Rumor Has It V.10


Active Member
Hello and welcome to your 10th edition of the new and spectacular 'Rumor Has It' Gossip Magazine. And we know how much everyone loves gossip, what with posters going around the school, whispers whispered, and we uncover and reveal them to you.


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Now it's no surprise to anyone to hear that the rock loving Slytherin boy is dead. He was well known to most people in the school, even if not by name but by his rock collection, or his habit of catching the snitch but now Avie Mitchell is known by everyone for his foolishness and idiocy. Who let that boy into Slytherin? He was as dimwitted as any Hufflepuff, and I for one was looking forward to him being out of the Common Room; luckily I was granted my wish early. I would be lying if I said I was alone with that feeling; plenty others shared my opinion and it's safe to say that Slytherin is a great House again. But on the note of talking safety - don't head down to the Lake anytime soon, in case a ghost appears asking you to get that shiny rock at the bottom. Unless you're in Hufflepuff, then please, follow suit (including twin sisters).


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
All the pupils at Hogwarts NZ were shocked to learn of Avie's death in the lake recently, given his notoriety amongst the student body. Those of us who knew him adored his honest behaviour, or at least, I am assured by those one who did know him. His Quidditch antics were unmatched, even by the well-loved James Adams, and his friends adored him. Or did they? Sources from his year suggest that he had two particularly close friends: Esmé Lancaster and Lucien Snow. But were they pretending? Envy of his Quidditch skills is great, and some feel that perhaps Esme felt overshadowed when she played, her meagre talent far surpassed by his seeming knowledge of where the snitch would be; a Muggleborn friend of mine once told me that Avie used an aim-bot (whatever that even is).
From the first time she saw him play, Esme clearly loathed his skill, and aimed to hurt him for it. But how exactly could she do it without alerting the professors? Teaming up with her partner-in-crime, Lucien, they set about befriending him, distracting him with talk of rocks and encouraging some reckless behaviour. Many years later, they seized an opportunity - Avie had been made an offer by a professional Quidditch team. This was the moment he had been waiting for, and he rushed at once to his two friends to relate the tale. Esme, however, subtly disarmed him by sneaking his wand from his pocket, and then suggested that he visit Lucien by the lake.
Lucien, in turn, suggested Avie dive to the bottom and collect some rocks as a gift; without his wand he decided not to use a bubble-headed charm as might be expected, but instead free-dived to the bottom. Lucien was confident he would never make it back, but when he saw Avie making his way back up for air, he cursed before casting a barrier preventing him from surfacing. Laughing as his 'friend' floundered, Lucien watched him die, before calling the professors to attend the scene. As a crowd gathered, Esme returned to gloat over Avie's dead body, blending in with the other students, a self-satisfied mood upon her.


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Olivia Havelock and Madeline Walden were spotted locking lips at the Valentine's Day dance. The kiss would not be newsworthy itself if it were not for the fact that Madeline was supposedly at the dance with her boyfriend, Felix Urie. Felix is either going blind, or he just doesn't care about Madeline Walden and her parade of infidelity this year because he only has eyes for another little Gryffindor girl with whom he spends all of his free time. This is not the first time that Madeline has made out with someone other than her supposed boyfriend. James Cade is known to be very cozy with Madeline. Rumor has it they sneak away to an abandoned classroom every now and again for some alone time. Felix Urie really should cut her loose before she winds up sixteen and pregnant with someone else's baby. We all know he can do better than someone like Madeline Walden anyway.


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
See if you can keep up with this one. So, last year Lydia Archer, who's a total bore, and Felix Warrick were a thing, but that apparently didn't last very long because this year Gabriel Fletcher and Lydia are spending tons of time together. Little ol' Felix was so upset that he and Gabriel even got into a fist fight over her. Really, what do guys see in her?! To get back at Lydia...and Gabriel too, I'm sure, Felix tried to start a thing with Saveli Matveev. He even kissed her, but he must not be that good at it because she totally turned him down and we know that Saveli doesn't turn down anyone. So then, Felix set his sights on Alana Finch at the Valentine's dance, but that didn't work out for him either! Apparently, her boyfriend who definitely isn't her fiance showed up and ruined Felix's fun. Felix, I'll help you out because you definitely need it. If anyone, and he really will date anyone, is interested, Felix can probably be found moping around the Ravenclaw table or Lydia. And, if someone can tell me what's so great about Lydia, I'd love to hear it.


