RPs for the silent girl - go on, you know you want to!

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Charlotte Bouvier

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
hey guys!

so this is my new charrie, Charlotte (Char, Lottie, etc). Everyone say hello to Charlotte.

Now, Char's had a hard life. :cry: (get out the tissues, guys ;) )Her mother was killed when she was ten by her abusive, alcoholic father, who also abused Char. Since then, she's become more and more shy and scared of people in general. Her father home-schooled her because he needed someone to take care of him, so Char's been taking care of her father, who whips her, beats her, and just all round abuses her. He's an extreme alcoholic, and is a violent and angry person. He kept Char kind of shut away from everyone - she stayed in the house pretty much all the time, except for ballet classes. But recently, Char's father was discovered and accidentally killed while they were trying to arrest him (muggles, although he was a wizard, while drunk he basically forgot all magic). Char is now an orphan and will hopefully (pending application being accepted) transfer to HNZ as a shy, scared new fifth year. She doesn't talk - she's kind of taken a vow of silence, and while she CAN hear, she won't speak. She's also very shy but very sweet and smart. If you become her friend, she's very loyal and dependable, and is good at taking care of people, but bad at taking care of herself and standing up for herself.

Sorry. That was long. :doh: Now Char needs:

Friends - people who can kind of look after her and just be good to her - people who will help get her to trust people again.
Enemies - someone to bully her for being shy and silent, and she will just submit to the bullying, up until she starts speaking again and becomes more confident.
A mentor/substitute sibling - someone older (guy or girl) who would be like an older brother/sister to her, and could look out for her (show her around when she's new, stand up for her if she gets bullied, etc.)
A boyfriend - someone to get Char to open up and talk again, someone who will look after her and protect her, etc. A nice guy.

So, anyone got anything/anyone who could be a possibility? Come on, you know you want to ;)
I've got a very god person for Char!

Tawny Scrawny Goblin here! She is brave and sweet, and has even laughed in the face of death (*cough*Kyouhei Watanuki *cough*), but she is still sweet, shy, and small. She was born no larger then her father's palm, a part goblin baby. She is still very small, and at the age of 14 only tops at 2'6". A lot of people have a tendency to discriminate against her, doubting her skills and her strive to be good at what she does, so instead, Tawny rubs it in there face by being out there and faking confidence. Tawny is perfect because she can help show Char that, even when the world makes you feel so small, if you try hard enough... you can feel bigger then all of the people that stand in your way...

Wow, was that cheesy! (Hehe, I should get cookies for cheesy!)

I could offer you Zeph. He's a little crazy so they would be complete opposites.
But Zeph would find her quite interesting. Also, if you need it, Zeph would interested in lodging Charlotte. Since he's the outsider of his family.

Zeph is a loyal person, he can be quite funny and caring, but this has to be brought out of him. (the caring part). He's loves to drink and go out with his friends to a party. He rebels a lot and hates professors and school. He is very immature and will always deny that he has done anything wrong. He is a party animal. He'll hopefully be attending hogwarts next year.
Now Zeph is an open kind of guy but he doesn't really talk about things. He'll say something but not go into great depth.

They would be complete opposites but I think it could be pretty Fun.
if you disagree say, cause I'm throwing out ideas.
YAAY!!! :woot: Hugs to you all!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Now, down to business...

Char and Vanessa: Sounds good, since Vanessa's in school, maybe we could do something during the (IC) hols?

Char and Tawny: Also sounds good - do you want to start something, or do you want me to? Where is Tawny at the moment, because that could affect when and where they meet. But she sounds good.

Char and Zeph: Okay, I can soooo see this! Him being like her best guy friend, and him shaking her up and making her live a little, and then her like helping him do his homework (*cough copying cough*) and worrying about him and trying to bring out the caring part in him. What sort of relationship do you see them having, and do you want to set up and RP, or me? Where does he live/how could they meet?

Thanks guys, I was not expecting such an epic response. That being said, anyone else is still free to suggest something ;)

PS Zeph - the lodging thing sounds good, so could Char lodge with him maybe in the hols, once they're friends? Thanks ;)
I can offer Zac Kuang and be paranoid together xD :p

he used to be those who think positively but since he knew that his cousin's life's is in danger, he became paranoid.

but overall, he's nice, loyal, friendly, and kind and is not a violent-type of person.

(Pfft Cole I'm gonna kill tawny :p , jk)
Char and Zac: Sounds good, although Char isn't paranoid. ;) But still, good. Is Zac a student at HNZ? If so, what year and how could they meet? I'm excited!!
nawwww :( he's a durmstrang
I dont mind ^_^ perhaps europe?

Okay, Awesome.
I think that the relationship between the two at first would be a little awkward. Like he would be his usual self, which considering Charlottes silence would be pretty over whelming (most likely) but I see him just kind of talking away to her. And from that they become friendly and when they start school, can stick together.
To start an RP maybe we should have it in the Kids Park. Because Zeph would be the type to hang out at a park.
Would you like to start it or shall I?
Sorry I was away so long! But Tawny is going to be transferring into HNZ (hopefully) soon.
Right now, she is homeschooled.
She could meet her anywhere for now.
And if you could please start something?
Char and Zac: Sure - do you want to start something, or me? :)

Char and 'Nessa: I don't mind, either way. ^_^

Char and Zeph: Yes, defo! She would be ever-so-slightly terrified of him, but then would just kind of go with it, tutting occasionally and helping sober him up :p I don't mind who starts it - either or. ;)

Char and Tawny: Doesn't matter - so was I! :r Char's home schooled, or was - that could be some common ground for them. I'll start something now and will post up the link once I'm done. Just let me switch charries...
Tawny - I just realised I have no idea about Tawny's location, which could help in where I post the RP ;) Could you drop me a line about where Tawny lives, so I have an idea about where would be appropriate?
She's going back and fourth from Japan to New Zealand. Trying to get a hold of her surroundings
Anywhere you feel Char would be!
Before you have a little go at me ( :r ) I did NOT know you had made this account when I made mine xD

Kerrani doesn't speak either. It would be amusing for them to meet. Whaddya think? :)
Char and Kerrani - yeah, that could be interesting. Is Kerrani starting NHZ next year? Because then Char could almost be like an older buddy. Why doesn't Kerry talk? I won't have a go at you - I didn't expect you to have gone 'I'll do that too!'. I actually came up with Char during Physics. But anyway, do you want to start something or me? ^_^

Others: Sorry - I will start something soon, I promise, I just have exams at the moment, but will get that done asap! ;)

Thanks for starting it, I had completely forgotten about them
Here is the RP for Tawny and Char!
I'm now applying for Tawny to be a sorted character. Once I get a reply I will let you know more. Again, I'm sorry it has taken so long, it's just been hectic for me here. It wont be long now, hopefully.

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