unfair for her to appoint herself. And she could sing, she knew she could sing, but.... The way they talked about her, about her looks, her personality, and the article on the prefects, why? Why did whoever this was hate her? She placed the piece on the table in front of her, and tried to wipe her tears discreetly. She stood up from her seat, abandoning her breakfast, and walked out of the Hall, no one else had risen yet, the meal was only halfway through, but if she stayed there, she'd get upset, and she refused to give them the satisfaction of seeing that.
Kaia bit her lip as she casually threw her hair up into a neat little bun. Kaia wasn't normally a morning person. If her roommates let her, she could easily sleep all the way until noon. But those idiots were so loud. There was no way she would be getting any sleep until they left. Which normally some of them didn't. This morning they were just as loud as usual. So Kaia did her best to ignore them until she couldn't take it anymore and left the room. Now she was up and about when she didn't really want to be just yet. Anyone who knew Kaia well knew she wasn't the friendliest person in the world when she was tired. So the fact that everyone seemed to be bustling about over something really got under her skin. 'God, does everyone in this school have to act like an idiot?' Kaia thought to herself grumpily as she shoved her way passed a group of students. She didn't have time for this crap. Kaia wanted some food then go somewhere to get her homework done. It wasn't anything much, but Kaia just didn't feel like really associating with others just yet. Maybe later once her mood perked up she would fine Zayne and they could hang out. She found him a lot more tolerable than she did anyone else in her life besides her brother and dad right now. Possibly that woman Etoile too but she didn't really get the chance to meet her yet. Hopefully she lived up to the expectations that Kaia had for her. Kaia lingered over to the table and picked up a magazine that was laying on the table. It was another one of those stupid magazines that Kaia found pointless in getting all fussed up over.

Kaia read over all the articles she could, and in the end tossed the magazine to the side. She barely knew anyone mentioned in the magazine so she honestly care little if they were true or not. The one thing that did slightly get under her skin was the fact that her brother was mentioned. They called him a freak. All because of that Mylie chick. Kaia thought that the Hufflepuff chick would be lucky if she didn't pummel that girl in the face. Kaia wondered when the others so obviously upset by this magazine was going to stop freaking out about who was written and figure out who it was that was spilling their secrets. It wasn't the magazine that they needed to be after, it was their own secrets and behavior that was ruining them.
Ameliawalked into the Slytherin common room.She hated the color of the place,it really was quite depressing.She hated where the common room was situated.The fact that she had to walk from the bottom of the castle to every other room,it was rather annoying and she wished their common room could be more central in the castle.There wasn't much people in the common room,most people where probably in the great hall having their breakfast.Amelia wasn't an early riser and she usually got into class just in time.Sometimes if it was a class she didn't like she would just skip it.She couldn't stay still for long.She usually started fidgeting if she was in a class that she didn't like.Amelia did miss her family a small bit,this was the longest she had ever been away from them and when you live in a big family all you life ,it's kind of a shock when they aren't around an more.She was almost used to it by now.She had preoccupied herself by choosing a Yule Ball dress and a Halloween outfit.It had taken ages to pick a dress.She had never thought about the Yule Ball.Hopefully she would have a good time.

Now,she was entering the great Hall.There seemed to be an unusual buzz going through the hall.Amelia looked closer and saw student looking and passing around a magazine.Curious,she walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down.She got a slice of toast and spread strawberry jam on to_Once she had poured herself a glass of apple juice she picked up a near by magazine.A few moments later she put the magazine down shaking her head.Really that was all a whole pile of rubbish or maybe there was a spark of truth in them.Either way it was just stupid and who ever had written it were sad people who enjoyed ruining others peoples life.Epiphany had been written about and she doubted Luthor would take the jab nicely.There were various other stories about a hufflepuff being a drama queen,two other hufflepuffs being players.The professor ones were quite funny though she seriously doubted they were true.Since Amelia had never heard the ravenclaw girl sing she couldn't judge.There were various other stories but since Amelia onyl knew one person it didn't make much of a difference to her.She looked up and saw various people walking out of the hall.Once she was finished her breakfast she left the hall.
The kissing stop, if only he could have more. Dymetris pulled away and laughed, shrugging. "I think you have a clue already, don't need to say just so you know" he pulled her close and lean his head right over her beautiful crown. "I love you, and I mean it. I wanted to ask you when it was the right time and when it was appropriate, you know when all of this drama had died down" he said close to a whisper. He was feeling all gushed up inside, his heart was beating fast so much that it hurt. He wished he had thought about his actions last year and not made things complicated for them, although they are out of the dust and ash, he could still feel the bit of regret for having to lust over her because he was selfish and a prick. He started to feel like his uncle sometimes, it was scary. He had to find a way to make everything okay again with a few other people besides Faxen.

'"We can talk about it more later. I have to go get my wand for class today. See you there" he kissed her lips lightly, his hand touched her soft cheeks. He wanted to do more, but he pulled back and step away from her. Whether if she wanted to or not, Dymetris will not give up that easily. He flick his wrist to Faxen, and his friends inside the great hall. All in all, the terrible magazine may have trashed a little about him, but he will not let some senseless idiots take away his happy ending. He will not, and that he promised in silence.He disappeared quickly outside the corridors, feeling a spring to his steps, there was something to be happy about today. Faxen be the reason.

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