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Even though the Headmistress would have you believe that the school is a safe place, we all know that isn’t true (read the Avie article above if you’ve been living under a rock!). But, I bet you haven’t heard this one. Did you know that she’s hiding the fact that Professor Woodlock and Professor Kingsley almost killed two students? It’s true. Professor Woodlock was spotted using a hover charm to escort two first years from the greenhouse to the hospital wing. Later on, he and Professor Kingsley were spotted whispering in the hospital wing as they sat over the two students, probably coming up with their alibi. Did I mention that one of the victims was Lucas, Professor Woodlock’s own cousin?! I guess there’s some family drama there. But, why was this kept a secret from all of us? Did the first years catch the professors in the middle of a secret –ahem- meeting? I bet they were victims of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sounds like Headmistress King needs to pay closer attention to what's happening in her school...or retire.


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Did anyone notice a certain first year Slytherin by the name of Noah Kingsley this year? Oh, you didn't? Really? That's funny because we didn't either. He is proving to be as unmemorable and unintelligent as our current Minister for Magic who just happens to be Noah's father. Seriously, we are counting down the days until Minister Kingsley gets the boot. Surely Professor Kingsley, the Head of Gryffindor, was shocked to find her precious itty bitty boy stuck in the Slytherin house. Or perhaps she didn't want Noah in her house. She didn't want to overshadow him with her inadequate leadership. She's made quite a few mistakes this year alone, and she can't even control her own niece and nephew. Professor Styx runs a much tighter ship. Little Kingsley has done nothing this year to show us that he is any different than his extremely incompetent, know-nothing parents.


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Unless you are in the House that claims they are chivalrous, you would have missed out on the break up of a couple that everyone knew was happening; and it was finally bought to light. Jean Snow broke up with - no not Victoire (well yes, but we'll get to her later), but Archie Renner. It was in the middle of Common Room, my sources say, right in front of everyone. Who knows, maybe it was a publicity stunt? A reenactment of how Snow's and Fontaine's break up went? Jean is on a roll, breaking two hearts in one semester. Perhaps it was because of Renner that the two Head people broke up, or perhaps it's just because Snow is incredibly average - if no one has told you that kid, now you know. There's literally nothing special about you, no matter what your boy-toy says. And Archie? Did something happen to you? There's no way your face is supposed to look like that. Good merlin, 'this place has gone to the dogs'.

H A V E Y O U H E A R D T H E S E R U M O R S ?
[ul][li]Sheridan Belrose burnt his one and only rose during the Valentines deliveries. Word from the wise Sheridan, I don't think anyone else is ever going to love you. Take what you can get. It must really suck to be you all the time.</LI>
[li]Warning. Evelyn Manning desperate for attention. She will take any kind from anyone. But approach with caution; Manning is to be fed make-up, so she can be pretty on the inside.
[li]Oh, did you guys hear? We have a forest animal running around the school. And I don't mean a werewolf (which we have in the school, so look out!), but Fawn Burrow. Not only do her manners suck, but she even smells like she was just rolling in dirt. Talk about taking the term mudblood to a whole new level.
[li]Silus Hollister threw a dinner roll at a poor firstie that gave him a pink rose. Silus, you should have been thanking her for what was so obviously a mistake since we know no one likes you enough to send you a rose unless it was just as a joke.
[li]Throwback to the whole Snow and Fontaine thing, during Valentine's dance, everyone saw the babies of the siblings snogging. Oh Lucien, Jean and Victoire, what will you do about your tiny people?
<LI>[li]Still talking about rose deliveries, did anyone notice Cole Ignatius running away from people trying to deliver roses? Talk about weird. What is your issue, dude? Maybe he has some strange fear of roses.[/li][/ul]

So there you have it kids. Owl us with any rumors - whether its something you've seen, or something you want to spread, we want it all!
Remember, the Eyes are watching you.
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OOCOut of Character:
Remember, if you know who we are, then do not say a word, thank you.
Be realistic with your posts. Not everyone will find this funny, especially those that were written about.

We don't condone bullying in any way, shape, or form; however, we appreciate that bullying is something experienced by students, even those in the magical community.
As far as Daisy was aware, it was a normal day. There wasn't anything special happening, everyone was stressed getting their final exams done but there wasn't an apparent reason for the buzz happening in the Great Hall as the Gryffindor entered. The atmosphere wasn't at all like Daisy was used to, she wondered if something terrible had happened again. The reason presented itself to Daisy when she sat at the Gryffindor table and looked down, to find a magazine sitting there. A quick glance around told her that lots of people were reading it as well. She'd never seen it before, but the first sentence where the magazine introduced itself made Daisy angry already. Unable to help herself, however, her eyes glanced through the stories, her eyes watering at what the monster had said about Avie. It went on to blame two Slytherins, and Daisy glanced up, trying to find the two, unable to believe that someone would be that heartless and cruel. Daisy continued to read, her cheeks flushing at the mention of Sheridan burning his rose, before she slammed the magazine down. The second year didn't feel particularly hungry anymore, instead she just felt angry and upset. She stormed out of the Great Hall, heading to the Lawn, where a run would hopefully clear her head.
Hoping for a quiet end to the year was a silly move on Jean's part, he was realizing now. With the way that the year had gone, he should have expected a copy of RHI to come out. Even before he'd reached for a copy, the scowl on his face deepening, Jean could tell by the side eye that he was getting that he was in it. But before he could even get that far, he was stunned to see a picture of Avie. Surely they wouldn't be so...Jean didn't even finish that thought before realizing that they were that savage, that disgusting. He was sickened by the accusation that his brother or Esme had anything to do with Avie's death. He knew the love that both of them had for him. The story about him breaking up with both Archie and Victoire was laughable compared to the first two stories. And then there was the story about Emma and Tholomyes. He narrowed his eyes, looking down the table for his sister. He'd warned her that people were watching, and here was the proof. Vanishing the copy in his hand, Jean tapped his wand on the whole stack in front of him and watched it all vanish with some satisfaction. There were copies everywhere though, on all of the other tables and even scattered on the floor.
Archie was more energetic than usual that day, having realised how soon it was until the end of the year and how soon it would be until he could see his family again. He was so focused on the amount of fun he would have in the holidays that he nearly didn't notice the new issues of RHI scattered around the great hall until he approached the Gryffindor table and sat down. The whispers he was getting soon turned his attention to it so he picked up an issue nearest to him and began reading. The articles about Avie were disrespectful and caused him to frown however the article about Jean caused him to smile as he brought a hand over his mouth to hold back laughter. The 'break up' he and Jean had in the common room was a joke from beginning to end though Archie liked that it was mentioned simply for the fun of it all. He soon stood back up and approached Jean, throwing the issue of RHI he was holding in front of the head boy dramatically as he exclaimed "You were cheating on me this whole time?!" while he further fought back laughter. Archie didn't know if the stuff written about Jean and Victoire was true but he did know that he wanted to make light of the article and joke about what it said. Jean would be graduating soon and Archie couldn't think of any other way to make the time he still had with the older boy worthwhile besides joking about anything and everything. Joking about RHI in particular was an opportunity too good to pass up and Archie hoped Jean felt the same.
By now, it was obvious that the authors of RHI were passed on, the magazine had been around for a long time. There were years where it was quiet, but there were times like this, when Ava's stomach dropped as she walked into the Great Hall. It wasn't a pleasant site, and the Headmistress had had enough. Ava couldn't care less about the rumors that went around her, but it was heart breaking to see the affects it had on the students. And the stories about Avie...that was too far. The Headmistress spent her breakfast pouring over the words, looking for a tell, watching the students and seeing who wasn't too affected. There was a story that had a definite Slytherin taste to it, and with talks of a twin, Ava felt the clues click in her brain. It was time to pay a certain Faye twin a visit.
Professor Kingsley had only been passing by the Great Hall when she noticed the pile of magazines at the doorway. With a grimace, the woman summoned a copy towards her, a look of disgust wrinkling her expression as she saw the familiar ‘Rumour has it’ across the top of the page. The woman glanced into the room, wondering if her colleagues at the staff table had noticed the copies. The article about her would have been laughable was it not touting such a horrible accusation against her and Professor Woodlock. The woman was glad that her boss, the Headmistress, knew what had actually transpired. She shook her head, clearly disturbed at the article and wondering who actually thought it was funny to make up such outrageous stories.

Not too much further in was another article about her son. The woman knew how horrible she felt upon reading about herself and could only imagine what her son was feeling as he sat at the Slytherin table. Muttering a curse under her breath, the woman picked up as many copies as she could carry, depositing them in the nearest bin…where they belonged.

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